
Equipment Boards => Track => Topic started by: woodzx12 on October 02, 2009, 11:03:05 PM

Title: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 02, 2009, 11:03:05 PM
im back with a report. i bowler on my friday night team has the 715a. he is averaging 235. i asked him how he like the ball and this was his answer. this is a third game ball when the lanes dry up. he cant get the ball to hook in the first and second game. he has a very high rev rate. but he is using the 930t and loves that ball. so once again i have 6 bowlers who own this ball and they all say this ball will not hook like it is advertized. i used the storm vertual energy and shot 741. this ball was moving 7 boards harder than the 715a. can only use the 715a in the dry. 6 out of 6 people. 6 differnt styles of bowlers. same answers. extreme hook. maybe if you are bowling in the sahara desert.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Thunder835 on October 03, 2009, 07:37:36 AM
Saying you have 6 bowlers who all use the 715A and all say it does not hook, surprises me!  You have to provide more information though so someone can give you a good explanation.  First off, what styles are the bowlers? What''s their speed? What''s their rev rate? What''s their PAP? How are the 715s drilled? How much volume of oil does the house use? Did you try altering the surfaces?

These balls do hook. Comparing a 715A to your VE is not a good comparison. These 2 balls are miles apart! Some balls just do not match up well on a pattern, that''s common sense.  You really need to provide more information to get an answer.


Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
People don''''''''t lack strength, they lack will.

Edited on 10/3/2009 7:44 AM

Edited on 10/3/2009 7:45 AM
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 03, 2009, 07:48:17 AM
the guy is averaging 235 what more info do u need this is no 175 bowler. i think this guy knows what he is doing. im averaging 220. i khow for sure what im the way these balls have the track #2 drilling. same drilling on the 930t as is the 715a and the 715a wont even touch the head pin in the first two games has no problem with the 930t.all the 6 bowlers that have these balls are all over 200. its not a problem with the bowlers.   its the ball does not perform like it is designed to.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 03, 2009, 07:54:39 AM
by the way the guy averaging 235 used the 715a in the third game and shot 267 when the shot brokedown. i think he knows his game very well
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 03, 2009, 08:08:35 AM
u guys at track talk about how its drilled where the pin cg and mass bias. on your product does it not say extremely angular... it should not matter track #1 drilling,track#2.u are tell customers extremely angular and it is not long and smooth thata what should be on this ball. if bought this ball for 200.00 and it does not do what it is supposed to you would be upset to. u would think i learned my lesson like when i bought the track rising. what a mistake buying the 715a.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 03, 2009, 10:15:39 AM
My 715a is one of the strongest pearls i've owed. I've seen probably close to 10 of them at tournaments and they are all very strong. They just need a little friction downlane.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.

Track - Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Guined on October 03, 2009, 12:11:24 PM

In the other thread your bashing Track and the 715A on, I have aske you two times to provide me information about your game to try to help. You haven't done that except giving me a little info about the drilling on your ball. I have responded to that.

As far as saying your 235 average team mate knows what he's doing I would say your correct. You see a bowling ball is a tool for your game, throwing a 715A on a fresh oil pattern that warrants throwing 930T is probably not a good idea. The 715A will never get out of it's hook phase into roll. By the third game when he is seeing down lane friction then he changes to the 715A and shoots 267. That is a bowler that understands his equiment.

Woodz I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you about the ball even though you average 220. I don't think you fully understand ball motion on the lane and the impact drilling, surface texture, Rev Rate, Axis Rotation and Axis Tilt have in how the ball goes down the lane and how to match a bowler up to a certain ball and layout. It's ok a lot of guys with high averages don't understand any of this. Heck I drill balls for James Hylton who averages 235+ and hold the 5th 900 series evershot. Before the whole Robert Mushtare thing he held the two highest series ever shot with a 900 and 878 series. He knows nothing about ball reactions and ball motion on the lane. but I drill him equipment to match his style and how he wants to play the lanes.

