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Author Topic: An apology to my boss, "KU Champ," the Rhinocerus, and anyone else I may have offended  (Read 1047 times)


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Thanks man, I was a little worried that nobody would see this.  Not a prideful guy, I screwed up, I admitted it.  I don't know if I bowled well, I scored well, but everyone has those nights.  You definitely should have scored higher.  Anyway, I'll save my Hamster-ish rantings for other places and subjects that are not as touchy.  If Alan hasn't seen this yet, tell him he rocks.
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .

1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.  
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.  
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
8) People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.