
Regional Action => NorthEast => Topic started by: wildbush300 on October 27, 2008, 12:44:02 AM

Title: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: wildbush300 on October 27, 2008, 12:44:02 AM
Do you think the economy has alot to do with the decline in entries for local tournaments?

Just wanted to talk about this today, with yet another declining day on Wall Street.

Yes we all have regular attendees that participate in the tournaments but have we gotten down to just the core tourney bowlers who are committing funds to tournament play.   That is about 25 bowlers per event and maybe another 10 who trickle in and out?

Are we heading into a recession where those access funds are just to precious to take a chance?  

I dont know for sure, but I see a definite trend right now, what about you?
Tournament Director Triple Threat Tournaments
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: wildbush300 on October 27, 2008, 11:22:53 AM
Interesting.   30+ views and no replies.
Tournament Director Triple Threat Tournaments
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: MAJM on October 27, 2008, 11:25:48 AM
Down here in SWFL there has been a decline in participation. The claim is the economy but we're getting closer to the holidays and around here and entries usually go down.
Join the Revolution
Giggidy, giggidy, gig-gi-dy! (http://"")
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Spider Ball Bowler on October 27, 2008, 11:40:20 AM
Could be a mixture of things.  Here in Michigan we have a really big tournament series here.  I stopped for a couple reasons.

1) I moved and started college again, so I can't afford to be bowling

2) The lane conditions were super easy and the guys in the series are all stars that can score on anything.  You had to average 233+ just to make the cut, then unless you shot about 800 the next 3 being in the bottom you weren't going anywhere anyways.  It got frustrating, because they were all over Michigan, and the drive wasn't worth it.

Mostly because I'm not that good and don't feel like donating all the time...
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Gazoo on October 28, 2008, 08:55:02 AM
Common sense. 2/3 of tournament bowlers are donaters. When the economy heads south, people feel they have less to donate. Paying the bills always has priority.

"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: los2003 on October 28, 2008, 09:15:38 AM
I agree I'm in mich too and the shots are either very easy or very hard. I think they do it so everyone will feel like they have a chance to win.. but you hav to shoot 750 to 800 most times to win. so if you get tapped a couple times you are doomed.

Could be a mixture of things.  Here in Michigan we have a really big tournament series here.  I stopped for a couple reasons.

1) I moved and started college again, so I can't afford to be bowling

2) The lane conditions were super easy and the guys in the series are all stars that can score on anything.  You had to average 233+ just to make the cut, then unless you shot about 800 the next 3 being in the bottom you weren't going anywhere anyways.  It got frustrating, because they were all over Michigan, and the drive wasn't worth it.

Mostly because I'm not that good and don't feel like donating all the time...
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mike L on October 28, 2008, 02:53:57 PM
Heres my .02 on this topic.  I have discussed this with a couple directors too.

I bowl in several different areas in VA, MD, and PA.  In the northern virginia and baltimore area it seems that all the directors there are making the shots more competitive and trust me id much rather have to avg 210 and make money then 250, however most of the so called "donaters" as people call them, are not participating for that reason just as much as the economy.  For example if a guy is paying twice as much for gas then he was, then he looks at ways to save, the first thing he says is well im not making money bowling.  And lets say this guy is a 220 house bowler but particpates alot in tournaments with little success, because the director has put out a PBA pattern, how many times do you think that guy is going to keep coming out and bowling?  However if the shot is close to what he bowls on and feels he can compete, he may still be bowling to try and make a few extra bucks to pay for that increase in gas and everything else.  Several tournaments in that area are WAY down in entries and almost little side action anymore.  And on top of that sometimes it takes rocket science to figure out some of the formats the directors are making for the tournaments.

Now in the Chambersburg area, they have a tournament every sunday at one of the houses in the 20-30 mile area there.  Most are the same format, bowl 6 games cut to top 5 for stepladder.  Entry fee is $30, payout ratio is 1:3 (which I think is way to high 1:6 should be the ratio).  On top of gettting 40-60 people at every tournament, they get anywhere from 40-100 brackets and guess what THEY ARE DEAD WALLED!  Like I said I hate bowling on that stuff but those for now are the places that I can make money at.  

Now I know people are gonna complain that they don't wanna bowl on house shots, but heres the question, do you want 20 guys with 10 brackets with an $60-80 entry fee or 40-60 guys for a $30 entry with lots of side action?  Because I know for a fact that the handful of guys that are still bowling every sunday like myself are going to bowl no matter what anyway, so in my opinion to get the local house guys and the over inflated average guys to participate, the directors are going to have to start making the shots easier.  Guys like myself, Cavey, and the handful of others that always bowl are still going to bowl because its not a hobby to us, its a part time job and we will adapt to the environment.

Make it simple, cheap, and easy and entries will come!

"Typical House Bowler"

Edited on 10/28/2008 4:01 PM
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: baer300 on October 29, 2008, 08:13:22 AM
I have to agree with Mike on this. He very true with the Chambersburg area thing, as their entries have not seen the decrease that others have. I enjoy bowling on tougher shots as well, just don't always have the time to make it to alot of the tourneys that I want bowl. I for one know a couple of people who won't bowl on tougher conditions because they need the big area to play. I do not agree with the easy conditions of today but it is  what it is. As Mile said an average Joe that averages 220 on a house shot is typically not going to bowl on a tough shot due to they are usually not that good with making shots.
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: wildbush300 on October 29, 2008, 10:13:56 AM
Hi Mike,

I will definitely take that into account.  I dont know about a house shot and I usually do USBC patterns, but I definitely thought about that as well.
As for entry fee, lineage is up and unless you have a off peak time any real format costs.  You cant have alot of games and a nice payout with a $50 entry. You just cant do it in these centers.

