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Author Topic: Youth Tournament  (Read 422 times)


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Youth Tournament
« on: October 22, 2007, 11:25:58 AM »
I bowled in a tournament in Racine, IL, at Plaza Bowling Center.  Sunday (10/21) was qualifying.  I had sprained my ankle last monday and was not able to use my normal release.  I had to keep my approach and release slow, smooth, and easy.  I was put in class A, 161-200 AVG, 90% of 200 handicap.  I had a whopping 4 pins handicap, I had a 198 AVG last year, it was a 4 game qualifier.  I might have been able to move up to scratch, but didn't think I would be able to beat some of the other scratch bowlers.  I ended up in 1st in my division, and would have ended up 1st in scratch by a pin.  I shot 276, 258, 245, 188 for a 967 (241 AVG).  The 4 game total is a career high and the first 3 games would have been I career high series for me (779, previous was 741 earlier this year).  The 276 was not a career high, career high was 279.  Next week I have to back there for semifinals and championship trophies.

15# Ebonite Xxxcel
15# Track Animal
14# Columbia Scout/R (spare ball)

Edited on 10/22/2007 7:33 PM