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Author Topic: Charcoal Executioner  (Read 18193 times)


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Charcoal Executioner
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Color: Grey

Coverstock: Reactive

Core: 2-piece Asymmeterical

RG: 2.49

Differential: .045

Factory Finish: Matte

Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil



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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2003, 05:09:10 PM »
For some background information on me, you can read my review of the Crimson Executioner.  I also do not know of the drill pattern or pin placement with this ball but will try to explain how it reacts with my shot.  The Charcoal Executioner has more overall hook than the Crimson but with slightly less back end reaction.  The problem I've run into most often is the heads being too dry for this ball to have a chance.  It would just take off too early.  As long as I'm able to get through the heads clean, then the ball does well for me.  It's a good complement to the Crimson Executioner.  If the lanes are really oily, then this is the ball that I use.  If they are not so oily or when they start to break down, then I can switch to the Crimson.  They are the only two balls that I use and I think are good combination.  I do think that the Charcoal Executioner does fall more into the category of being a condition specific ball.  If I had to choose only one ball, it would be the Crimson Executioner.  Overall, I would give the Charcoal an 8 out of 10.


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2003, 11:14:04 PM »
After buying my Green Gargoyle I went ahead and purchased a test staff membership from visionary and I selected this ball. I was hoping it would be a good med-heavy oil ball. I have it drilled leverage, pin out 3-4, and at 1:30 or right of the ring finger. I have a lot of hand and still cant get this ball to move a lot in the oil. It seems to go way to long for a dull ball. I would say the Green Gargoyle hooks almost 5-6 more boards for me drilled the same way. The Executioner hits ok. All in all i would have to say its a slightly above average ball. Up next is the Scorcher for heavy oil.

Update: What a difference a day makes. I went a shined the heck out of the ball and now it most definitely is a med-heavy oil ball. The hitting power increased as well due the the larger angle of entry (no 10 pins in 3 games) It now hooks more then the Green Gargoyle which is what i wanted. Now I would say this ball is a keeper. Keep up the good work Visionary.


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2003, 10:34:00 AM »
Bought this ball in hopes that it would replace my Rhino Pro T2, Still testing.

The cores are similar in that they are ver dense in the middle and have tappered Lightbulb shape.  The core of the excecutioner has its base shifted a little to create a mass Bias, and has a flip block on the top to help it turn the corner.  Doing a little research and taking the advise of a few from this site, I had the ball drilled label (label leverage to be exact).  It is still in box condition for now, and I think i need to polish it.  Rolls nice, and has power at the pins, but it doesn't seem to like it when I play deep.  I am hoping that the polish will take care of this.  

I will update with my final say on the ball here soon.


By gosh I think I've found it I think the excecutioner line will be the line to replace my Rhino Pros Rhino Pro T2 Replaced by the Charcoal, and my Rhino Pro X Copper replace by the crimson (I still need to get a crimson).

Here we go:

Ball specs:
16# w/ 3 oz top weight
3" pinout

Using the pin and cg it is a 3-3/8x6 drilling.
Basically it is a label leverage layout.

No balance hole.

Basically I used the sheet from the net with the two balls on it and picked how I wanted it to react. I did not use the sheet that came withe the ball.  Also did a little research here on the site and talked to a few people.


Polished to 1000.  Had to do this I reported earlier that the ball didn't like me playing in the middle of the lane, well the ball was just burning up as soon as I let go of the ball.

The ball does skate through the heads but has strong arc more with a little flip on the dry the way I have it drilled. (At least at my home alley)
In comparision to my T2 it flips a little more because of the flip block at the top of the ball.

For my test shots I was standing left throwing over the 3rd arrow, breaking at the 8 board.

Also tried more of a direct line sliding about the middle of the lane playing the 2nd arrow (Just about a down and in shot)

Even with the 1000 polish The ball needs oil.  With the ball being polished it will not burn up in the heads, but it will move a ton in the backend if the lanes are starting to dry out.  It handles second game carrydown just fine, but when the carrydown starts to disappear you better put the ball away.

I give the ball 10 out of 10 seeing as it has replaced my #1 ball.