When I had my tournament on Sats and it was the house shot with variation due to the youth league bowling on it prior to my tournament... entries were pretty big.  I guess in some ways you have to decide what your trying to create as a TD.  My Mens and womens tournaments had 33 & 34 bowlers respectively but most who attended got in everything and therefore the pots & brackets were more than decent for the number of participants.    The shot was competitive and so were the bowlers.

I guess we just have to decide who our intended audience is going to be and live with it.   I prefer not to have a shootout when I am traveling or not and like to feel the people who win or cash have earned it and not just had the better matchup with ball aand Carry.  However, I do agree that maybe some are down due to the patterns as well, especially since the economy is not thriving.
Tournament Director Triple Threat Tournaments
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: dpunky on October 29, 2008, 01:25:46 PM
Mike has some good points in his post.  My reason for not entering tournaments after I came back from the USBC Open in Albuquerque has come down to my economic situation and the on going down turn of the economy.  I like bowling tournaments because of the competition and the opportunity to bowl against the best bowlers in the area.  I wasn't the best bowler coming out of my league (didn't average a 200), but wanted better bowlers to bowl against, regardless if I won or loss.  But I just was losing more money entering these tournaments because I was not able to even cash.  I know that I needed more time to work on my game before entering another tournament.  Plus I was making more money passing certification exams, because my company reimburses me for the exam fee, and gives me a sizeable bonus for passing each certification exam.  This bonus is a lot more money than the top prize in a bowling tournament or winning a league.  With some certifications requiring two or more tests, I can make a lot of money in a short amount of time.  

Another reason that I don't enter some tournaments is that my center never advertises them.  They may hide the tournament flyer, or never even put it out.  Plus know one in my league even enters tournaments.  If it wasn't for this website, I would have no clue if a tournament was hapenning in my area.
Ken - aka "dpunky" - Certified USBC Level I Coach

Edited on 10/29/2008 1:26 PM
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: SKIDSNAP on October 29, 2008, 01:31:01 PM
It is the $30 entry fee that draws the bowlers not the lane condition.  You would get decent entries with a $30 fee no matter what pattern you put down.

Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mike L on October 29, 2008, 02:15:21 PM
Before the economy, yes, now with the economy, no its not gonna happen.  Your average league bowler is not just gonna give away at least $30 every sunday.  A prime example of this is the tournament that Suburban Bowlerama in York use to run.  Use to be $35 entry fee, bowl 4 games, brackets 2-4 and Alex would max people like me out at 99.  Well word got out that if you shoot 210s across the boards you wacked them, so more and more of the better bowlers started going up there and winning all the money and guess who stopped bowling, all the so called "donaters" and the entry fee was the same and the economy was in better shape then but your local league bowlers are not gonna just keep giving away their money when they feel they have no shot to win.

I just bowled the hagerstown doubles tourney this week on a dead wall, 40 teams, 86 single brackets, 30 team brackets.  Now next month for some reason the guy is going to put down a kegel pattern instead of his house shot, should be real interesting to see how many of their regulars participate.

All im saying is from my point in bowling the last 6 years or so in many different environments and tournaments, it seems to me that the people that are getting the entries are the ones that have these cheap easy tournaments.
"Typical House Bowler"
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Current Exempt on October 29, 2008, 03:28:05 PM
Why don't you try something that gives back to the prize fund to attract bowlers?  Maybe something like $2.50 per bracket gets put back into the prize fund if there are lower than 50 entries.  I believe $5 is the noraml take now.  Putting up $65 and 5th paying $75 on 40 entries is just rediculous.  I know the money can only be spread so much around but it's a bad investment to bowl tournaments these days.  The lane conditions do need to be easier to attract entries so the previous post's are correct on that.  As long as you can get the bowlers there a few times with good ideas just maybe they might keep coming back.
You have to spend money to make money.
Just a thought.
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 29, 2008, 03:30:29 PM
I am going to weigh in on this topic as a bowler and as some who runs tournaments ( I’ve been having this very talk with Walton ( and some of my friends who bowl any and everything. Before I move forward, let me break down the economics:

•   3-4 $175-220 balls
•   1 $140 bag
•   1 $120 pair of shoes
•   $30-200 tournaments

You do the math! Who wants to spend that kind of dough to shoot 160, 170, 180 games every time they bowl a tournament. We all have egos and we want to stroke them with big scores so that when we are standing around the cooler we can brag about what we bowled. The core group of tournament bowlers keep screaming “MAKE ‘EM TOUGH!” but in the process the occasional tournament bowlers are lost. If you are the cream of the crop, you will find your way to the top regardless of the scoring pace. Some of the very people crying the scores are to high use to roll a lot of high scores too.

So now you are asking, where is the middle of the road scoring pattern? GOOD LUCK! Luck is just what 40 Boards experienced at Opposites Attract this past June when we shortened the house shot a little. The shot allowed folks to wear the pocket out but the scoring pace was reasonable as it took a team average of 413.4 to make the first cut and 428.8 after 14 games to cash. Year one of the doubles tournament, we had something way to hard down and finding a happy bowler was almost impossible to find. When I say hard, there were 72 bowlers and maybe 13 (18% of the field) averaged 200 and the field was talented with some solid amateur talent including: Fero Williams, George Gohagan and now exempt PBA members Edward VanDaniker, Joy Esterson Trisha Reid & Jen Petrick. The field looked a lot happier this year until the air conditioning died. People ask me all of the time, what about the happy median. If putting out something in the middle was so easy, we’d all do it at our tournaments now. The left-right issue is here to stay just like the 500 RPM people against the 250rpm people is here to stay.

