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Author Topic: my states scores and reads  (Read 618 times)


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my states scores and reads
« on: May 10, 2009, 12:16:53 PM »
Drilled a NEW ball to take to states with me this yr, I have had it laying around for 5 months and decided at the chiding of buzzaussie to punch it.... it was a 15 pound Enriched with a 2" pin, put the pin under and right of ring cg in palm....(2nd ball I have drilled for myself out of the new shop) took it Thursday to synthetics to practice on (at 1130 PM) bowled 3 games with it, made some cover adjustments with it by hand, slapped a bit of polish on it (beans sauce)  and tossed it in the bag to take with me.

Got there and opened the thumb up a bit more and adjusted the fingers a bit..... started the first game standing on the middle dot playing right up 11, found nothing consistant there for a huge 160...swtiched around balls from enriched to nebula and back and forth (me missing spares) thought to myself lets stop fishing and throw the damn ball junior. I bumped my line in one board and started playing a tight 2-3 board swing. 12-10,9 and 10 strikes later was in position to shoot the 11th for a chance to shoot my 1st ever 300, at states no less.!!!!!!!! WOW. Got soft with the ball and it dove thru the nose to leave a 3 pin...  thought well 289 is good and picked the spare up. next game bumped up or back on approach to get carry back after 2 shots found it and strung some more together, had shot a 26+ going into tenth.... WAM open. 24+... ok not too shabby 692 series for singles.... YEA BABY !!!

switched prs for doubles and shot 18+ game 1. carry issues... little more bump up and back to find carry again....(same line still) string front 7 then stone a 9 pin, spare and sheet it for 279.!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
last gm ok for 190... line started burning up a bit and did not catch it fast enough...

move on to teams at noon today got loose during practice and let the 1st one go... same exact line I was playing at 1st house. little more backend smash pocket. stone a 10 pin flag it right........ think CRAP!!!!!!! move my feet 2 boards left to get my roll back (still thowing the EU) 11 strikes later I had 279 in gm #1 and my very 1ST award score from our great and wonderful  USBC an 11 in a row plaque.

I am thinking is this REAL !!! WOW pinch me.... yup its real. gm 2 more of the same carry issues, I read the lanes as starting to break down bad (2nd shift oil) so I pull out the Nebula (14LB) after the 4th frame and sheet it for 223, 502 going into last game..... WOW only second time in life that I hd 500 after 2..... from the 1st ball thinkin 800.... mistake. ram the 1st ball thru (EU again) and stone the next 2 9 pin and a 10 pin. Eu is now jumping very hard.... so I pull out the Neb again.... and adjusted deeper, few single pin spares and then it really starts up on me, so I move deeper, andleave 2- 4,7s in a row... and really start to scratch my head....... then i happen to look at my feet and think hey if I am moving deeper I should not be standing straight in line with the approaches any more and kick my heels 2 boards left of toe and start stringing them again.... tapped another 10 and had a 2,8,10 in there somewhere. for a huge 173.


692, 653 and 675 for a 200 on the nose average bowler at states is GREAT!!!

2074 all events with cap.. 2020 scratch.... with a brand new ball. THIS IS WHY I THROW LANE #1 gear!!!!! ball to ball consistancy in changing balls, just so freakin predictable I am not afraid to punch a new one out with whatever layout and be confident I can roll with it....

I probably flagged 6 single pin spares this weekend too....I had 2 balls crossover at my own fault.... one pulled ball and one was one of those balls you knew off your hand that you "caught every ounce of it" and the cover had the possibility of melting.

LANE #1 is  Chuckie ya told me to tear em up........ I DID!!!!!


Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!