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Author Topic: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!  (Read 1702 times)


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LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« on: November 14, 2005, 07:25:12 AM »
Hey guys, just wanted to see if I can get some opinions on the LaneMasters New Standard 2.

BTM gave this ball great ratings on the "Their Sport Shot." I see this is a particle ball, but was wondering what the load was (heavy-med-light).

If you have one, how do you have yours laid out and what type of reactions are you getting.


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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 06:35:02 PM »
Ask JS to post his opinion. He has had good results out of the box with his.

I do not have one, but I am fairly certain of -
It's a maximum control ball for a minimum of (true) medium oil up to medium-heavy oil. If you try to use it on too little or too much oil, it will not give good results.

DO NOT try to impose a control drilling on it, as it is already designed to be a control ball with normal drillings. Control drillings will kill it, as flippy drillings kill a ball that is designed to be flippy.

As to whether or not it has a heavy or a medium load of particles, I state unequivocally, it makes no difference. Its reaction IS its reaction, whatever the load. (Check the Legends website, if you must know.)
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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 07:46:11 PM »
I've got one it is 15.5 lb. w/ 2 3/4" pin.  Laid it out 4 1/2" x 3 1/2" pin directly under my ring.....drilled the pin out. Basic 50 deg. layout.  I'd call their out of box grit at about 1000 small shine medium load particle.

Me, medium speed tweener 16 mph, 325 and 45 deg. tilt on CATS.

I've bowled on one sport pattern tourney with the NS2 <AMF HPL worn synthetic, not sure of conditoner used> that I would term more medium 42' OB right of 7-8.  Used out of box worked relatively well on this pattern where the cut was -29.

Last weekend bowled on a 2004 ABC Masters pattern tourney <11 yr. old Bruns. Anvilane w/Kegel Offense> OB right of 8.  Tried NS2 and found it going to long on this pattern to much hang.  Pulled out Visionary Midnight Scorcher <320 grit> and could square up a bit more and found very little hang.  Remember the Scorcher is the older Vis. flood ball.  After, I broke down the condition with the Scorcher the NS2 worked better.

On Sunday, prepped the NS2 on spinner at 800 grit took any shine off of it.  Scuffed during practice with a burgundy pad by hand with my track ALL of the ball.  Again, broke down lanes with Midnight Scorcher then moved to NS2.  Grit at 800 and hand scuffed w/320 pad gave it just right move mid lane with no over reaction.  

I am still working with this ball but it seems a good even reacting ball. It's already paid for itself in $ won.  Only ball I could compare to that I have used is a Col. Alter Ego my other favorite medium sport condition ball.  I do think the AE picked up a roll earlier than the NS2.  Also, I do more surface adjustment than most players that I know.

For me the best sport/flatter balls that I have liked are the ones where you don't feel like you have to fit the ball on a specific board.  Frees up your arm swing. Early results are that the NS2 is one of these balls.




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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2005, 10:40:12 PM »
FYI......700 on the nose with my NS2 tonight at league.  Good ball that reads mids and has controllable backend.



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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2005, 07:12:39 AM »
nice shootin Scott!! the NS2 STRONGER or weaker than the NS?

"...each anothers audience outside the gilded cage.."

Edited on 11/16/2005 8:33 AM


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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2005, 07:59:52 AM »
Jeff--I'd say both balls are for medium-heavier patterns.  I have an NS label leverage layout w/1500 shine this ball goes longer and breaks harder.  Basically because of lay out and shine.  Both balls flare 6"s  I keep my NS2 at 800-1000 rolls earlier than my NS because of charecteristics of ball.  I compare it much like a Col. Alter Ego....this is why it makes for a good med. sport pattern ball you don't get the over reaction many get on flatter patterns.  Still has enough hit to carry very well.

So far, I have a Legends Masterpiece, NS2 both new and an NS used.  I prefer symmetrical balls for my style.  Visionary stuff I have used I don't think of as asymmetrical cores.  Also have liked DT Thing and DT TR and DT VPP all symmetrical.  

BTW--I am still a hack!    But, I consider 95% of the forum posters hacks also.  LOL.




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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2005, 08:16:47 AM »
I have an NS2 drilled with the pin under the ring (4 1/2 from pap) and the cg kicked out to the right just slightly (no balance hole).  I like my layouts to be between 50 and 70 degrees and this one is a 65 degree layout.