I’ll be the first to say, the PBAx patterns are turning into something impossible to duplicate. One time you need a sanded ball to play the Cheetah and the next time you need a white dot at the same center. Did any of you go to VMSBT’s September event? The Scorpion was down – man were people crying the blues when they could not keep up with the scoring pace. The only thing I heard during and after the event was how VMSBT messed up. Did VMSBT lay the pattern down or did the center lay the pattern down? And then people were bumping their gums to those that would listen about how high scoring it was. Peep last December’s stop at the very same Country Club when Rhino Page set the PTQ scoring mark. That surface just matches to the pattern for some reason. There was a tournament in Virginia that went to the Chameleon for their weekly tournament after varying the patterns previously. Man, the middle of the lane was like carpet and the lefties were playing somewhere left of 8 and even scuffing their balls. Of course it held up since there were like 5 in the field of 30. Guess which bowlers benefited from this the most? LOL Some of us are starting to learn that when the house shot is down, it can be unpredictable too as centers aren’t oiling or just running their morning shot on what’s left from the previous day.

Some are speculating that a lower entry fee will bring entries. I’ve heard $500 up top is not worth coming. I’ll do the math this time winning $500 at a tournament that take 3 hours is like having a full-time career paying you $346K a year. Each of us has to decide why we are there. There are bowlers who bowl because they want to improve and realize they need to bowl against stronger bowlers, then there are those bowling for the competition (at least that’s what I hear from the PBA regional supporters) and then of course there are those there for the hustle aka the money.

If you want to know how to bring the entries, take a look at the tournaments that have a lot of entries. To start, they are annual events so they feel special. Oh yeah, the field can strike too. Or there is a big top prize whether based on entries or guaranteed and we all believe we can win!
Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
"The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 29, 2008, 03:40:09 PM
To confirm what someone said earlier, it is hard finding out about tournaments if you aren't in the know. So it's our job as tournament organizations to promote our events.
Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
"The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: wildbush300 on October 29, 2008, 04:41:02 PM
Hi Skidsnap,  one thing I donot have problems with is having Zero Expense line although I use my gas and time for months before my tournaments.  I have tournaments at least 3 times a year with months of advertizing beforehand.  I give special prizes and everything.   Bowlers cant have it all time and staff working the tournament deserve something too.

The bowlers are getting something.. A fair shot, Integrity in the Finances of the tournament and competition.

Not all tournaments are out there to make money off the bowlers... quite a few... vmsbt, 40 boards as well as Triple threat  are having tournaments to bring the Venue to this md,dc,va,de area.   We are not making mortgage payments off of tourneys.   Most of these people are our friends and associates and we donot take advantage but appreciate their support of our tournaments.
Tournament Director Triple Threat Tournaments
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mike L on October 29, 2008, 07:23:11 PM
Jeff says it all.  You are NEVER going to please bowlers, just won't happen.  My point is that I think people are getting tired of donating in that area and have decided to just not participate.  Just my opinion.  

And those "core" group that bowl every week, will still continue to bowl, because like Jeff said those guys will find a way to be competitive.  Most bowlers are not talented enough to find something each and every Sunday.  Yeah guys will complain about the scoring pace, but guess what MOST of them will still be back, because most of them feel they can compete when its an easier pattern.  Of course we all have a certain style we love to see at every event that matches up to us, but the bottom line is, id rather have 50-60 guys and 60-80 brackets on a dead wall and 30 guys in them than 20-30 with 20-30 brackets and only 10-12 different guys in them.

The problem with the PBA patterns are certain guys know where to play on the lane and how the lanes should be played, but most don't and it seems the biggest thing on those patterns is who your crossing with, otherwise it can be a real long day.  I tried telling Jim Smith this about 6 months ago and now it seems his tournaments have gone to almost nothing.  I mean 7 guys for 2 squads at the quick and cheap and 44 total entries for a 3 day tournament that was advertised $5000 on 200 entries wouldn't get the house guys to bowl.  Entry fee was too high and he advertised the Chameleon pattern, so there was no chance the locals that avg 220-230 were gonna bowl.  

Im not saying all tournaments should be $30 either, because thats too cheap and theres not much money made in the tournament, however with that cheap entry fee, it allows bowlers to get in brackets that wouldn't do it when entry fees are $80-$100 and thats why they get that many brackets and most of us know in order to actually make some money bowling, you make it in the side action.

Here's the money breakdown on Lincoln Lanes tournaments

Entry fee will be $30.00 -- $6.00 bowling fee, $23.00 prize fee, $1.00 expense fee.

Now I know you guys in the city can't get lineage for $1 a game, but wouldn't the centers rather have 60 guys making $360 than 20 guys making $360.  I mean how much more do you think they would make in the snack bar area and beer sales?  I know its not the directors fault at all and im not blaming them, im just stating some things that I feel is the cause for a decline in entries.
"Typical House Bowler"
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 30, 2008, 07:49:22 AM
Another thing affecting entries is where tournaments are held. Unfortunately, centers that have bowlers beating the door down want to charge you something crazy like $5 a game. And the centers that need you will give you $2.50-3 a game but you cannot pull from their league bowler base because it's not there.

Every great turnout is driven by the area "league legends" coming out to play.
Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
"The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Krakken on October 30, 2008, 09:08:17 AM
I will speak purely from a bowlers perspective.  I am one of the "donaters" that doesn't really show up anymore to tourneys.  I want to improve my game and I am doing that through a PBA X league ($22 a week for 4 games) and practice on the PBA shots at the center every week. I average 190 right now in my PBA league and about 215-220 in my house leagues.

I don't go to tourneys because of the cost and the fact that I have entered about 15 or so toruenys over the past 2-3 seasons and not cashed once.  Most of it is because I don't bowl well enough to win, some of it was bad luck.  I don't want to drop $80 on an entry, another $40-$50 on brackets and pots and walk away emptyhanded.

