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Author Topic: whats the point of new bowling balls?????  (Read 2424 times)

David Lee Yskes

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whats the point of new bowling balls?????
« on: September 20, 2003, 09:59:12 AM »
ok, i know this subject gets beated to a pulp, but what is the point with comming out with 5 - 10 new bowling balls a year, and 3 are for light-med oil, 3 are for med-med heavy oil, and 4 are for heavy oil.  
          I mean whats the point of comming out with all of these new bowling balls when they do the same stuff on thier recommended oil patterns?  And of course people will say its so they can make money.  
           But its like, i just bought the X-factor Reloaded, and now i heard they have a new X-factor ball comming out.  Its like whats it suppose to do, hook 20boards instead of the 19 that the Reloaded did?  Or its like, they had the TourPower, but now have the CorePower LRG, so whats the big difference? I mean they are both made to read the midlane very well without overreacting.
         I mean i know these new balls are suppose to Hook more, but whats the point of buying them when the places you bowl dont put anymore oil down than what they did, 5yrs ago.  
          Or some of these balls are so condition specific, that you might be able to use them only at one place because they put out a shot that works well for the ball.  
          Take for instance, last yr, i bought a used Trauma Response for 50$, i got it from a friend and it had about 15games on it.  Well when i bought it, it was polished up, and it worked well on a normall house shot.
          I took it to a house in town that floods the lanes, i scuffed the ball up and it hooked. Yet any where else it burned up at 30ft.  So now the ball sits in my basement, because i can only use the ball in one house that i know of.  
        I mean its like you dont need anything but a mid performance ball to bowl in probably 75% of the bowling alleys in the U.S.
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Re: whats the point of new bowling balls?????
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2003, 02:07:04 AM »
Man, talk about overlap . .
HAH!  I don't know ANYBODY now!

Being in adult leagues teaches you many things.  

1.  You're not on top anymore, but there are a lot more people that suck worse than you do now.  

2.  The myth about the youths having an easier shot is NOT TRUE.  I'd have an entire ring collection if it was.  

3.  Drunk adults are a lot funnier than drunk youths.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: whats the point of new bowling balls?????
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2003, 10:29:16 AM »
That is why when there are bowlers that have a set arsenal and it is CORRECTLY done, when we get on soup at a tournament we are prepared to score, and when those who don't have a heavy oil ball are the ones that leave saying they couldn't get far enough right.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: whats the point of new bowling balls?????
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2003, 03:03:42 PM »
David Lee...  what if Chevy only made one car and never made another new model and you were stuck always getting the same model every year???  Ball companies are continually trying to "reinvent the wheel" in my opinion and create the best possible equipment to make available to their customers.  I have like 10 balls in my possession now and the fear factor on order, but I only carry 4.  My most recent purchase was the reloaded and I find this ball to be the most versital ball in my bag right now.  These balls do wear out over time and need to be replaced.  I've gone thru two of the x-it's.  My trauma response is now polished to a shine and used for dry conditions because it died out.  I agree with you to a point, BUT if you come to my house where they have been flooding them this year and don't have a heavy oil ball, I don't see you scoring as you can only move so far right with your medium ball.  I bowl at many houses now during tournaments and having 4 balls along with me helps me to adapt to conditions and cash more often.  I think that if you just bowl in one or 2 houses though, you only need 1 strike ball and a spare ball, but if you travel, you need a go to ball and a couple others to fit certain specific conditions.  Oh and as far is the # of boards covered, I don't believe that is the most important aspect.  Entry angle is FAR more important than # of boards covered, it just so happens that sometimes a harder hooking ball is needed to get optimum entry angle.

David Lee Yskes

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Re: whats the point of new bowling balls?????
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2003, 03:08:53 AM »
Well, i myself carry 4 bowling balls to league nites, most of the time, depending if its snowing or not, lol.  But yes if i am going to a house i have never bowled in before, i bring a heavy oil ball, two med oil balls, and a dry ball. Cuz u never know what you will encounter.  

