What would be a good extended polish to buy?
Storm's Xtra Shine.
Control-It and UFO are NOT extender polishes. They are slip agent polishes.
Extender polishes have extra fine micro abrasives to get a higher gloss shine quicker and more easily.
Slip agent polishes have chemical and/or elements, like silicone, in them that block the pores of the ball's surface to prevent or reduce oil absorption; they are also a polish. Reducing the rate of oil absorption makes them hook less overall and have less backend. This makes the same ball usable of more dry lane conditions - and makes them go longer also.
Both UFO and Control-it requires a double dose of polish to be truly effective. UFO lasts about 25 games and easily is removed with a 4000 grit pad; it uses an organic slip agent. Control-it is longer lasting and can only be removed with a very rough sanding, like 500 grit; it uses silicone.