It is too expensive of a "learning experience" for me.  I did it for a while figuring I would imporve and cash here and there making the money a wash overall, but it just hasn't happened.

I would be more likely to come out and bowl more on a pattern that was higher scoring, but not a carry contest, but it would have to be reasonably priced as well.  Maybe $50 for a 5 game tourney.  8 games is a lot to bowl in a row.
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out

Edited on 10/30/2008 9:10 AM
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: Mike L on October 30, 2008, 09:54:39 AM
I look at it from a bowlers perspective as well.  Im going to go the tourney that I feel I can make the most money at and for many reasons its just not in that area anymore.  

Krakken seems to be exactly the type of guy im talking about.  Averages 215-220 and wants to compete but is not going to keep putting up $100-$150 every sunday and getting nothing in return.  The only thing about your post is its hard to find that happy medium pattern that makes them somewhat easy but not rediculous and thats because when they seem somewhat easy to most of the house guys, your true tournament bowlers are gonna run them over.  It seems to me that on house patterns and easier shots that every bowler has a chance to win and in order to get local support in these tournaments, I think thats what has to happen.  80% of the field needs to feel competitive, not 20%.

Once again just my opinions!
"Typical House Bowler"
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: wabullets on October 30, 2008, 11:02:17 AM
To follow up on Krakken and Mike......that is one of the instance to where all the side action, mainly brackets, has help deteriorate/kill scratch bowling. Krakken (or any player) sounds like a guy who may not have minded putting up $50-$80 for the entry fee.....but "he" "has" to play brackets and now it is a $150 tournament for him and losing that $150 is a much harder pill to swallow than that $50-$80 pill. He is by his own words the occasional tournament player so in losing $150 in a shot he just went from seeing you in a month or 2 to seeing you in 3-4 months.

If you go back 15 years, The Masters routinely had 100-140 entries, sometimes more. Tournaments today are thrilled if the get to just 40. (OK, so maybe not thrilled but it is a number they will take as it seems to be a high point these days). Those times, while not as bad as current, were not great economic times. Just off the 1st Iraq war, mortagage interest rates were in the neighborhood of 8%-10% (most people now are in the 5.5-6 range,which is a huge difference), so you were paying a lot more for your home thus more household expenses. BUT, you still had big entries in most tournaments. The biggest difference of 1993 vs. 2008 in scratch bowling is brackets. They were in the infancy back they are a full blown cancer. They have (IMO) robbed the game of the "donator" or "marginal" player. Brackets are GREAT for those %20 and TERRIBLE for those %80 and those %80 do not have the discipline to stay away from them which has caused that 80% to become %8.

Ok, so we dont have as many bowlers as 15 years ago either.....though we do have more people today that "think" they are bowlers than 15 years ago.

Edited on 10/30/2008 11:05 AM

Edited on 10/30/2008 11:07 AM
Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
Post by: I_Bowl4Money on October 30, 2008, 11:05:34 AM
Mike et all,

I think the issue is that alot of guys do not have bowling as a PRIORITY.  I'm married and a father of a 5 year old.  I just bought a house in June.  It's never been a money thing, but a FAMILY TIME - NEW HOME TIME thing.

I've got 3-4 guys that would travel with me to all these tournaments, but the problem becomes us having to take care of our Family matters first.  All my guys are in the same boat as me so we try to schedule these things well in advance.

I had grand plans on bowling both Walton and Baker's tournament, but instead, I spent the past couple weekends helping my father fix up his house.

I truly ENVY you guys that can bowl a majority of the time.  Trust me, i would lace them up every weekend if I didn't have so many family obligations.  I'm hoping it will change soon but until then, I'll be one of those drop-in kinda guys until bowling is higher on my PRIORITY LIST.

Hopefully I'll make it to RT's on Saturday
Stephen Hahn

  • (Personal Site)

  • (Staff)

  • Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on October 30, 2008, 11:10:45 AM
    I have to disagree Wabullets, brackets are what the 20% go for.  No one makes anyone get in brackets.  You can still pay your $50-$80 entry fee, no one is forcing you to get in the side events.  My point is in the chambersburg area, entry fees are pretty cheap so now the guy that wants to spend $60-$80 can now get in 8-10 brackets and feels they can compete because they are walled up.  Alex's tournament is a prime example of this, he kept putting out basically the same pattern and guys got tired of losing the $80 so they stopped bowling and turnouts have been terrible there and he guarantees $600 every tournament, but im not gonna drive by a tournament in chambersburg another 1 and 1/2 outta the way and have to win the tournament to make money.  Brackets give people a chance to make money without winning the tournament.  Once again though, nobody is forced to enter brackets.
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on October 30, 2008, 11:11:56 AM
    I agree 100% steve, alot of guys just don't care that much anymore.  My point is the only area that has seen a big drop is the northern va/balt area.
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 30, 2008, 11:38:04 AM
    I agree with Mike when people want to soley slam the brackets as the problem. People see me at quite a few events and if you see me jump in brackets, then I saw something in practice that looks real good!

    As someone who runs tournaments, there aren't a ton of folks playing brackets as some think. There are like 3-5 guys that say all and the rest of the people play a number between 0-5. We have regulars who play only the pot, or only the survivals. There are a lot of people playing within their limits.

    Hahn, VMSBT & 40 Boards will forgive you. LOL
    Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
    40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
    40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
    "The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: walt8398 on October 30, 2008, 11:42:06 AM
    Wow, what a great topic. The economy has had an impact on entries.

    As a fellow tournament director and frequent participator in tournaments local and abroad, I can understand everyone's point of view. You will never find that happy median for a scoring pace or the lefty/righty issue. I don't mind a house shot occasionally at a tournament but bowling on it all the time is dumb.

