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Author Topic: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed  (Read 3928 times)


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Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« on: October 22, 2009, 02:32:45 AM »
Ok guys and gals, since the Desperado already has a cult following in the svelt, athletic shapes of slashrr69 and Drrev2000, we thought we'd give you a little more info to think about regarding the ball.

Cover : Cruise Control Pearl Urethane with Silicone

Colors : Midnight Blue and Gold

Core Model : Insignia Asymmetric

Core Numbers :  
  • 16lb - 2.540 rg, 0.034 diff, 0.011 mb diff
  • 15lb - 2.556 rg, 0.034 diff, 0.011 mb diff
  • 14lb - 2.574 rg, 0.034 diff, 0.011 mb diff
  • 13lb - 2.590 rg, 0.034 diff, 0.011 mb diff

Box Condition : 4000 Abralon Polished

NB: If you're not in the game long enough to remember urethane balls first time round you may be surprised to see that a ball with the above finish doesn't have a mirror finish, this is normal with urethane which doesn't polish as easily as reactives.

The plus point about the cover is how even hooking it is throughout the lane, with less overall hook than a reactive. What this gives you is the ability to stay in the same part of the lane for much longer, and to almost completely ignore spotty midlanes, flying backends and wet/dry patterns which are the curse of strong reactives.

As we've mentioned previously, we designed the ball primarily for use on shorter tournament patterns (sub 36ft), and lighter patterns (either fresh, or after several squads), to get you to the pocket without sacrificing a heavy roll at the pins, but I'm extremely confident that it'll also eat most THSs alive!

Its a niche ball for a gap in the market we thought needed filled with a quality release, we hope you enjoy it.
Dave W - Seismic Staff



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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 12:47:54 PM »
After seeing the specs, this ball caught my attention alot more. I like that it is a pearl urethane, which will aid in it not being another Liberator type ball, like the hype is. Those balls are way to strong for dry conditions.

But what is Silicone in the cover?
What is sandbagging???

Edited on 10/22/2009 12:48 PM


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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 02:08:18 PM »
  silicone in the cover what will this do??  I think of silicone as it being greasy or drying tacky please explain..?? maybe this is a dumb question, the cover is weaker but the rg and diff are lower creating earlier roll/response.. correct?? I have a standard layout(5X5X2 pin up) I put on new balls and if it works well I will stock up on a couple more.. even though the cover is weaker but the response to friction will be sooner, do you think this layout will work or will I have to maybe put something else on it?? thankss slashr69

six pack

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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 04:04:06 PM »
sounds good to me! a low rg core and slick cover means length with controll.I want this ball to rev very fast but glide as it's doing it's thing.
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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 04:05:53 PM »
Without talking to Ryan who's out of the country at the moment, I can't give you specific details about the silicone additive. We basically challenged the guys that develop the covers at Global to make this urethane weaker, and this is what they came up with. (They were very patient!) Its a low percentage of the overall mixture I believe, but did tame it down. I'll see if I can get more specific info for you.

The cover isn't tacky in the slightest, but when you roll the ball it doesn't feel skitish. It inspires confidence, I've never been so exited about how controllable a ball is before! It sits in the gap in my arsenal between the reactives and XXXL, and in fact I can use it on a reasonable amount of oil, but then I don't have excessive ball speed.

The core is the same shape Insignia version that the Epicenter has. The numbers have been changed to reduce flare a little, but the RG is higher, not lower, helping it down the lane a little. We could have pushed it right up, but we wanted the ball to still feel and roll like a top end ball. We aren't huge fans of loapy balls (technical term), or making a jump from your favourite ball to something that rolls totally different mid-game or mid-set if forced to. If you throw an Epicenter, or other stronger ball, the ball change should be seamless, every frame counts. We're trying to build a very complimentary arsenal of products.

As far as that drilling goes, the usual rules apply. I prefer higher pins to get it down lane more, but low pins mellow out the reaction, make the choice based on ball speed I'd say. Your favourite drilling should work fine.
Dave W - Seismic Staff


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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2009, 04:07:51 PM »
sounds good to me! a low rg core and slick cover means length with controll.I want this ball to rev very fast but glide as it's doing it's thing.
The harder I try the harder they fall

A fellow fan of pin-action I see!
Dave W - Seismic Staff


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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 09:24:42 AM »
When will it be released to the pro shops?


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Re: Desperado Ball Specs Revealed
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2009, 07:17:23 AM »
Dave, you just did something that was not done with the other 3 balls, you placed the diffeent Rg & Diff #'s for the Desperado, the only #'s for my Solaris Pearl was a general 2.48 Rg & .048 Diff., what is the #'s for a 14 Solaris and are the #'s identical between the Desperado & the Epicenter? And 1 last question, As most know, I'm a Low track person of 3.5 over & 1 up, is there a drill sheet for the Desperado or what reaction shape would I get with Pin under Ring (3 3/8 from PAP) and Mb swung 30 degree's with Medium-High ball speed & Revs?

I'll chat to Ryan about posting the numbers when he's back home in a day or two.

We have a couple of good friends with similar PAP to yourself, both guys have high speed and high revs. Unfortunately neither have thrown the Desp yet! I think you'll get an even hook, throughout the midlane and backend, you should see the ball start to arc slightly harder off the breakpoint, and carry energy thru the pins well. Without knowing if you like to keep the ball in the oil as long as possible, or get it into the dry board early thats the best guess i can make. It sounds like a good starting point for your shot though.

When will it be released to the pro shops?

Approximately one week into November.
Dave W - Seismic Staff