I could put a 715A in my hand with a Rev Rate of 375 to 400, 45° axis rotaion, 17° Axis Tilt and absolutely hook the lane with the ball. I can give the ball to a friend that has less rev rate more axis rotaion and hes see pretty much teh same thing as I do. I can give it to anotehr frien of mine that has a rev rate of 475+ and the ball looks like garbage in his hand because he has very little axis rotation. He's really up the back of the ball.

If you want some help I will help you but quit bashing the ball and Track. From what I read in the other thread I don't think the ball was drilled to give you what you were looking for.
Rick Guined

Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop:
Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician
USBC Bronze Certified Instructor

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: jls on October 03, 2009, 01:50:57 PM
My 715a is one of the strongest pearls i''''ve owed. I''''ve seen probably close to 10 of them at tournaments and they are all very strong. They just need a little friction downlane.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.

Track - Evolutionary. Revolutionary.

Guined,  Here in this post,  the bowler claims this to be one of the stongest pearls he has ever owned....   wow.....

How come you did not come on and challenge that... How come you didn''''t ask for all that info you asked Woodex about...

To me it appears that if  a post is positive, you then assumed the ball is drilled correctly.. Yet if someone darns to post something negative,  you want to dissect his whole game... Even though he has other balls drilled in a similar matter...  You seem to want to dis credit his drilling on the 715T..

Believe it or not,  but there are other pro shops out there in this country who know what they are doing...

And based on the feedback that I have seen and heard about this ball,  I would tend to say that Woodex is dead on the money with his post...

And I still don''t see in any of his post, a cry for help from you...


Edited on 10/3/2009 3:00 PM
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: SleepOnIce on October 03, 2009, 02:11:13 PM
So the 930T is a stronger ball than the 715A? Thanks topic creator, I wouldn't have known that otherwise.
Rob Stone Supporters of America!
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Thunder835 on October 03, 2009, 03:00:50 PM
Why do people post messages on these forums about certain "problems" they have and then when someone tries to help them, they get all defensive?  I do not get it.  If you didn't want to hear our opinions, then don't post things like this looking for help, when all you are looking for is an argument.


If someone likes a certain ball they have, then you don't need to troubleshoot anything, UNLESS they ask.  Woodzx12 made a post about the ball, we are trying to troubleshoot but it seems he got a little defensive as soon as someone spoke up.

I just don't understand.
Track PBA Regional Staff

Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
People don't lack strength, they lack will.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Guined on October 03, 2009, 05:45:54 PM

Ego, it's obvious that you don't know me. I'm about as far as you can get to having a big ego. I have gotten a awful lot from bowling and truly enjoy helping people with thier game or matching them to the right equipment.

Woodz came on here bashing the 715A and Track saying they are mis-representing what the 715A will do. I have drilled several of them and can say the 715A is probably one of the most angualar pearl balls I have thrown. "That's why I didn't or wouldn't question Joe Jr on his statement. I also have drilled them to roll earlier and softer of the spot with surface changes.

I had not intention to say his ball was drilled incorrectly. I stated from the infomation that I got from him his this is why his ball is rollign the why he is seeing it. If he wanted it long and angular I would have drilled it with the layout I mentioned. that's all that was ment by that.

I have never made any comments about other proshops, their experience, expertise or how they do business. So please do not imply that I have or do so. As a matter of fact I actaully help the other Proshop Operators in my area if they need in on layouts, reactions ect. They are direct competitors to me but they are also providing a service to the bowling industry and if they ask for my input or help I give it willignly. To me it's about education and helping people get better at the game we all enjoy. if they get better and enjoy it they will continue. If they don't they will go away. Monday I will be going to help out the Ebonite DSM in my area with a Columbia League Demo at my largest competitors center. To help him better serve his customers and hopefully he will sell some more balls.

I have had the pleasure to work with and be trained by some of the best in the industry. With the background and knowledge I have gained I am only coming on here to help someone out and give them a better understanding of layouts,ball motion and how to best match them to an individuals game.

I stand up for Track becuase they make good balls like most every other brand. I was a Regional Staff Player for Track for three contract years up until about three weeks ago when I resign my staff position. My resignation really comes down to the Track balls and the ball motion they create are really strong. With my rev rate I just had a hard time matching up with them. I've drilled a lot of track balls for my customers and they look great in their hands so it was frustrating to me.