    Mike L - I hear ya. But our area is unfortunately stuck with these chain bowling centers who force us to have $70 entry fees and higher to make the prize fund half way decent. An earlier poster suggested that the tournaments put $2.50 per bracket back into the prize fund. That is asking a bit much. Personally, the first 3 years of VMSBT I was in the RED from putting money back into the tournaments to make the prize funds good. When VMSBT runs the regular format (5 games of qualifying followed by 4 games of match-play) the match-play lineage is PAID BY VMSBT. So, the $5 expense fee that I charge, most of it is eaten up by the finals lineage. Nothing is more valuable than your time and you should get something for it. Like Yvette said before, we aren't "paying our mortgages" by running these events. We do it for the love of the game and to promote tournament bowling. Toner cartridges, paper, clipboards, pens and other expenses that we incur putting on an organized event isn't free. Then to deal with some of the bowler's complaints about the patterns can be frustrating. I get no joy from blocking out either side of the lane. My goal is to make them as fair as possible ALL THE TIME. Tough to do when you are dealing with centers who won't work with you on trying to create a fair and equitable scoring environment.

    I wish everyone who complained about a tournament could run some and then get back to me about  their experience.

    Tony Walton
    Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
    VMSBT Tournament Director

    Edited on 10/30/2008 12:24 PM
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: wabullets on October 30, 2008, 12:00:23 PM
    for the %80 crowd, it is the same reason they play the  lottery, "get rich quick" syndrome. And just like the lottery, it turns in to "lose money quickly" situation for the %80. The lottery always comes out ahead that is why they run the lottery and in this case, the %20 is the lottery, they by and large always come out ahead.

    You are right, no one forces that player to play but the mind tells him to play. The mind tells him he is that player. The mind tells he can make a lot of money quickly. After the tournament is over, the pocket/wallet says "man, see you in 4 months" instead of saying see you in a few weeks because the pocket now has no more money.

    Lets compare the 2 eras....1993 vs 2008. Both had well branded organizations( Masters, Tournament Concepts)(VMSBT, 40 Boards), Both had walled/soft conditions, both had resin balls....the 2 things most people like 2 blame for todays lack of tournment action..and true, those things can build up (actually tear down a game) over that time to help contribute....but I still think the biggest diffence in that span is brackets. The sharks (%20 group) are hungrier than ever. They %80 group is unsure as ever even possibly intimidated by the scene and action and the hunger of the %20. And again, the bracket thing is just an opinion. I personally like them. I make my share at them and I dont want them to go away, but as one scratch bowlers view of where the donator/marginal player went....I think that has as much to do with it as anything....along with what Stephen said, everyday life gets put ahead of extracircular activities more these days than years past.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on October 30, 2008, 12:40:18 PM
    I think you are comparing apples and oranges though.  I wasn't bowling those tournaments so I can't say.  However look at the megabuck tournaments from those 2 eras, not even close to the money that it once used to be.  I was just stating my opinion about that area having tournament entries drop.  And yeah tony I know theres nothing you can do about the centers lineage charge and no thanks on running a tournament, bowlers whine too much lol.  I guess I just see 2 different areas with 2 different approaches to running tournaments and it seems that the one area NOVA and BALT., are losing entries and the cheap area seems to be growing.  Even some of those guys are coming up for those tournaments now.  Its a no win situation right now, kinda like the left right thing.  Face it, most people would rather watch football and be at home than bowl these days.  Lets just hope it gets better!
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Current Exempt on October 30, 2008, 12:50:17 PM
    Brackets were around in 1993 and the Masters had them.  If you ran a tournament with zero brackets then your tournament would fold fast.  Having a $30 entry is just to get the bowlers thee for brackets and snack bar money.  1st is usually $300.  It's not a bad idea.  You have to try something different and PA has and it draws bowlers. never answered my question about putting $2.50 from each bracket back into the prize fund.  Who says you have to take $5?
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 30, 2008, 02:11:58 PM
    CE - since Wildbush is probably away from her PC right now, I'll answer the two dollar & fifty cent question …

    It’s funny you basically said, “Yall need to give us your money to make the tournament better!” There are expenses involved from gas as you ride around to promote the tournament, (in our case) website/domain, toner, paper and even the program we use to run the tournament. Oh yeah, the most valuable thing of all, our time! We have not hosted a tournament yet where we have not shared with our bowlers.

    40 Boards has been “investing” in our tournaments from day one. Since we don’t have an expense line at our monthly events, we use the bracket money to keep from spending our personal money on the expenses listed above. We also use that money 9 out of 10 times to help the prize fund, just like VMSBT director Tony Walton said they do. Triple Threat “gives back” to the tournament the same way. What these other tournaments do that you bowl, I have no clue. I stopped traveling south as I realized the guy was giving us the “hook” in our backside and taking his cut.  Bowlers need to hold tournament organizations accountable and the other group you want to hold under the light is USBC. USBC  allows a tournament to list the lineage and expenses on one line called expenses and this keeps the bowler from being able to compute exactly what the tournament paid the center in lineage. You will notice at the tournaments we run, it clearly spells out the lineage & prize money. If you want to crunch the numbers behind us, you can verify that we did not run off with your money. You cannot do that when a tournament combines the two, all you can do is speculate.