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2003, 04:34:52 AM »
This ball is really good for when your particle gryphon is hooking to late in the oil.Because this ball has a early roll so that is gets threw the fronts better and u can keep getting a consistent hit everytime u do not have to worry about this ball not coming back on oil.This is a good ball for oil and if u like a ball that get threw that heavy oil pattern in the front of the lane.

Christian J.H. Jensen
Visonary Test Staff


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2003, 05:37:39 AM »
I picked up this ball to tackle our local (inconsistent) oily conditions and boy what a surprise.  This ball made an immediate impact on lane playability.  Even when the lanes were flowing, the Charcoal Ex never failed to come in.  I am right handed and tend to run straight down the line 3-4 boards in.  With previous balls, I had to really slow my arm swing down in order to get the back end action I wanted (without coming in past the head pin).  With this one, I can play with good arm speed without sacrificing performance in the back end.  I roll with the factory finish out of the box and have not needed to change the cover at all.  It took a few games to tune the ball in, but once it was correct, it has been a dream to throw.
Robyn Wood
Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2004, 10:21:04 AM »
I absolutely love this ball. I have it drilled to hook a lot. This ball is great for heavy to med oil patterns. I don't get any over under reaction. If I pull the ball it holds I get the ball out it comes back. Like it knows where the pocket is. I just joined the test staff about 3 weeks ago and it is just a matter of time until I roll a 300 with a visionary ball. I rolled pretty much all storm and I like the visionary balls much better. I shot three 700's in three weeks.

Visionary test staff member


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2004, 05:53:30 AM »
hello,  I owned a 15# charc exec and used it on a fresh oily house pattern and it worked pretty good for me.  It was drilled to make a hard arc on the backend with pretty good length.  On the frsh pattern i kept it dull and played anywhere on the lane, which you can do with any reactive ball on the frsh house pattern, but when there isnt a lot of oil on the lane i polished it, it is also a good ball with excellent backend.  The coverstock is easy adjusting and the core will allow variety of drills.  Ive seen one drilled for such early roll its break point was the arrows.  This ball was cleary developed for the use of anyone from medium heavy to medium light with polish.  Not really a flood ball at all so refrain from getting it to master the flood.  Good on pretty much anything except for extreme dry and extreme wet lanes.
Well thats how this ball was for me.  8.5 of 10
bowling is only fun when your doing good


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2004, 11:48:14 PM »
I drilled this ball label leverage.  I used this ball on 37 ft. and 42 ft. pattern.  The ball gives me a great arc on both patterns.  Out of the four balls this one gives the most forgiveness.


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2004, 04:57:24 PM »
Hello, I am a Visionary Test Staff Member, and I have a 15# ball, 2 oz top weight and 2" pin placement.

I had this ball drilled the same way as my EGO, with the pin down and left of my ring finger.  This ball starts earlier and hooks more than my EGO.

As i mentioned on my review of the EGO, I bowl in three different houses, one synthetic 40 foot flood, a basic wall on wood, and synthetic house condition.

on the flood, the executioner reacts fairly well to the huge gobs of oil everywhere, I have already shot a 660 and 658 on this condition with the executioner.

on the wooden lanes, I have only used it once and shot a 600+.  This ball hits very well and carries pretty good, I have just been struggling with my accuracy or it would be much better LOL

on the synthetic house shot, I have shot a 697 on my first try with the ball.  I love the reaction i get on these lanes, and if it wasnt for a pair of stone-cold 9s i would have been in the 730s

I can also flatten this ball out enough to make 7s, a very versatile #1 ball, paired up with the EGO packs a very heavy 1-2 punch.

I give this ball a 9.5 out of 10 for now, I will test it more in the summer, and probably get another one and drill it different to experiment for my scratch league on the US Open shot in the summer.  I will update when I get a chance.  Later.
Joe Ross
Joe Ross
Visionary Test Staff

Who said lefties had it easy?  My old coach still tells me my strike percentage sucks! LOL


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2004, 08:54:00 PM »
This is my second favorite Visionary ball. Like with my Green Gargoyle I have one drilled 5x5(pin below fingers) and weight hole in the thumb pos quadrant. This ball can handle everything from medium to heavy oil patterns with surface adjustments. The Charcoal has to have the proper surface to match the bowler and oil pattern. When the head oil goes so does the Charcoal Ex back to the bag. My first Charcoal Ex was drilled 4x4(pin even with fingers-wt hole on pap). This ball was too over-reactive on sport patterns but handled heavier walls and carrydown. The 5x5 Charcoal Ex stays at home during league play but with my Green Gargoyle is Money on sport patterns(especially long pattrens).

