Congrats on winning that tournament! I know exactly the one you speak of! My personal input to replace what you had:
Forza-Truth Tour
Jackal Ghost-Dream On
Trident Quest-Space Time Continuum
Venom Cobra-Boost Hybrid
Tag-After Dark Solid
I pretty much agree with ImpendingDoom (THE 900 Global Guru), but I feel the Dream On is closer to the downlane shape that the Ghost could have, just might need to play with the surface to fill whatever you did before. Also, while I definitely see the Eon Infinite recommendation (and is newer), the Truth Tour has become a Global staple for front to back, slower response lane play. Also, I second putting a Respect and Black Ops in the bag. They are truly a trademark. Wish there was more room for a Honey Badger, but that might be due to me not being familar with the White Hot in person.