    We have been “giving back” the whole time, do you want us to give you our personal money too?
    Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
    40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
    40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
    "The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 30, 2008, 02:18:31 PM
    P.S. Low to cash at our tournaments pays double or close to double the entry fee. Our last tournament cost $60 to bowl and low to cash paid $110. You don’t have to load up in the side action to profit at our events. We hate going to tournaments and dropping $100 and cashing for $80-100 after you beat most of the field.
    Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
    40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
    40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
    "The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on October 30, 2008, 02:26:03 PM
    Yeah theres no chance directors could give back money, hell most of them barely break even at events.  If you ask me most don't make enough for running them.  I know I wouldn't do it to have to listen to all the whining and complaining from bowlers, not enough money in the world LOL
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Krakken on October 30, 2008, 07:24:34 PM
    As said earlier I don't HAVE to get in pots or brackets.  The problem then becomes, if I bowl well but not well enough to cash (as has been the case in every tourney i have been in) then I get nothing.  if I enter brackets in the same instance, I an draw some of the lower guys or catch the higher finishing guys on a bad game and try to get some of my money back.

    If the entries were lower I would be more inclined to bowl and enter some side action.  I just don't want to go out and drop $100-$150 to bowl a tourney more than once a year, unless I think I have a good chance to cash.

    And believe me I understand why the guys running the tourneys have to charge what they do charge.  They do a great job, I have bowled in Tony's VMSBT and Jeff's 40boards and they are very well run and fair.  

    I know Tony puts more into the prize fund than you would think to attract his bowlers (Same thing in the TSLG league in the summer) I just have a ton of other options to do with $150.  Golf (2 rounds), take my wife to a nice dinner.  Things liek that.

    People have less disposable income and more ways to spend it.
    Speed Kills
    When in doubt, move out
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Current Exempt on October 31, 2008, 09:59:40 AM
    I agree Krakken.  If the return is so bad on $150 then golf, nights out with family is money better spent IMO.  When the economy turns back around that isn't going to bring bowlers back to tournaments,  it's too far gone.  It's kind of like baseball....Nothing will ever compare to the homerun era of Mcgwire,Bonds,Sosa.  They have lost the fans of the long ball and now the sport seems boring to them.
    Bowling had the resin boom and every score has been shot by most, there is nothing left to attract someone back into tournaments.  It's all been done.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: GOLF IS BETTER on November 01, 2008, 11:42:02 AM
    Why can’t there just be a standard $70 entry fee and format each month and see how it goes.  Just bowl 5 games, pay 1 in 4 and cut to Top 5 for step ladder.

    $70 Entry Fee
    $50 Prize Fund
    $15 to lineage ($3 per game, hopefully this can cover the 8 games in step ladder and who knows, some tournaments you may get lineage for $2-$2.50)
    $5 Expense Fee to the Tournament Director

    5 games and cutting straight to step ladder will cut down on all of the match play lineage.

    5 games will allow for a minimum of 3 sets of brackets Games (1-3) (2-4) (3-5) and possibly more if you want to do 16 man (4 game) brackets.  For the 3 game, 8 person brackets you should charge $6 ($30-1st place, $10-2nd place)  $5 goes to the Tournament Director and $3 goes into the Prize Fund.

    Same thing for $11 brackets: ($60-1st place, $20-2nd place) $5 goes to the Tournament Director and $3 goes back into the Prize Fund.

    I doubt any of the bracket bowlers will cry that their bracket money is going into a prize fund that may contain bowlers who didn’t enter brackets because normally the person running brackets keeps all $5 or $8 depending if they are $5 or $6 brackets.  Plus, if you’re doing well in brackets, you probably have a good chance of making step ladder as well.

    Paying 1 in 4 will help some of the “donators” grab a check every now and then.

    I know Jim Smith tries in the NOVA area but quite frankly, his gimmick formats are eating up the prize funds with so many extra games of lineage and the formats are not necessarily producing the best bowler that day either (but that’s another topic for another day)

    Let’s face it people, the Tournament Directors are trying but the interest just isn’t there.  The way I see it, try something new in this struggling economy.

    Jeff/Tony or anyone else who wants to run a tournament, you can advertise as you are giving back but you really aren’t.  The money going back into the prize funds is money you aren’t taking right now anyway.  I know it isn’t that much money going back in but it looks good as a way to promote these tournaments.

    Time to keep things simple, formats simple.  Formats like the one listed doesn’t last all day either.

    60 entries would mean $3,000 to the prize fund and let’s say roughly 50 brackets for each set, so 150 total.  That’s another $450 to the prize fund for brackets and $750 for the Tournament Director running brackets.  $3,450 total to pay 15 spots.

    1.   $1,000
    2.   $600
    3.   $350
    4.   $250
    5.   $200
    6.   $180
    7.   $150
    8.   $125
    9.   $110
    10.   $100
    11.   $90
    12.   $80
    13.   $75
    14.   $70
    15.   $70

    Who knows, entries could grow, you could change the pay out to 1 in 5 and almost feel like you could guarantee $1,000 for 1st with extra bracket money going into the prize funds.

    Try something different but keep it simple!

    Edited on 11/1/2008 11:43 AM

    Edited on 11/1/2008 11:44 AM
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on November 01, 2008, 01:28:10 PM
    From a bowler that gets in all everywhere, I think GIB might be on to something there.  Your actually giving back but the director still makes the same on them, makes the bowler feel they are getting something back.  The 1 in 4 is actually ok too, because like you stated the "donaters" will grab a check every now and then.  

    Tony/jeff, your thoughts?
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: walt8398 on November 04, 2008, 08:46:32 AM
    Mike L

    I have given this topic some thought and I'm going to make some changes to VMSBT. Concept wise I personally don't agree with what is going on with bowling but I'm going to try and give the people what they want.

    Next year, VMSBT is going to try and help the "marginal/part time" tournament bowler. The discussion here has been very helpful.

    Stay tuned.....

    Tony Walton
    Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
    VMSBT Tournament Director

    Edited on 11/4/2008 9:48 AM
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: GOLF IS BETTER on November 04, 2008, 09:49:41 AM

    Just curious, what percentage of my above post do you agree with?

