I was right with you (I love to shoot on the PBA patterns; it lets me practice all my other release ... intentionally) until you mentioned the 41 foot flat oil US Open pattern.
While that is great for practice, it is terrible for actual bowling. I watched the pros and the amateurs for 3 full days on that torture test. That is not bowling; not in 1950, not in 1980, not now. I can't tell you the number of people I knew who would not bowl in that tournament because of that oil pattern. And these are skilled craftsman, not house 230 average bowlers.These are people who have won enough money not to have to have a job but they still do.
AND after watching all the sufering that week, I can only agree 110%. I had a chance to practice on it at Howell Lanes and I refused. I'm glad I did.
You are good and getting better all the time. You're probably the best of our little "practice and get-together" group, except for NextlevelPS, Lonce. Bowling on the PBA patterns will be good for you & us and fun. Bowl on a flat oil pattern for practice ONLY.