Back to the 715A and Woodz. I asked him like other did as well a couple of times about items in his game that will better help me understand his game and why he maybe having the problems he is and he hasn't given that information. So I gave him my best assumptions from what I had to work with, that's it.

So if you think an applogy is warranted then here it is "I appoligize" Because my Ego doesn't stand in the way of me doing that. But maybe also i don't need to come on here and give my input anymore. You know it really doesn't mean anything to me if someomne bashes this ball or that ball, or this brand or that brand.

So I'm done now.
Rick Guined

Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop:
Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician
USBC Bronze Certified Instructor

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Guined on October 04, 2009, 03:38:53 PM

I never said or thought that woodz was crying for help from me. I don't know where you guys are getting this. I never ment anything demeaning to the guy.

If you read my post my post better I said that Track's equipment just didn't match up to my game as well as I would have liked. For my game and Rev Rate they are to strong, and as I have stated before the 715A were long extremely angular on the back of the lane for me. I Don't need or particularly like ball motion like that. I made surface adjustments to get them to read the mids correctly and then it would tame the back a little to much and the ball wouldn't face up correctly for me. I also said that many other people I drilled the balls for they looked really good. So don't take me not matching up that the ball don't perform well. There are many people out there doing very well with them. I will stand behind Track and the quality of the products they produce.

With my statement on a layout I stated a layout to give the angular motion woodz said he wasn't getting thats it. Now your saying that that he didn't want that, that's why he went with and aggressive drilling. So I'm confused because woodz in understandting was complaining he wasn't getting the extremely angular motion that Track said the 715A. If he's looking for an aggressive overall motion on the fresh then maybe suggest to him try taking the cover down to 2000 or even 1000 and see how that works for him, might be pretty good.

As for me selling my Track equipment. I thought I would get rid of them at low cost if someone wanted some good equipment with low games on them. Believe me I could have got more money for them. But I really don't care about the money.

Again I appologize I wasn't trying piss anybody off, I was only trying to help the guy out. If you can't accept or deal with that then I don't know what to tell you.


Rick Guined

Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop:
Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician
USBC Bronze Certified Instructor

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 04, 2009, 04:02:45 PM
It's pretty amazing how some jerkoff's act around here. Guined you have nothing to apologize about, you were just trying to help, and there is no reason for these 2 morons to jump down your throat like this. Some people just like to fight and to cut down others and it's pathetic.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Xplosive89 on October 04, 2009, 04:07:31 PM
All of you guys who are on here bashing the crap out of Guined needs to stop. Your arguing with a guy that has far more knowledge about bowling than you guys do. When you guys come on here and say this ball sucks because it wont do what its advertised and a guy asks you all these questions because he wants to help you in any way he can, you throw it back in his face. Guined is not even bashing you guys, but trying to better understand the situation of why your having the problems your having with a particular ball so he can offer assistance. and you guys come on here and act like an insecure teenage girl whos on her period and got told shes fat.

So, what have we learned here? arguing on the internet is like running a race in the special olympics, even if you win.......your still retarded.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Kid Jete on October 04, 2009, 05:02:48 PM
I think these guys are a bit slow, if you know what I mean.  The first thing that jumps out to me is that they are bowling on a shot that requires the 930T, yet they want a ball, the 715A, that gets instant length and is super polished to hook.  Last time I checked polished pearls weren't the best choice for heavy conditions.  Maybe trying listening to the people that are here to help?  Take them there shiny balls yall got and make em a bit duller, yeeehawww!
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Kid Jete on October 04, 2009, 05:11:35 PM
By the way, just because you found a handful of people that agree doesn't mean there's another handful that don't.

For example...
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: sammy on October 04, 2009, 06:43:09 PM
I think these guys are a bit slow, if you know what I mean.  The first thing that jumps out to me is that they are bowling on a shot that requires the 930T, yet they want a ball, the 715A, that gets instant length and is super polished to hook.  Last time I checked polished pearls weren't the best choice for heavy conditions.  Maybe trying listening to the people that are here to help?  Take them there shiny balls yall got and make em a bit duller, yeeehawww!