 I mean i know the whole thing that the companies need to continue to make a better product n stuff, but isnt there going to be a point in time where they wont be able to go beyond what they have?

 Its like, when is enough going to be enough?  i mean if you need a heavy oil ball, why not just buy a Trauma Response and leave it in box condition, i mean i know that ball will hook on ICE.  

But i mean i have a Reloaded, and kept in it box condition, and like it on about any condition except dry stuff.  But i will probably sand it down to 800 and make it my OIL ball.  

Now i have some old Storm stuff that still hooks like its new, IE the El Nino and Thunderstorm.  But i also had a La nina that died on me, and that usta be my heavy oil ball, but not now.  

I gave it to a guy on my Thursday league and he is more of a stroker/spinner and he loves the ball, kept it drilled the same 4X4 and he playes up 10 with the ball, and gives him a nice reaction, lol, and to think i gave it to him for free, lol.

I gave another guy on my team my old ThunderStorm too, cuz he was using some old Zone stuff and wasnt getting good pin action, alot of 8-10's and bad hits, on pocket shots, and even though his hands didnt fit the ball well he liked the reaction he got.  So that makes me happy, and those two balls are still in almost NEW condition.
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

David Lee Yskes

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Re: whats the point of new bowling balls?????
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2003, 05:20:58 AM »

Yes the houses i bowl in tend to change thier oil or pattern every yr, I dont really know what they do in that respect for two of the leagues i am in because they are new leagues for me, wed/thurs.  

But my monday nite league i have been in since 96.  And yes the shot is different every yr.  3yrs ago in this house people couldnt keep Reactives on the lanes cuz the new owner put out a pattern similar to a PBA type, with Sandpaper backends, and some people brought out thier old Nitro's and Urethane balls, I know i brought out a old Blue hammer, i had from JR leagues.  

But since then its been more of a easier pattern.  But last yr, it was super easy and everyone who scored played the track and we had several guys average over 230 or very close.  But this yr, its different, there is less hold in the middle.  

And to answer your questions about tournaments, i do bowl a scratch tournament series in my area and one of the houses does put down a sport shot, and i know some of the PBA pro who bowl in them do pull out the low performance balls on the sport shot.

Last yr, one of the houses i bowled leagues in was known for having a FLOOD of Oil from 10-10, well the owner messed with everyone, and put down a very demanding shot, basically a light oil Crown.  And a friend of mine who needless to say is very good, said he took out his old Thunderstorm and went right down 17.  

And i have been a loyal Storm user since 96 when the ThunderStorm came out.  And still have the El nino, Trauma, Eraser, Eraser boost, Trauma Response, Two-X-factors, X-factor Reloaded, Trauma Recovery.   And i have gone through or gotten rid of, the La nina, Trauma ER, El nino 2000, ThunderStorm, Erase-it, Big Hit, Tour Power.  

So its not like i dont know about Storm. And i would say the Response is a True Heavy Oil ball.  

And no i didnt goto TN for nationals, but from what i heard, alot of the guys from my area who did go, used the Duece alot and it worked for them.  

And I know i can pull out my El Nino, and still use it on most conditions put out today.  And for the La Nina, when that ball came out it was considered a Heavy Oil ball.  But now its just a Med oil ball.  

But i know the only place you will ever find a true tough shot is either at Nationals or the US Team Challange, or on Tour.  But if you look at alot of the guys on tour and what they use, they are using the Mid-performance balls, on most conditions because u can use the Heavy Oil balls, unless u are on 50ft of oil.  

Anyways i dont wanna seem like i am yelling, which i am not, i am just making a statement about what i notice in bowling.  

Oh and one more thing, i dont think i have ever had a ball die on me, except for the La Nina, and i dont think it really died, its just the house i only used it in changed the shot, to a heavy oil pattern than what it was, so the ball, wouldnt even move.  

So i figured it was dead.  And like i said My El Nino still hooks as much as it did when i first got it, and same with my old Thunderstorm.  But anyways i shall end this.
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "