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« on: February 10, 2023, 10:27:50 AM »
Storm designed this high-performance ball from the inside out. They started designing the Storm DNA by creating the Supercoil weight block that has a very low RG shape with a higher undrilled intermediate differential. Since the mass of the weight block is located in the middle of the core it helps to read the midlane better. Storm then moved the carefully calculated and regulated chemical composition of the ball's coverstock. The EXO Reactive coverstock provides traction that will garner attention.

Color: Red/Black/Violet
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Core: Supercoil Core (14#-16#)
Coverstock: EXO Solid Reactive
Finish: 2000-grit Abralon
RG: 2.47 (based on 15# ball)
Differential: 0.053 (based on 15# ball)
Recommended Lane Condition: Heavy Oil
Fragrance: Strawberry Shortcake



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« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2023, 06:30:41 PM »
My new ball review on the Storm Bowling DNA.

Layout: 55 x 2 1/2 x 35 at box condition of 2000 grit Abralon.
Supercoil core with the new EXO solid reactive coverstock.

Tested and used on older HPL and newer SPL at two local bowling centers, Colony Park Lanes and Hanover Bowling Centre.
Practiced for over 2 hours with the DNA, the Storm iQ Ruby, and Roto Grip TNT. Was able to use the DNA on the fresh conditions and when I beat up the pattern with these three different balls.
The Supercoil core is very potent when it comes to performance of getting the ball down the lane without pushing the ball too far down the lane. The new coverstock - EXO solid reactive is an intense solid reactive coverstock because of the chemical reaction when the material goes from a liquid form to a solid. The reaction is called: exotherm. For me the DNA was a HUGE step up from the other reactive solid I am currently using, the Roto Grip TNT, the motion off the pattern was stronger and bigger movement the TNT. The DNA did not quit on me at any point during my practice sessions and in league. I cannot believe this ball is this GOOD!.
The surface has held up very well on the demo balls in the Storm Matchmaker set I have used over the past few months. Easy to keep clean and is a great choice for any level and style of bowlers out there. Please see your local pro shop for your new ball!

Thanks to the crew at Bowlers' Supply, Inc, Roto Grip, Colony Park Lanes and Vise Inserts for all the support and assistance!
Remember to Bowl Up a Storm!



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« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2023, 04:13:00 PM »
DNA is the new big solid asym in the Storm family. For me, this ball is in the same vein as the Reality. While being big, strong and early, both still manage to store energy and maintain a high carry percentage. The DNA is a touch cleaner and more dynamic overall, making it a great balance of control and continuation. DNA allows me to play more in the oil and create more traction and control, but i don't have to sacrifice any pin carry or throw a ball that is "slower". Overall, the DNA is quickly becoming my go-to big ball.

Luke Rosdahl

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Storm DNA Review by Luke Rosdahl
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2023, 09:35:25 AM »
User Specs:

Left handed, 375 rev rate, 17mph speed, 45 degree angle of rotation, 7 degrees tilt

Layout: 4 ¾ x 3 ½ x 3 ½


The DNA is the newest asymmetrical solid in Storm’s Premiere line.  It features the new EXO coverstock that is now the strongest cover formula in production.  The core is also new in the Supercoil, another single density core that’s nearly the strongest they make as well, even stronger than the core from the Gem and Exotic Gem.  The core design also helps to retain most of the predrilled specs (for righties) due to a cutaway in the side, in addition to creating a heavy midlane roll for more control and stability. 

I tried using the DNA at the box surface of 2000 grit, but I’ve never had a ball hook less out of the box before.  It seemed to be burning up on the first couple shots, but after 4 to 5 shots, like the Reacta Gloss balls it got slick, the oil wouldn’t absorb or wipe off without ball cleaner, and I decided to resurface it to 1000 on a resurfacing machine and then polish it with Storm’s Step 2.  With my softer ball speed and heavier roll, I rarely use asyms to begin with, let alone super strong sanded solids, so a shinier surface was going to be the best option anyway.  The result was night and day from out of the box, strong but extremely stable and controllable. 

