I wouldn't worry about missing out on the Trop. Breeze solid. I had one in 15 lb. and recently gave it away, because I'm not using14s.
I do have a Ride and a TB Hybrid, both drilled identically, with the stock finish. They are definitely complementary, with the Ride hooking more and earlier and handling a notch more oil than the TB Hybrid. (The 15 TB solid was very, very similar to the TB hybrid. I used it anywhere from 3000 dull to light polish to a full heavy gloss polish. You're not missing much, if anything with the hybrid.)
I never used the Agent, but that core is much stronger, with a much lower RG and a much higher differential than the Ride. I'd estimate it was at least 1 1/2 to as much as 2 full steps stronger than the Ride.