That was his teammate using the 930.   He shot 276 with it the first game.
Woody was using his new virtual energy, polished and shot 247 the first game, 236 the 2nd game and 258 the 3rd game for a 741. His teammate switched balls and shot a 267 in the 3rd game. I forget what his 2nd game was.  But he ended up with about a 780 series, give or take a pin. I guess you have never seen two bowlers on the same shot using different equipment.  Did you ever think one guy might be more speed senitive.  Did you ever think. Oh did i mention that woody was using his newly drilled virtual energy polished with an aggressive drilling on it.  Yet the same drilling on his 715 would not react for him in the first game. But was great for him in another house in the 3rd game, on the desert. I never know it was a rule in bowling that all bowlers must use dull balls in the first game.  What an idiot.  
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Kid Jete on October 04, 2009, 07:13:01 PM
I think these guys are a bit slow, if you know what I mean.  The first thing that jumps out to me is that they are bowling on a shot that requires the 930T, yet they want a ball, the 715A, that gets instant length and is super polished to hook.  Last time I checked polished pearls weren''t the best choice for heavy conditions.  Maybe trying listening to the people that are here to help?  Take them there shiny balls yall got and make em a bit duller, yeeehawww!

That was his teammate using the 930.   He shot 276 with it the first game.
Woody was using his new virtual energy, polished and shot 247 the first game, 236 the 2nd game and 258 the 3rd game for a 741. His teammate switched balls and shot a 267 in the 3rd game. I forget what his 2nd game was.  But he ended up with about a 780 series, give or take a pin. I guess you have never seen two bowlers on the same shot using different equipment.  Did you ever think one guy might be more speed senitive.  Did you ever think. Oh did i mention that woody was using his newly drilled virtual energy polished with an aggressive drilling on it.  Yet the same drilling on his 715 would not react for him in the first game. But was great for him in another house in the 3rd game, on the desert. I never know it was a rule in bowling that all bowlers must use dull balls in the first game.  What an idiot.  

Probably because the VE is a hybrid and starts up earlier than the 715.  Did you ever run that through your head?  Taking the surface down on the 715 would get it to start up earlier and probably would see more of a reaction out of it, although if "woody" says your other pal with the big rev rate is using a 930 I am still guessing there''s too much oil for the 715 at the start.  But whatever floats your boat buddy boy.  People try to give you suggestions, which I''m assuming you came here for, and you keep making excuses.  If you came to just b*tch and moan, then yes, I think you have accomplished that.  So you can leave now and go blow your buddy woodrow.

Oh and I don''t think everyone throws dull equipment in the first game, where exactly did I say that?  I''m just pointing out what the suggestions were to improve the look you douchebags are getting with the 715.  Not to mention you keep talking about you and your buddy posting negative reviews.  Well chief, this isn''t the review section, it''s the discussion section, hence all the responses back.

Edited on 10/4/2009 7:17 PM
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: no300tj on October 04, 2009, 07:15:34 PM
I'm not going to get into all the stuff above me here. However, I looked at the drill sheet to see the layout, and a ball drilled like that for me is never going to be angular. Also, being a pearl, unless the pattern is very open it'll never turn the corner for me. Don't know if this helps, just an observation.
whoever said size doesn't matter never had trouble with a thumbhole
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 04, 2009, 07:20:01 PM
It's pretty amazing how some jerkoff's act around here. Guined you have nothing to apologize about, you were just trying to help, and there is no reason for these 2 morons to jump down your throat like this. Some people just like to fight and to cut down others and it's pathetic.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.

Nice moouth on this guy, he is what they call an internet big mouth. Boy someone post a negative review and it gets deleted. Yet this guy with the big mouth can come on and call people names and nothing gets deleted. You guys are a joke.

