Majik came up and introduced himself during our third game of the Sunday morning team squad. It was nice meeting him.
In 12 games I had a high in the 240s and low in the 170s. Totaled around 2500. Never put anything together for a big game or set.
During the fifth frame of my second team set on Sunday afternoon, while setting my feet I noticed that something was odd. From the center dot on the approach to either dot left or right, there are five boards between them instead of four. That was why what I thought had been a two board move with my feet had actually been three and I came up light. We were on 17 and 18. Lanes 19 and 20 had the same thing. I went down and looked at 23 and 24 (where we had been in the morning) and those lanes were normal. So remember to check the approaches when making moves with your feet.