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: walt8398 on November 04, 2008, 10:11:36 AM

    When I first started VMSBT, my cash ratio was 1:4 with an $85 entry fee. Things went well but I felt that the low to cash money could be better. I went to a 1:5 cash ratio about 3 years ago and I have been able to pay double the entry fee back in the last cash spot.

    Still trying to work out more of the details
    Tony Walton
    Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
    VMSBT Tournament Director
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on November 04, 2008, 11:06:37 AM
    GIB “Jeff/Tony or anyone else who wants to run a tournament, you can advertise as you are giving back but you really aren’t. The money going back into the prize funds is money you aren’t taking right now anyway. I know it isn’t that much money going back in but it looks good as a way to promote these tournaments.”

    I am not sure what that quote is implying and I am not going to shoot your ideas down and say they are not possible but it’s easy to say what someone else should do to be successful. It’s kind of like a person who cannot hook the ball telling a person to hook the ball to just throw it straight or vice versa.

    To start, in your formula, you have a $5 expense line which 40 Boards DOES NOT CHARGE at the monthly tournaments now. We are charging a $60 entry versus the $70 you suggested. We don’t do the stepladder but everyone gets to bowl 6 games and not 5 to have a chance to win/cash. The truth of the matter is that local tournaments are not drawing 60 entries right now. 50 brackets a set is not happening and charging folks $6 vs. $5 was what was going on in the ‘90’s and folks were complaining. We ran 3 sets last year and we cut back to 2 sets this year because some bowlers felt like it was overwhelming. The “all” guys don’t care but the average player is playing 0-5 per set, max! It does sound better to win $30 in brackets but winning $10 for second now means you aren’t recouping 2 brackets with every second place finish.

    In theory, the prize fund you posted looks good but it’s the “same thing” we see at most tournaments. Spend $70 to cash for $70, that has angered many bowlers too over the years. I do like your thinking for my wallet as a director, $5 of every entry in my pocket plus the bracket action. WHEW HOO! Latise and I have left tournaments with $30 after taking care of the bowlers, so please don’t say we have not given back. I definitely like your idea as it will guarantee the tournament some take home money at each event.

    GIB, I am not going to say any tournaments name but I am going to give you some perspective. The tournaments that seem to draw well, they have huge expense lines or they don’t even advertise how the entry fee is broken down. They have cult like followings and because of this following, the gambling has grown 10 fold over the years. Notice what has grown or maintained these tournaments, the excessive gambling and we think the economy is retarding entries. People are dropping greenbacks like the end is here to try and win some of that money.

    One of the things hurting entries now is the lack of a youth movement. At one time, all of us 30+ year old guys were the new blood at tournaments and right now, the same 30+ crowd is holding it down as the youth/veteran bowlers now. The next wave of talent in their 20’s has not come out and probably won’t. There are guys/gals dropping $200 or $275 at a PBA regional that you can count on 1 finger how many times they have bowled a local event. Isn’t funny how people can bowl 3-5 leagues and say they cannot afford a tournament? They are telling the truth, because league alone is costing them $200 a week if they don’t win any money.

    Edited on 11/4/2008 12:08 PM
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on November 04, 2008, 12:16:12 PM

    I think that quote was based on the idea of charging $6 for the brackets and "giving back" $3.  In reality you would still be making the same, but you'd be giving back something to the prize fund with really giving it back.  Trust me I know you guys hardly make anything as it is and like I said theres no chance id put up with the headaches.  I guess ive just seen 2 different areas (balt & nova vs. chambersburg area) and in my opinion, the cheap and easy thing seems to work out for most, however you can't make alot of money in just the tournament, but hey niether do the regional guys that will cash to break even, but thats a whole other issue thats been discussed before.

    I do love the fact that in your tournaments last check does double your entry, only bad thing is Saturdays make it tough for me to get to.  I am going to try and make Annadale, depending on business at the center.
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on November 04, 2008, 12:20:08 PM

    I agree that some changes need to be made for the tournament scene just to get back to 40 entries.  I mean when I first started bowling your stuff 3-4 yrs ago, I would get in 80 brackets, first was $800 or higher, now you can't get 30 guys or 30 brackets and first is $500-$600.  I know there are many different reasons for people not bowling, but bowlers for the most part think breaking even is a good day, so when these guys bowl in the pa area, spend $30, cash for $30 they are ok with that, me personally itd be a waste of time lol.  Just some of my opinions.  Like I said I tried telling Jim Smith about his patterns about 6 months ago and he didn't seem to listen and it seems every tournament has a gimmick to it now, so no wonder people aren't bowling.  Who knows, hopefully it'll get better!
    "Typical House Bowler"
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Current Exempt on November 04, 2008, 01:24:22 PM
    Frankie is pretty much correct.  Although, you can't make $500-$1000 in league brackets these days.  Baker is 100% correct in saying the youth is not anywhere to be found.  Even the few regional guys he's talking about is only 3-4. The 30-40 yr olds were the 20-30 year olds 10-15 years ago that were a lot of the entries.  Now we're out there bowling (much older)and where are the youngsters?
    I just don't see any gimmick,format or even dollar figure that will draw bowlers back again.  Are there youth bowlers out there anymore looking to turn adult like we were years ago?  I don't think so.  But, Frankie pretty much nailed it, just re read his post and it explains A LOT of today's bowlers.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: walt8398 on November 04, 2008, 01:52:25 PM

    I like the fact that with a 1:5 ratio, last cash spot has been $150-$160 ($80 entry fee).

    Frankie Abralon - Egos are huge. Bowling is forever ruined. We have USBC to blame for that. I knew when they allowed "short oil", allowed centers to basically wall their lanes without consequence and then couple that with the ball technology... Bowling started becoming a joke.