Yea man it was the mods that deleted his post, that's what it was. The guy comes on here posts stuff like this, then for some stupid reason gets his feelings hurt when some people just try and help and deletes his own damn posts.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Kid Jete on October 04, 2009, 07:22:45 PM
I'm not going to get into all the stuff above me here. However, I looked at the drill sheet to see the layout, and a ball drilled like that for me is never going to be angular. Also, being a pearl, unless the pattern is very open it'll never turn the corner for me. Don't know if this helps, just an observation.
whoever said size doesn't matter never had trouble with a thumbhole

I have a feeling they just drill balls the way the picture looks and have no idea what the pin to pap and pin to val is.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 04, 2009, 07:27:00 PM
I'm not going to get into all the stuff above me here. However, I looked at the drill sheet to see the layout, and a ball drilled like that for me is never going to be angular. Also, being a pearl, unless the pattern is very open it'll never turn the corner for me. Don't know if this helps, just an observation.
whoever said size doesn't matter never had trouble with a thumbhole

I have a feeling they just drill balls the way the picture looks and have no idea what the pin to pap and pin to val is.

Some people are just clueless, but still think they know more then everyone else. These people aren't worth the effort.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Kid Jete on October 04, 2009, 07:28:45 PM
I'm not going to get into all the stuff above me here. However, I looked at the drill sheet to see the layout, and a ball drilled like that for me is never going to be angular. Also, being a pearl, unless the pattern is very open it'll never turn the corner for me. Don't know if this helps, just an observation.
whoever said size doesn't matter never had trouble with a thumbhole

I have a feeling they just drill balls the way the picture looks and have no idea what the pin to pap and pin to val is.

Some people are just clueless, but still think they know more then everyone else. These people aren't worth the effort.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.

It DOES start to feel like effort after a while, doesn't it?  LOL!
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Kid Jete on October 04, 2009, 09:09:02 PM
kid joe and big mouth, Who said anything about drilling balls. He said he had it drilled that way. You track followers think you are the only ones that know how to drill. And do any of you drill, or do you just come on and run off at the mouth. And he did not delete his post. More then likely it was deleted because it was negative. People on this site talk about the fools at lane 1.  Your track followers are right up ther with them.  you guys act like you know it all, then you twist things around. Bottom line, the ball is weak and it is not angular. Now make up all the excuses you want. Do any of you even have the ball.  Or did you all sell them too. After all it was the best pearl ever.
What a joke you are.  There have been post saying that the ball is smooth. Yet the three stooges here have spoken. and now no ones opinion matters, just theirs. Well I'll say one thing about you guys, your all good for a laugh, nothing more.  Best one was, help from a track staffer. Yep, just what i would want, help from someone who 2 years ago was telling people how to drill the Rising.  I would not ask any of you what day follows saturday and comes before momday.  Cause your all a joke.  Look at the picture.  Ya you mean the one with the cg above  and right of the fingers and the mb about 9 inches away from the pin.  Is that the picture you speak of.  If the mb is 3" from the val in that pic, then the pin is about 9" away.  Ya, i would want that copied. Of course I doubt that the three stooges have even seen the drill sheet. Cause their all a joke.  Ya accurate pic, a joke thats what you all are.

/search "joke"...

results... 4 hits.

suggestion... get new material.

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: nextbowler on October 04, 2009, 09:53:02 PM
Just for the record, I have a 715A and live in Vegas.  It seems to me that
the lanes here are relatively dry--maybe because of the low humidity or heat?
For me the ball is very angular and turns as soom as it hits the dry.  Pin is
above the ring finger.  I am not disappointed in the ball.  I have a 505c
also that is more arcy and is not as continuous as the 715.  I plan on getting
the 930 when funds permit.  I am not a Track staffer, I just liked their products at a demo day.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: LaneHammer20 on October 04, 2009, 10:17:34 PM
I think these guys are a bit slow, if you know what I mean. The first thing that jumps out to me is that they are bowling on a shot that requires the 930T, yet they want a ball, the 715A, that gets instant length and is super polished to hook. Last time I checked polished pearls weren't the best choice for heavy conditions. Maybe trying listening to the people that are here to help? Take them there shiny balls yall got and make em a bit duller, yeeehawww!

Great point. Its like me trying to use my Break pearl drlled strong on a condition that is meant for my S-75 or Solaris Requiem, it will look like a turd, and maybe even look like one the last game as well, since the concentration of oil is so high even by the end of the night. It has happned to me many times before
What is sandbagging???