I too read the review in BTM about it being a control ball and decided to give it a try.  I also noticed that the reviews posted in BTM directly contradicted the reviews given in Bowlers Journal.  While the BJ reviews are not conducted with the same approach that BTM uses, I use them as another datapoint.  For example, BTM listed the NS2 as the weakest (hook number) ball among the 4 new releases (AP2 (54), Kong (52), Masterpiece (47), NS2 (46)) while BJ had the NS2 as the strongest (NS2 (84), AP2 (82), Masterpiece (81), Kong (81)).  While these numbers are all relative, especially with the conditions that BJ tests on being unknown, it appears that the list is almost flipped.

For me, the NS2 is stronger than the Kong (both are drilled the same in oob).  It picks up sooner and has a much sharper turn in the back.  I don't see it as a control ball with the reaction I get at the backend.  Again, BTM gave the NS2 the smallest backend number (signifying control) but I don't see that.  The NS2 also handles carrydown better than the Kong.  Carrydown stops the Kong in it's tracks!

In one of my leagues (AMF HPL synthetics) the lanes are your THS, with very strong backends.  The Kong is the ball that I use 99% of the time here.  It gets thru the heads clean and gives me a strong arc at the back and has tremendous hit and carry.  The only time it usually labors is when the kids have had the day off from school and the plastic balls have pushed the oil down.  I am having a good year at this house with this ball so far (avg 234) (don't ask me about the house that charlest and I bowl in ).  This week, the oil was heavier than normal but the backends were still clean.  I continually tried to adjust my line, backup a little on the approach and change hand positions but the volume was just too much for the Kong.  I was in the pocket but my carry percentage was low.  I shoot a clean 203.  I switch to the NS2 the next game and this ball picks up its roll sooner so it handled the extra volume much better and it turned much harder at the back.  This resulted in a 277.

I am very pleased with the Legends/LaneMasters line.  They don't seem to have overlap (I haven't tried the Masterpiece yet) and they carry great.  Hope this helped....JS


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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2005, 08:25:20 AM »
Charles, scotts33, Jeffrevs & JS, thanks so much for the help!

JS, I found it kind of shocking that the two magazines would have these balls rated with "worlds of differences." I guess I'll just have to get one to find out. If I do get one, I'll most likely try it with a Pin under middle of grip with the CG kicked out a pinch below midline (Probably 5 1/2 x 4). Hopefully this will give me a nice Arc like my Track Slash (But handle more oil than the Slash).

Keep it goin' guys & thanks for the reviews!
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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2005, 09:30:28 AM »
Damn, John (JS), now I have to go get yet another darned Legends balls??? The NS2, of course.

By the way, I was higher than JS in that in that unmentionable house, until he shot that 277. WOnder what I'd do at Midstate where he uses the Kong. I tried the Kong 2 weeks ago in a 2nd shift at the unmentionable and shot 668; considering I had never used it before, that wasn't too shabby. Last week, we had oil and the Kong & the resin pearl Track Solution PPEx were the strongest "oilers" (of course, neither are oilers) I had brought. I floundered until the shot came to me in the 2nd and 3rd game: 170, 201, 221. 3rd game was with the Track ball (OOps!).

The Kong is, for JS and me, a medium-light oil ball. Odd for a solid particle, but as such it is a great hitting ball as JS indicated.

Now I have see what the NS2 can do. sigh. the wife is gonna kill me; I got 18 balls spread out in front of the cabinet in the basement now, with more in the racks behind them and those are just the drilled ones.

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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2005, 09:54:05 AM »
JS--I do agree with BTM's numbers and lane reaction with my NS2.  It's partly because of my layout which is slightly weaker than yours 50 deg to your 65 deg. Also I have toned down my surface slightly.  It does give me good control at the breakpoint. I am using it for what it was intended...medium heavy pattern.
I bowl in a drier house and don't even bring it along.  Looks like I track slightly lower than you do also....but as they say your mileage may vary.  

I don't understand Legends/LM explnation of the Kong especially when you look at their website and literature.  They don't show the Kong as a med.-light ball. But, I definitely believe your acessment as charlest also says the same thing.



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Re: LaneMasters New Standard 2: Tell me about it!
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2005, 01:29:13 PM »
I don't understand Legends/LM explnation of the Kong especially when you look at their website and literature.  They don't show the Kong as a med.-light ball. But, I definitely believe your acessment as charlest also says the same thing.

Well,it does have a sheen finish. Afetr a few practice games and 6 games of league games, mine already looks like about a 1500 - 2000 grit finish. (Box finish is high polish followed by treatment on a spinner with a used grey nylon pad plus water.) I have been fastidious about cleaning it.

Of course, you could put a straight 800 or 1000 grit nylon pad to it and it'll more than likely handle mor eoil, but they already have several balls that do it. Like JS, I have come to like it a lot for medium-light oil, with clean backends.

Bowling: Wish I could help me as much as I seem to help others ...
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