So far with the Tag in 2 different houses...763, 742, 693 and 700. My avg in one house is 218 and in the other 202. Love this ball! Its my first Motiv ball...Now the question...Ive seen all the duribility posts and videos of the Motiv cover stocks and Im impressed with that...BUT I see a lot of post on how the Octane isnt that great, the Panic is OK but not great etc...So, With the Tag being where it is in a line up (light oil) even tho its stronger then that...what are the next 2 balls up from the Tag to put in my bag? The Venom Shock? Forza? Primal Rage? Another Tag drilled different? I dont know all the stats like tilt etc...but speed is 15 to 16, medium track, medium to higer revs, tweener.