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: golfnutFL on October 05, 2009, 01:33:08 AM
The 505A will make all of y'all forget about the 715A. It is what the 715 was supposed to be. (Still not a first game ball w/o high revs)
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: SleepOnIce on October 05, 2009, 08:32:40 AM
sammy's posts read like a jls post but in paragraphs, and never funny.
Rob Stone Supporters of America!
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on October 05, 2009, 10:22:06 AM
Just mindblowing.  The 930T and the Virtual Energy hooks more that the 715A.  Holy news flash....

Why are you comparing those two to a 715A in the first place?  You might as well make a post crying about how a Roto Neptune can't hook 40 boards, but your buddy that has a Cell can...

I don't recall anyone saying the 715 is the all-out hook monster. It is a medium lane condition ball(in terms of length and/or volume) at best.  I've tried a 715A, using the same layout that is on my 2nd Virtual Energy (60* 4.5" 25*).  It allowed me to play not only tighter, but further right and it worked quite well.  I'm also high-rev, decent speed, and average over 220.

"Extreme hook" as you so eloquently put it, isn't always the answer-all.  but then again, someone at your level should "know that"...
'09-'10 Arsenal completed!

You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on October 05, 2009, 10:31:27 AM
I like puppies and butterflies.
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.  Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.  MTIXE

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on October 05, 2009, 10:32:51 AM
I like puppies and butterflies.
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.  Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.  MTIXE

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo

Do you have a spot in your heart for unicorns?
'09-'10 Arsenal completed!

You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 05, 2009, 10:57:41 AM
kid joe and big mouth, Who said anything about drilling balls. He said he had it drilled that way. You track followers think you are the only ones that know how to drill. And do any of you drill, or do you just come on and run off at the mouth. And he did not delete his post. More then likely it was deleted because it was negative. People on this site talk about the fools at lane 1.  Your track followers are right up ther with them.  you guys act like you know it all, then you twist things around. Bottom line, the ball is weak and it is not angular. Now make up all the excuses you want. Do any of you even have the ball.  Or did you all sell them too. After all it was the best pearl ever.
What a joke you are.  There have been post saying that the ball is smooth. Yet the three stooges here have spoken. and now no ones opinion matters, just theirs. Well I'll say one thing about you guys, your all good for a laugh, nothing more.  Best one was, help from a track staffer. Yep, just what i would want, help from someone who 2 years ago was telling people how to drill the Rising.  I would not ask any of you what day follows saturday and comes before momday.  Cause your all a joke.  Look at the picture.  Ya you mean the one with the cg above  and right of the fingers and the mb about 9 inches away from the pin.  Is that the picture you speak of.  If the mb is 3" from the val in that pic, then the pin is about 9" away.  Ya, i would want that copied. Of course I doubt that the three stooges have even seen the drill sheet. Cause their all a joke.  Ya accurate pic, a joke thats what you all are.

Lol if you think your important enough for me to read that sorry excuse of a rambling thought you've sorely mistaken. Your a fool and not worth anyones time so crawl back in your hole with your other clueless friend woodz.
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on October 05, 2009, 11:09:49 AM
I like puppies and butterflies.
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.  Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.  MTIXE

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo

Do you have a spot in your heart for unicorns?
'09-'10 Arsenal completed!

You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.

Just the tame ones.  Those evil ones need to be eradicated at our earliest convenience.
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.  Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.  MTIXE

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 05, 2009, 02:18:56 PM
I think these guys are a bit slow, if you know what I mean.  The first thing that jumps out to me is that they are bowling on a shot that requires the 930T, yet they want a ball, the 715A, that gets instant length and is super polished to hook.  Last time I checked polished pearls weren't the best choice for heavy conditions.  Maybe trying listening to the people that are here to help?  Take them there shiny balls yall got and make em a bit duller, yeeehawww!

were does it say on my post that i bowl in heavy oil. i told you guys i am not saying that i dont like the ball. what i am saying that the ball is advertized on the track web site extremely angular, long and strong, and medium to med heavy oil. all you people have to realize what the consumer is buying. im buying this ball because tracks webs site says that this ball will do these facts.around here in the mens league mosts of us bowlers use polished balls because we are not limp wristed. how can i say this any clearer. 6 men averaging 200 or better all say the same thing about the 715a.the lane condiction is not flooded with oil. it is a tough shot and i dont seem to having any trouble with the virtual enegry hooking on that shot.the 715a is a good 3 game dry alley ball. but thats not what tracks web site says. but now as for crying for help as my good x friend sammy said i would not ask you track people what day of the week it is much less how to drill a ball.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on October 05, 2009, 02:24:18 PM
What do you mean, you people?
'09-'10 Arsenal completed!