Currently, the Reality Check and Rubicon UC3 are the only asyms in the SPI lines that are usable for me, the rest are too strong, too early, too sharp, too much torque, etc., but the DNA uses the asymmetry for midlane control and stability rather than for torque or shape so it reacts more like a super strong symmetric ball.  The DNA has an INTENSE amount of midlane control, which makes moving around on the lane extremely easy because it does the same thing front to back in the same place regardless of where you’re at left to right.  At a rougher surface, the COARSE finish helps it dig in and create traction to go along with the extreme strength of the core to create an incredibly POTENT ball reaction that will dig through the heaviest of oil volumes.  For me, the DNA doesn’t overlap with any other big solid asym in any of our lines right now, it’s strong without being early or heavy rolling, and firm at the breakpoint without being sharp or jumpy.  It really reminds me of the Alpha Crux, it’s fairly clean up front and then just rolls and rolls off the friction while maintaining the utmost amount of stability and control. 
Storm Amateur Staff
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PJ Haggerty

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« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2023, 02:59:02 PM »
Storm DNA Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

The newest addition to the Premier Line at Storm is the DNA.  With new technology from our wizards at Storm, they’ve created the Supercoil weight block and wrapped it with the EXO solid coverstock.  This provides an RG number of 2.47, differential of .053, and PSA of .023.  What this means for the bowlers is an extremely strong asymmetrical ball that doesn’t quit down-lane.  I’ve drilled two so far and have had a lot of success with both. 

The one I’ve used the most is mapped out as 5 x 3.5 x 3.5.  This puts the pin below my bridge with a decent shift of the CG and the mass bias is below my thumb and to the right.  When drilling this ball, my goal was to make it the strongest ball in my bag.  By hand, I hit the DNA with 1000 pad to make the ball read sooner.  On longer patterns or patterns with heavier volumes of oil, this DNA has been a slam dunk.  I recently bowled a regional on a longer pattern and I was able to create a nice shape when sliding in the left gutter and getting it to 9/10 down lane.

If you need a strong, asymmetric piece that won’t quit down lane, the Storm DNA should be the next ball you drill!



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« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2023, 05:45:42 PM »
Here is my opinion on the DNA. I hope it helps if your thinking of getting one. 1st I had mine drilled 4 3/4 x 4 x 2 3/4. All I can say I love the DNA in my hands! The 1st night, the ball right out of the box with the 2000-grit Abralon surface, no surface changes. I shoot 290 (with a 4 pin) 236-235 for a nice 761. This ball reads the lane SO WELL...from front to back. If you watch your ball all the way down the lane, this ball is very easy to read. This ball over the 900 Global Reality, it does hook more both mid lane and back end. This EXO Solid Reactive cover with the Supercoil core...its such a great rolling ball. I do enjoy having this ball in my hands, highly recommended. It does need oil though, especially the way mine is drilled. It has a spot in my bag for sure. It's nice to have a, that you can work around other bowlers if you need to. You need a ball to get a little deeper, this ball rolls so well in the oil!


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« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2023, 09:10:23 PM »
I drilled my DNA 4 1/2 x 4 x 2 1/2. I left this one at the box finish to see what it could do.

The early word on the DNA from other staffers is it looks like an asymmetric PHAZE II both in color and motion. I immediately thought the same thing. The DNA has that easy motion just like the PHAZE II except definitely a stronger cover as it blended out the lane easier

I compared it to the SUPER NOVA and GEM, both of the other stronger pieces that I have thrown. The SUPER is a lot more back end motion and I needed my feet further left. The GEM was earlier and it seemed like there just was not enough head oil on the lane to get it to hold energy to hit as I left a lot of burn tens. I did also throw a couple of other balls to ball down like the ABSOLUTE which was about 3-4 boards weaker in the front but quicker down lane and a DARK CODE that I really like on house. The DARK CODE was about 2-3 boards weaker on the house shot down lane. The DNA really played off the DARK CODE for me as I could move off the DNA when it was time for a change.

