I was overjoyed when I brought home my JACKAL and I couldnt wait to throw it but when I threw it the first time on a fresh shot, not flooded at all but there was a lot of oil on the lane, it went straight as an arrow.
So I went what the &*&^%$##@ I threw at OOB and it was a dud, I couldnt believe it as I thought I just spent a lot of $$$ on a freaking spare-ball so after seeing that it offered a very small hook I then tried doing what we are supposed to try
so I put it on my spinner and tried some polish, NOPE! so I put it on my spinner and tried some more polish, again NOPE!! so then I so I put it on my spinner applied some different AB-pads on it, NOPE!
So to make my long story longer
I took it back to my driller and said, redrill it and put a 4 1/2 X 4 X 2 drill pattern on it and lets see what happens...BAM!! a hooking freaking beast!
So perhaps you need a stronger drill pattern on yours, dunno Bro, just making a suggestion for you as that ball is superb!! Good Luck!