Looks very good! Few things i noticed..
-Like the balance
-Like your hand position at the top of your backswing
-Like the follow thru (the goofy thing at the end of the follow thru is way after the ball leaves)
-Like the ball choice =)
Possible Problems (Notice I say possible b/c I'm going off 1 video from 1 angle)
-Backswing seems pretty high. However, since your small is helps you generate speed. I don't see this being a problem now, but possibly in a few years. Hope that makes sense.
-You take a 5 step approach, which is perfectly fine. However, your pushaway starts on the first step instead of the traditional second step in a 5 step approach. You compensate this early timing with the very high backswing, allowing your feet to run and catch up. Again, the speed of your footwork helps you create ball speed.
These arn't really problems now, but they may be in 3-4 years when you get bigger and naturally have more ball speed. If I were you, I would try pushing the ball away on your second step, and lower your backswing significantly. In order to do one of these, you will have to do both so that your swing stays in time. It will feel very awkward at first, but should help you be more accurate.
The best advice I can give is to find a reputable coach that you feel comfortable with and practice, practice, practice!
Michael Nelson
Northern Illinois University Bowling