Drill up an DNA if you loved your PHAZE II and just felt it wasn't enough when the lanes had more volume or were longer and you didn't want to put 500 or 1000 on it. Also if one of your stronger pearls just isn't reading early enough. This is where the DNA excels. It is stronger but controllable.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: DNA review by Lonnie Pemberton
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2023, 05:50:35 PM »

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Core: Supercoil Asymmetric
Cover: EXO Solid Reactive
Finish: 2000 Abralon
RG: 2.53 (14lb)
Differential: 0.048 (14 lb)
PSA: .020

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
Axis Tilt: 14°
Axis Rotation: 74°
PAP: 5 1/8 R 7/8 Up

Ball Layout: Pin over Bridge 5 1/4 X 5 1/4 X 3 VLS

The new Storm DNA brings back the strong early motion to the Premier line. It features a brand new coarse cover stock called EXO solid. At it's box 2k finish this ball GRABS at the front of the lane. To complete the intense hooking power of this ball the new core Supercoil gives it a big motor on the inside too. The result is a ball made to conquer heavy oil.

I first tested the DNA in league on the normal high volume house pattern. The front of the lane beds in my home center feature a lot of friction so the volume has been increased to counteract. The 43 ft of oil makes it a requirement to have a strong first ball out of the bag. The DNA's potent early hook is tailor made for this condition as it never seems to miss the front, so it can't get too far right down-lane the way so many other balls seem too.

I was very impressed with the pin action I saw from the DNA. Of the other balls that I would put at the top of the hook potential list I would put it between the Gem and the Reality although much closer to the Gem. In-brand the best comparison would probably be the Proton Physix so it should work well as a replacement for people who miss that ball. Obviously people who are speed dominant/rev challenged are going to love this ball, but take it from a guy who's on the lower end of ball speed, the DNA is fantastic when the lanes are oily.

Lonnie Pemberton
Storm Pro Shop Staff
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Revolutions Pro Shop

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Storm DNA
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2023, 06:58:50 PM »
Ball Review for the Storm DNA
Ball Specs: Storm DNA
Coverstock EXO solid
Weight Block Supercoilâ„¢ Core
Color Red/Black/Violet
Finish 2000-grit Abralon
Layout 50x4 3/8x70 or 4 3/8x4 1/4x4
Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 3 1/2 Over 5/8 up
Rev Rate 400
Speed at release 17.5
The Storm DNA is the newest big asymmetric ball in the Storm Premier line. This ball features a new core and cover combo. The first thing that I noticed with this ball is that it is cleaner than other big asym balls that are out there. The DNA still allows to have great mid lane read but gives you that continuous motion downlane. The box surface is a great starting point if you need the ball to read earlier. The cover is also going to allow for surface changes very easily. This ball is going to be a great option for when you want something like your proton physix but allows you to see more motion. With being higher ball speed off my hand this is a great ball to start with and use for a majority of league. This ball is going to be great for a variety of bowlers whether you are high speed or high rev rate. This ball is a great ball will be great for heavier patterns or your weekly leagues. Get yours now at your local Storm VIP pro shop.
Alex Thomes
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« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2023, 08:39:38 AM »

Length: 43'

Volume: 22.5 mLs

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Dislikes: None

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck…not a duck

No seriously, The DNA looks like a Phaze2, Rolls like an Asym. Phaze2…Definitely NOT a Phaze2.

The DNA has the all new combo of the Exo solid Cover and the Supercoil core.  This ball defines smooth, predictable, hard hitting.  The pins seem to stay low all the way through the pin deck.   As long as the lanes aren’t hooking too much in the front, This ball is such a great benchmark ball.  I know exactly where I need to go after this ball starts burning up in the fronts, which seems to be the typical thing for it to do.  I actually smoothed the cover to a light 4000, just so I could stay in it a bit longer!

