After putting some games on this piece, I decided to finally give a review for this great ball.
Track Arsenal Artillery
Weight: 15 lbs. 3 oz.
Pin: 3.5"
Top Weight: 3.25 oz.
Layout: 4 3/4" x 5", pin above ring finger (no X-hole needed)
Surface: OOB(Compound finish)
I was looking for something that would compliment my Arsenal Reactive, b/c my Reactive is great on the fresh THS I see regularly. What I had seen with the Xception caught my eye and I wanted one. But since I couldn't find one at a reasonable price(I am frugal), I got the Artillery instead. I noticed the coverstocks were the same, Goo LS. Also, I noticed the finish on it would help it skid further downlane and hook stronger on the backend than my Reactive, which I was desperately in need of.
Lane conditions tested: Various, from Heavy fresh to medium with carrydown
When I first threw this ball, I was impressed with the reaction I got from the last 15 feet to the pindeck. This is not a true skid/snap reaction by any means, but the Goo LS cover, layout and surface I have on the Artillery give it a really strong backend on the fresh and on the transition conditions I see out there. Also, it is not hard to control, b/c it is more arc than flip, but not by much.
Performance Grades:
Heavy oil: The Artillery is not good for the heavy stuff b/c of the layout and surface I have on it. I have the Phenom Unleashed for this shot, b/c it works alot better than the Artillery would. If I had to use it on this shot, I would have to be very direct and slow with the speed....and then it wouldn't be used on what it was designed for.
Grade: C-Medium oil: On the fresh shots and most of what leagues put out there, this ball is great. I can use it as the first ball out of the bag here, especially if the Reactive is a little too strong. I can really get comfortable on this shot b/c of the length the Artillery gives me plus the strong backend on patterns like this. I got what I was looking for here....
Grade: A+Carrydown shots: The Artillery is good on carrydown, b/c of the cover being the surface that it is for me. I use a combo of the Reactive or the Artillery when the shot gets a little squirrely for me. But really, it is really me more than the ball.
Grade: BOn any other shot, this ball will not work for me. Either it will skid too far or be too strong on the backend to handle. Other pieces would suit better, such as my Slash or my HexPlosion or even my Magic and/or JackHammer. Just know your limitations on this ball, b/c this ball is not the versitale ball that some pieces are(such as an original V2 from Ebonite).
Compared with my Reactive:
This ball is a great 1-2 punch. The Reactive grabs earlier and rolls strong on the backend, whereas my Artillery goes longer and has a much stronger backend.
Compared with my Phenom Unleashed:
These two are a great combo as well, b/c of the coverstocks and layouts I have on each. The Unleashed grabs much sooner(at least 5-10 feet) than the Artillery but both have great backend. Both serve me well if I had just those two to use.
Compared with my Slash:
The Slash is more of an even rolling ball from start to finish compared to the Artillery. The Slash would compliment the Artillery in a tournament where you need smoothness compared to backend strength.
Compared with my HexPlosion:
The Artillery grabs a little sooner than the HexPlosion, and is stronger overall with hook and backend. The HexPlosion delays its reaction about 3/4 of the way down the lane and has a nice roll on the back but not snappy.
Overall: This ball fulfilled my expectations and produced immediate results for me ever since I bought it. I have shot career highs in scores at the end of the season, a 661 series and a high game of 268(both sanctioned). My average went up a couple of pins at the end of the year to 190 by using this piece. It fits my game perfectly and suits the conditions it was made for. The boys at Track made a great addition to the Arsenal series with this ball, and it has given me great success so far!
Plus, the color is simply awesome and it has become my favorite ball based on appearance alone....which is good for display purposes.
Overall Grade: A God Bless You All and Thanks for reading this review!
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Name: Michael Bradford
Nickname: "The Rookie"
Ball Reaction: "99% Ball, 1% Bradford" - Evolution Tag Team Member #3 Dain Stewart, "The Beast"
Evolution Tag Team Member #2 since 1/06