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Author Topic: Track Archetype (WWRD 2/23/2023)  (Read 81110 times)

Juan Fonseca

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Track Archetype (WWRD 2/23/2023)
« on: January 31, 2023, 10:11:19 AM »

Track Archetype     @15 lbs  2.518  .053  .020   DynamiCore/D.O.T.
WWRD 02/23/2023  12-16 lbs. Alternate core 12-13 lbs.
Track Bowling has always tried new things with already proven cores. The I-Core has been seen in the Paragons and Paradox series, but now comes the I-Core 3.0 Slim. Making the core taller raises the RG and asymmetry. The cover is the popular QR-11 Solid. What does all this mean? The Archetype will be great in heavy volumes but the motion will be quicker and later. This offering slots above the Legion Solid and below the Paragon. People will notice the Navy/Neon Green/White color pour going down the lane.
Recommended Cleaner: Power House Clean N’ Dull
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services



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Re: Track Archetype (WWRD 2/23/2023)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2024, 10:32:33 PM »
Hello, I'm new to bowling so I'm confused. I appreciate the information you provided but I have a small question:
How does the QR-11 Solid cover affect performance in different lane conditions?

Pro bowling player google baseball USA/New York

Juan Fonseca

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Re: Track Archetype (WWRD 2/23/2023)
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2025, 01:11:25 PM »
Track uses a coding system and they add or delete depending on if a ball is in the line. Quick examples would be DR= Delayed Response for most length and lighter conditions, MR= Medium Response for daily volumes, benchmark, lane reading, etc and QR= Quick Response for a fast (quicker) change of direction when a ball sees friction. They then add a number, the higher the number the "stronger" the ball is in that range.

This helps bowlers find the type of ball they are looking for depending on the environment they see.
Ex: A QR-11 would read the lane friction early and smooth out quickly on a condition that it's not designed for. On the other hand, a DR-4 would hardly read the lane due to minimal friction on heavier patterns.

There's a lot of fine tuning, but it is a general guide. I hope this helps.
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services