I would put the ROF pin up. If you don't have enough oil for the invasion the rof may not have enough either in that layout, unless you are prepared to do surface prep to make up the difference. Both my invasion and rof are pin up (invasion is dual angle dual thumb). There is a ton of difference between the two, even at box setup. I am just worried that the ROF will roll too early with a pin down layout and burn up. The ROF by nature gets into a roll earlier (sort of like the dimension), so it all depends on what you are looking to do. I will tell you with this layout on fresh oil the invasion is worlds stronger then the rof, and I can see that being the case with you as well as your invasion is drilled pin under. Just something to think about, is there any place in your area that demos them before you buy. That might be your answer so you can try the pin up and pin down layout before you buy. Its nothing worse then having equipment that is too close together!
Hmm..Lets see what I have in this bag..A Reign of Fire, an Invasion, a Nasty Spider, and a green Avalanche.. how can I lose....
....HG-300(2006 w/Desert Heat)...299 (03/15/09 w/Agent Orange)...HS-776 (Hot Sauce Pearl & Ebonite Magic)