The Infinite Physix is my most hated ball of all time. I am fully willing to accept I personally got a lemon. However, my teammate also picked up an Infinite and we have had identical experiences with our balls. Frustrating, erratic, unpredictable, weak. The Infinite Physix literally does the opposite of what you want it to do every shot and is spectacular at creating new ways to confound and befuddle you as a bowler. I bought this ball upon release and was extremely excited about it when it first came out. I am an asymmetrical pearl fanatic. I have maybe 30-40 games on mine, pull it out every three months or so to see if I’m crazy. And it winds up going back to my ball graveyard as I can’t believe it’s even worse then I remembered. On the positive side, it is probably the best smelling Storm ball I’ve ever experienced. I wish I didn’t hate it so much as it smells incredible and always makes my bag and car smell nice when I decide to give it another try.
- Incredibly loud Blueberry smell that is quite delightful and will envelope in a nice way any environment you have it in.
- The Blue color scheme of this ball is pretty cool.
- Holy hell, where do I begin with this brick? As I said in the introduction, I bought it when it first came out and give it another try every few months. And I always come away astonished at just how bad and how much worse it is then I remembered it.
- Completely erratic movement. Sometimes it’ll give you too much. Sometimes not enough. But will usually disappoint and frustrate you by doing the opposite of what you intended.
- One of the lightest and weakest balls going through the pocket I have ever seen. You will laugh out loud at the singles and the bizarre splits this ball leaves. Playing with it just a few days ago, I smacked the pocket from multiple different angles dead flush just to leave single, corner pins and splits from hell. I am not sure why this ball is so weak but I’ve never seen anything quite like it before.
- I don’t like the shape of it very much. When I think of an asymm pearl, I think of a hockey stick motion of straight through the fronts and mids then exploding left when the ball finds friction. The Infinite however is little more continuous than you would think with bizarre erratic movements that are either sometimes too weak or sometimes too strong. The core kind of sluggishly powers this ball into a lazy roll that often will deflect or go through the pins in an odd way. However, at slower speeds, the core will suddenly take off leading to extremely sharp heavy asymm movements that are difficult to control.
- My experience with this ball is that it's extremely unforgiving, you have to throw it just right, the way it wants to be thrown, or you're going to have a bad time. My Infinite bricks, cannon balls and poops out with a lazy weak motion when trying to dial up the speed of it. Yet gets extremely erratic the slower you get with it. So lazy and weak ball motion with higher speeds and erratic "WTF?" type motion at slower speeds.
- With the odd not quite angular and not quite continuous ball motion, I'm at a loss of what I'm supposed to do with this ball. Up the gutter or stroking off of the right ten on the lane, this ball doesn't have a sharp enough break to cut through the pins like you would think an asymm pearl would. Yet the ball is lazy and doesn't have enough natural horsepower to be that effective cranking it left of 20. I guess if you're a lower speed player who is in that 13-14mph range, this ball might fit you? But every angle I play with this ball, there's another ball that does it much better.
- The 4k fast finish of the Infinites is a very cool intriguing idea. Having a ball that will retain it’s out of box motion as it settles to it’s natural grit is an unbelievably awesome idea. However this ball is so erratic that I don’t know what to make of the finish. Out of desperation, just to try something different, I hit it with a 1000 pad. But this just seemed to magnify all the problems with this ball.
To conclude this review, my Infinite’s bridge just cracked after a minimal amounts of games, leading to the end of the career of the worst ball I’ve experienced so far. I had this experience with my Infinite and my teammate has this experience with their ball. I feel like the UC2 does what the Infinite is trying to do, just Infinitely better. However, I have seen pros on television make it look good. I also have another teammate who bought an Infinite much later then we did, who has made his look good on occasion. I’ve seen noted ball reviewers say the Infinite is the best ball of the year… which blows my mind. So I’m willing to accept maybe the first early releases of this ball were lemons or there was some freak act of God occurrence why this ball was so awful for us. But still, the Infinite Physix will go down in my memory as the worst ball I’ve ever thrown until (God forbid) something even worse comes along I get suckered into buying.
Plz no bully.