This one should not be passed up!

I used my typical pin up layout: 5x4x2

Balls getting a lot of play
Infinite Physix: 5x4x2
Eternity: 5x4x2
Phaze4: 5x4x2
Fate: 5x4x2

Casey Mattingly
Storm/RotoGrip Staff
Turbo Regional Staff
Coach's Corner Pro Shop
Alexandria, IN


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« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2023, 01:54:31 PM »
Layout: 60 x 4 5/8 x 35
The biggest compliment that I can give the DNA is that it rolls like a stronger, beef-ed up Phaze II. Indeed, I see a similar motion between the two, with the DNA being 2-3 boards stronger overall. Even though this ball is a touch cleaner in the front part of the lane than the Gem or Super Nova, it can still handle any heavy or fresh oil conditions. The DNA has a massive amount of midlane roll without detracting from its entry angle. The DNA fits perfectly between balls such as the aforementioned Gem or Super Nova, and the strong shiny asyms such as the Exotic Gem or Absolute.

Mike LeViner

Rick K

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« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2023, 02:09:53 PM »
DNA • Storm • Premier Series
Core • Supercoil Core • Asymmetric
Coverstock • EXO Solid Reactive Finish • 2000-grit Abralon
Weight • 15 lbs. RG • 2.47 Differential • .053 Intermediate Diff • .023
Layout • 4 x 41/4 x 2 1/4
Tester PAP • 5” R, 5/8” D Tester Axis Tilt • 11° Tester Rev Rate • 300
Test Pattern • 42' THS (Typical House Shot) • Modified, Kegel Stone Street

Storm has delivered another impressive success to their Premier Series with the DNA. And with the winning combination of the new Supercoil Core and EXO Solid Reactive coverstock, the DNA brought some pin-crushing results. So, let's take a closer look at what makes the DNA a potent weapon to add to your arsenal.

Storm has done a brilliant job in developing the new Supercoil Core. I like how the Supercoil Core reads the lane more methodically than other big asymmetric cores. It has a clean rhythmic motion that starts more in the mid-lane. And I liked how the Supercoil Core progressively builds momentum as it continues down the lane. And being a straighter player, I enjoyed the Supercoil Core's ability to turn that momentum into potent raw power. And that power translated to a destructive explosion at the pins and a relentless driving continuation through the deck. So, no doubt, straighter players like me will love the results from the Supercoil Core!

Continuing the DNA's success is the EXO Solid Reactive Coverstock. From my first roll on a fresh THS, I loved the EXO Solid's biting traction from the moment the DNA hit the lane. And being a straighter player, I could count on the EXO's course texture to deliver a smooth, consistent motion through all sixty feet of the lane. Further, as the night went on, I especially liked how the EXO Solid Reactive blended the over-under conditions that developed as the night continued. And if you are looking to play around urethane and the heavy carry-down it presents, look no further. The EXO Solid Reactive will give you the confidence to play far right and still have plenty of power to spare at the pocket! So if you are a straighter, low-rev player like me. You can count on the EXO Solid Reactive Coverstock will keep you in contention all night against many adverse lane conditions!

In conclusion, the DNA is a strong and outstanding new release from Storm. The brilliant combination of Supercoil Core and EXO Solid Reactive coverstock makes the DNA an excellent choice for straighter low-rev players like me. And for those down and in players looking for that "edge" to compete against the modern power game, then the DNA will be a great weapon to keep you in contention all night long! So, stop into your local Storm VIP Pro Shop today and have your DNA ready for the summer completion! It's that good!