Rod Piasecki
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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2004, 07:53:41 PM »
Another old review that left me in the hunt for a NIB Charcoal after all...

Charcoal whaaaa?
Lane Conditions: Medium-Light Oil
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots
Type of Lane: All Wood
What part of the lane did you play? Third Arrow
Did the ball track out? Normal
Weight of bowling ball: 16
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
What grit was the surface of the ball? 600
Likes: Colors!
Dislikes: The hype!

My Charcoal came to me with a 3-4" pin out distance and weighs in at 16lbs. It is drilled practically label with the MB close to strong position.

This ball doesn't like oil or dry for me, it doesn't hit very well, but somehow manages to carry better than it should.

My line of preferrence was slide foot on 30 throwing the ball out to 10 as a break but I couldn't do that with this ball.

I tried this ball on a medium oiled crown pattern, wooden lanes not sure of the oil numbers though. The first shift was a slop fest and this ball went straighter than an arrow, but the second shift is when this ball did something a little decent.

For the first shift it was 15 to 10 and the second shift it was 30 to 10, only after slowly moving out there.

The reaction is very even, controlled, and not jumpy. The ball starts relatively early and arcs into the pocket. This could be a decent control type ball on medium lanes, but if there's oil in the backends toss this baby in the bag.

Doesn't start as early as it should and hook as much as it should either.

I recently learned it MAY be a bad ball/drill combo but I will get another one to try something different.

Always Aggie Dun

Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.

<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2005, 11:24:12 PM »
Talk about a ball that will go coast to coast with out a lot of hand.Carries light hits like nothing I own, and believe I own.First Visionary Ball  but will not be the last.I know this ball was introduced I 2001 but it crosses more boards than the stuff they are putting out now. TRY ONE i DARE YA AND HAVE THE WEIGHT HOLE PITCHED AWAY FROM CENTER.


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2005, 11:45:09 AM »
This is quite an impressive ball once I hit it with some 600 polish. Layed this ball out with a 4 1/2 x 4 layout. Before I put the polish on it the ball was used up at about 25 feet but once I put the polish on it look out world we have created a monster. The polish gave this ball about 10 extra feet and helped it store its energy creating a look that I was looking for out of one of my other visionary balls. I would have to say that if someone is looking to try some new equipment give this company a shot they have really impressed me in the last two months (started using their stuff in Jan'05). I've shot 299, 805, 276 (back 11) since Jan.
Motiv Regional Staff
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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2005, 04:10:09 PM »
I also got this ball as part of the visionary test staff membership, i got it to complement my crimson executioner. it came with pin 3" and top weight is 2.05, i left it box condition,got it drilled up with pin just right of my ring finger, leverage 1:30, and on my typical league shot, it handles very well, it doesnt have as strong a backend as my Centaur AMB, but it grabs the lane throught the heads better, and still flips hard ,and on massive oil would handle better then the centaur, im thinking about polishing it up a bit, but its not really needed because of the centaur, overall i would also rate this a 10 out of a 10, another great ball from visionary.
Josh Turley
Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Charcoal Executioner
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2005, 08:23:52 AM »
Drilled with the pin 4 1/4 from PAP under ring finger at 80 degrees.

Drilled it up to compliment the Violet Gargoyle, and it does just that. Threw 2 shots with it in box finish (600 grit) and went straight to the ball spinner. Box finish was way way too much on med oil if you have any hand. Used Ebonite's Matte Finish to take it up to 1200 grit, and got the exact reaction I wanted.

Ball starts up about 5-6 feet earlier than the Violet, and rolls hard on the backend. The continuation through the pins in just fantastic... it doesn't quit.

Carrydown wasn't really a problem, it just smoothed out the reaction a little more.

Just a warning.... If you want a great, consistant rolling ball that can be used on many different conditions with surface changes, get in quick. These are being discontinued very soon, and rumour has it they will be completely gone by mid August.

Thanks again to Max and Lee at Bowling Balls Australia for this great ball. Adelaide to Hobart over the weekend... how can you beat that?

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