This ball is everything i was looking for.
15Lbs 4Oz before drilling, 3"Inch pin, 3 1/4 top weight, box surface.
Pin over ring finger, MB 1"Inch right of thump, no balance hole.
Bowling on AMF Synthetics, 38 feet X-Mass oil pattern, second shift.
Check my profile.
According to the drill sheet, this drilling should give me enough
length with the most dramatic backend reaction, and this is exactly
what this ball did.
Goes long and the reaction was almost not fair compared to
my teammates equipment.
They were asking all night long if this "Thing" is legal !!!
Perfect midlane read with strong, but predictable angular backend snap.
Hit is powerful and light pocket hits, carry very well.
Also carrydown does not seems to calm down this weapon.
I have to agree with northface28 that this ball will change
how particle pearls are going to reviewed from now on.
My favorite ball right now and the first out of the bag for medium,
medium-carrydown conditions.
10 out of 10 for this one.
Great job TRACK.
Thanks for reading.

Bowlers make shots, and Bowling Balls make Strikes