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Author Topic: Reaction difference between the Venom Shock and Primal Shock?  (Read 10038 times)


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Motive Bowlers: What is the reaction difference between the  a newer version Venom Shock and the Primal Shock? My son really likes the Venom Shock I gave him many years ago. It was one of the origin ones (10 years or so). He would like to add a new Motiv ball to his arsenal. Was wondering if this would be a good addition.

Also, how much different is the newer version of the Venom Shock verses his original one. He was wondering if he should drill another Venom Shock or a Primal Shock.
Thanks for the help.



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Re: Reaction difference between the Venom Shock and Primal Shock?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2024, 06:32:32 PM »
The Primal Shock has more overall hook and has more backend than the Venom. It also rolls a bit later than the Venom.
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Re: Reaction difference between the Venom Shock and Primal Shock?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2024, 08:02:45 AM »
If he likes the original Venom Shock then I’d get a new Venom Shock. The cover is slightly stronger than the older one that he has and the older has probably died a bit over the years.