Rick Klimowicz
Storm Products Pro Shop Staff
Roll the Ball Pro Shop
Penndel, PA

Oliver Lawson

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« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2023, 08:32:21 PM »

Length: 41ft

Volume: 28.5 mls

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


I drilled my DNA 4.75x4x4 2LS to match the layout on my Reality. The new SuperCoil core really does what it says. Even though the DNA is wrapped in an extremely strong Exo Solid coverstock, the core real helps this ball shape off the end of the pattern. Compared to my Reality, the DNA goes 2-3ft further downland before it gets into the hook phase, and it covers several more boards left to right than my Reality. I think this piece is going to be really good for lower rev players that need to cover boards on higher volume patterns and see more downline shape than the Reality provides.

Personally this ball is not for me, but I can see this being a great option for lower power players, and a great piece on longer/higher volume patterns.


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« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2023, 08:18:45 PM »
I was SUPER impressed by the Storm DNA. Coming off a high end release that I got to use a ton in the Super Nova I was excited to get something a little bit different in the DNA. I drilled it with a stronger 4 inch pin placement and this ball never disappointed no matter when I took it out of the bag. On the tougher oil patterns it dug through and turned the corner and on the house shots during the week it let me keep everything in front of me and wasn’t afraid that if I upped my ball speed it would get past the break point. I drilled a fresh one for some upcoming summer tournaments and I’m excited to get it started even sooner.


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Storm DNA
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2023, 03:31:51 PM »
The new solid Asymmetrical ball in the premier line is the DNA.  The DNA has a brand new Supercoil weight block and wrapped it with the EXO solid coverstock.  I'm normally not a big fan of big strong Aysm. solids as they just don't match up with my ball roll.
But the DNA is an exception, as for solid the DNA has a lot of motion downlane!
I drilled mine with a 4.25 inch pin up.  I used the DNA first on the house pattern, and was very impressed.  The DNA got down the lane better than expected and had a lot of backend motion. The DNA handle the puddle with ease and it didn't quit or labor when it hit the dry outside boards.  I have used the DNA with Storm Step 2 and while bowling on sport patterns I have added 2000 pad to help the ball motion with good success. I have the DNA below the Reality and Gem, but to me it rolls like a beefed up Phaze 2.
Its not flippy at all, but just a strong rolling arc.  Really a different motion in the SPI line. Great Addition!

Brian Watson

Storm Pro Shop Staff

PAP  3 7/8 up 1 1/8
RPM  400
Tilt    17
MPH  16-17


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Storm Bowling DNA By Chase Roloson
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2023, 09:12:42 PM »
Storm Bowling DNA
Layout: 5 ½ x 5 ½ x 4 ¾ Pin Down
Bowlers PAP: 4 13/16” Over 11/16” Up
Rev Rate 400 Rpm
Unleash Your DNA of Performance with the Storm Bowling DNA! The DNA combines innovative technology and impressive performance to deliver a bowling experience like no other. First and foremost, the DNA features the inventive Supercoil weight block, which sets it apart from other bowling balls. This core design enhances the ball's overall motion and hitting power. With the DNA in hand, I experienced a strong and continuous backend reaction that tore through the pins with explosive force. The EXO Solid Reactive cover-stock of the DNA further enhances its performance on the lanes. This cover-stock provides a perfect balance between traction and length, this is one of the first “Big Cover Ball” That doesn’t hook so early its unusable, the ball reads the lane at the right point with precision and delivers a smooth and continuous backend motion. It performed admirably on medium to heavy oil conditions, offering great versatility across different lane patterns. One of the standout features of the DNA is its consistency. Shot after shot, the ball demonstrated excellent predictability and control. It allowed me to make confident adjustments and repeat shots with ease, which is crucial for maintaining accuracy and maximizing scoring potential. Its eye-catching design with the Storm logo and distinctive color scheme makes it stand out on the rack and Pro-shop shelves. Whether you're a seasoned bowler or a casual player looking to step up your game, the Storm Bowling DNA is an excellent choice. Its unique core design, impressive hitting power, and remarkable consistency make it a force to be reckoned with on the lanes. Unleash your DNA of performance with the Storm Bowling DNA!
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