Fifteen, i was actually on there proshop staff( not the test staff) and i received alot of doubles of the balls so i was able to drill first one often and test it's reaction and drill the second incomparision. The scorcher was also before my time as a staff member. Sadly so were the DC tour balls, that everyone still raves about today. I was fortunate enough to work with the company when they had the Executioners in full swing. I also was lucky enough to get only one of the Clear Gargoyles and not one of the blems. Which by the way looked good even though they were blems, most that i saw just had a green tint to the ball, and that even seemed to make the ball look more aged.
Someone replied on here that the clear will be released again in Nov. When i heard this my face just lite up.
I am no longer with the company but we still have a good relationship.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.