    Not sure what to do and I'm running out of ideas and patience with the whole Tournament Director scene. Like MSB alluded to in his post. People will flock to a "certain tournament" 10, 20 deep from DC/BALT and know for a FACT these individuals running the event is taking money out of the prize fund. Yet they won't support a local event that has been paying out 100% or more since day ONE. I ran a $3,000 1st place GUARANTEED event in August that drew 139 bowlers. I may have had 40 locals in the event. THAT IS A JOKE. Promoted the event for 6 months, so people had plenty of time to get funds and or schedule together. Find it hard to believe people can't set aside $25/month for entry. I know some people who spend more than that PER WEEK on cigarettes, lottery and Keno.

    Tournament bowling should be about testing your skills against competition that is on the same level as you or better. Somehow, people have lost that concept. Nobody comes out of the womb a contender. Champions are MADE not BORN (the cliche' police are now coming to get me! )
    Tony Walton
    Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
    VMSBT Tournament Director

    Edited on 11/4/2008 2:54 PM

    Edited on 11/4/2008 2:55 PM
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on November 04, 2008, 02:00:19 PM
    Frankie, I can see your point. And I am not putting anyone down who comes and takes their swing at a tournament. We are all good on something and we all suck on something else. The real truth is the 20'something crowd is not as hungry as the 30'something crowd was when they were in the 20's.

    I am not slapping anyone with a hero badge for quitting...quitting is for losers!
    Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
    40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
    40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
    "The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mike L on November 04, 2008, 02:09:12 PM
    We are all good on something and we all suck on something else.

    Unless you're me I suck on every pattern
    "Typical House Bowler"

    Edited on 11/4/2008 3:09 PM
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Current Exempt on November 04, 2008, 02:13:00 PM
    The ones who have quit all together are at least even from a financial standpoint when it comes to bowling.  90% of the guys chasing tournaments for the last 5 years are down.  You can't knock them for seeing the writing on the wall before us.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on November 04, 2008, 02:32:40 PM
    I referencing those that say they are quitting because bowling is blah blah blah now. You cannot change a thing sitting at home complaining next to the TV.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: DP3 on November 04, 2008, 02:34:33 PM
    MSB is right when he says we're not hungry anymore.  We're just not.  After York last weekend I was in the bar with my friends from college and just asked, "When was the last time you guys had fun bowling?" everyone's answers were last time they bowled collegiately.  Local area tournaments just have a dreadful despair in the air as soon as you walk into a center.  Not because the tournament itself is bad, just the atmosphere just seems like you're going to a wake instead of going to compete.  Add the finances on top of that and hey, I'd rather be at a bar or working on sunday and watching football than throwing a bowling ball when mentally I know I don't feel like it.  I guess the bowlers of my generation just got tired of paying to "go through the motions" than actually waking up and going to a tournament with the intentions of winning it like it was when we were all youth.  When you couple that with the "Poker Boom", the forecast for competitive bowling doesn't look too good despite the great efforts by a few.
    -DJ Marshall
    ...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  AMF Bowie Lanes -- Bowie, MD

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: scott5651 on November 04, 2008, 10:38:54 PM
    I would like to thank Tony And Jeff for just tiring to keep tournaments alive because without that hope of bowling tournaments in this area I believe what little bowling we have left it would just fade away. I remember bowling tournaments on Friday nights where you would only have a handful of people show up (15-20) so I believe it may not be the big turnout at the tournaments now but it is better then having no tournaments at all. I wish that I had the time to support my local tournaments however, I have been injured and also I have enrolled myself back into college to further my career. Now since reading this posting I will try to hit one or two tournaments in my area just to see how good I am or just how bad I am at bowling, but it will be when my finals are finish at school.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: GOLF IS BETTER on November 05, 2008, 05:35:04 AM

    Please do not take my response as a way of me saying tournament directors need to give back.  I think tournament directors should take more.  I was just giving suggestions on ways for tournament directors to run more tournaments, make more money for themselves, draw more entries and have decent prize funds for the bowlers.  Ideas such as having less lineage with simple formats.  But formats that will allow more side action.

    I think you need to stop worrying what the final cash spot is going to pay.  If you are going to a tournament in hopes of doubling your money for finishing in 15th place then you shouldn’t be bowling.  I think paying 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 with side action is the preferred method for the serious bowlers.


    You’re crazy, brackets are the best thing that ever happened to bowling!  Yes, there are less entries these days but imagine how fewer entries there would be without any brackets.
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: Mr Straight Ball on November 05, 2008, 08:28:35 AM
    GIB - My point about not cashing for what you paid to enter addresses your main concern, the so called donaters. There can only be one winner in anything we do so paying better top to bottom makes more people happy then top loading it completely and upsetting all that finished behind the top spot.

    DJ - I know what you mean about the atmosphere when you compare it to "team bowling" and the feel. It's the same reason you here the guys older then you still talking about the good ole days when we bowled Team Challenge.

    Now the people who ran WTC knew how to make money running a tournament!!! TNBA does a pretty good job at it too!!!
    Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
    40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
    40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
    "The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: GOLF IS BETTER on November 07, 2008, 01:49:13 PM
    I definitely took entries for granted when I ran tournaments in the 80's and early 90's.

    Just not sure where to go from here.

    Back then, everyone was happy but bowling ball technology and lane conditions weren't much of an issue
    Title: Re: Tournament Attendance Down
    Post by: wabullets on November 10, 2008, 08:06:10 AM

    Now the people who ran WTC knew how to make money running a tournament!!! TNBA does a pretty good job at it too!!!

    both of those entities have/had created an incredible "brand" and the people flock to that brand loyally/religously from all over. How the create(d) that "brand", I dont know but sure wish the could share the secret. TNBA never seem to be short of participants at their events, handicap or scratch.