You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 05, 2009, 02:27:38 PM
What do you mean, you people?
''09-''10 Arsenal completed!

You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.

What do YOU mean you people?
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.

Edited on 10/5/2009 2:31 PM
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 05, 2009, 02:49:33 PM
What do you mean, you people?
''09-''10 Arsenal completed!

You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.

What do YOU mean you people?
My Vid (http://"¤t=OnePearl.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.

Edited on 10/5/2009 2:31 PM

here is a classic examble of what losers do. when faced with hard facts off tracks web site they have no answer. so they come on and post bull sxxx reply like this. i noticed in your profile you use your 930 at 1000 pad...
so i can understand why u think no one can use a polished ball in the first game.  dont be a hatter.
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: SleepOnIce on October 05, 2009, 03:00:08 PM
So you're saying a ball that is designed to skid/flip needs some friction to react?

Rob Stone Supporters of America!
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on October 05, 2009, 03:10:56 PM
So you're saying a ball that is designed to skid/flip needs some friction to react?

Rob Stone Supporters of America!

Carmen Salvino is working on the ball that can skid/flip on floods so all of the charcoal briquettes in use now that blow up a pattern will be obsolete.
Return with your shield or on it.  Strength and honor.  Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.  MTIXE

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo

Title: Re: 715a
Post by: woodzx12 on October 05, 2009, 03:12:53 PM
So you''re saying a ball that is designed to skid/flip needs some friction to react?

Rob Stone Supporters of America!

cant you read..... what i posted is what the track web site is saying. and the ball is not doing track going to give me back 200.00 for this ball. i dont think so... if you go to best buy and buy a product and it says that it does one thing and u bring it home and does another. u can return it. i on the other hand can not. so stop putting this ball out to be something great when all it is. a smoother verison of the freeze. now for fool that said this balls drilled off the picture of the drill sheet it is not because if u look at the sheet the pin is 9 inchs or better from the mass bias. and thats impossible. so only a fool would drill off a track drill sheet.(remember the alamo [ rising ] another $200 bucks of my money down the drain.

Edited on 10/5/2009 3:13 PM
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: jls on October 08, 2009, 05:17:27 PM
Are the balls being left at box surface?  All the ebonite brands that come polished have an extremely hard polish from the factory.  Everyone that I''ve drilled up for my customers and myself I''ve taken the surface down to 1000 or 2000 and polished back up.  Also just telling us someones average doesn''t give any information on drilling or axis tilt.  Also were the drillings on the 715A and the Energy similar? Also the surfaces are different being that the energy is 1500 with polish.  I''m not saying it''ll make them the same but at least the layout and surface prep have to be close.
Dave Roberts Jr
Track staff
Turbo regional staff
Bowl-T''s Pro Shop, Imperial. MO

Excellent point... Their balls have fabric softener on them to protect the cover...
Cleaning the ball first will indeed help.. The method you use is excellent.

Now I know 10,000 people are going to question the fabric softener...

So let me be perfectly clear...

I don''t care if you believe it or not... And I will not come back and debate it...

You can either choose to believe it or not...

Edited on 10/8/2009 5:18 PM
Title: Re: 715a
Post by: Joe Jr on October 08, 2009, 07:01:50 PM
My 715a likes medium oil conditions,¤t=IMG_0290.flv

Looks long and angular too me.

And I agree that the factory finish is probably too shiney for most people, 1000 or 2000 and repolishing working great.
My Vid (http://"¤t=IMG_0291.flv")
Just another hack with too much equipment.