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Author Topic: Zen Master  (Read 27171 times)


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Zen Master
« on: August 11, 2021, 04:38:25 PM »
The 900Global Zen Master high-performance bowling ball uses the S77R Solid coverstock which is ideal for medium to heavy oil. This coverstock a paired with the Meditate Symmetric Core making this ball the strongest symmetric ball in the current 900Global line. The core allows this ball to rev up quickly and continue through the length of the lane. Due to the large size of the core, layouts with the pin up or down will not affect the RG/Diff much after the ball is drilled. This ball will pair well on house or sport conditions.

Color: Megenta/Black/Green
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Core: Meditate Symmetric
Coverstock: S77 Response Solid Reactive
Finish: 3000 Grit Abralon
Hook Potential: High
Length: Medium
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
RG: 2.49 (for 15# ball)
Differential: 0.051 (for 15# ball)



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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2021, 03:59:56 PM »
I drilled my Zen Master on the weaker side, with a 70x5x80 layout. It is an excellent benchmark piece. My first set on the lanes with it ended up being an 811, moving a total of 3 and 2 left the entire night. Smooth and continuous as any symmetric solid should be. Gives you more overall than the Phaze II. The 3000 finish ensures it won’t miss the breakpoint, but won’t hook too early before it gets there. What impresses me is the ability to stay in it for longer than one game before needing to ball up or down. Another great versatile piece of 900 Global.
Zack Newman
900 Global Amateur Staff
TikTok: Zackbowlsandsellshomes


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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2021, 12:50:35 PM »
Master of the Zen
The 900 Global Zen Master was the most anticipated ball to the start of the fall season. It has lived up to it for sure! It is here to compliment one of the most popular 900 Global balls of all time, the Zen. This ball has the value of any high performance ball. I drilled mine strong with 4x4x2.  If you like the Zen and want earlier midlane roll, this is it. The S77 Response solid cover reads the oil well and produces nice backend motion with a solid roll thru the pins.  If I need more length, i switch to the Zen to get down the lane longer with the same backend motion. If it seems to be too much too early, you can also shine it. That always gives me the length I need to get thru the front part to save more energy on the backend.  My PAP is 5-1/8 and 1/8 up. Usually around 15-16mph, I’d probably be classified between and tweener and cranker.


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Zen Master
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2021, 05:41:15 PM »
Global Zen Master Ball Specs:

Cover stock S77 Solid Reactive
Meditate Core (Symmetrical)
Purple /Green / Black
Finish 3000 Sanded

Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 5” Over 1/2 up
Rev Rate 300. Tilt 20. Rotation 50.
Speed at cameras 15.5

 The new Global Zen Master is a Solid version of the Original Zen Bowlers has been asking for. The Master is a strong symmetric and I really like it but for me it did not hook as much as I thought it would. It also did not wow me like the original. That being said it is a very good ball and I have shot some good sets and have struck a lot with it. When we did the video I struck 9 out of 10 times and we only kept 6 shots for my son who puts the videos together. The Zen Master provides a nice roll through the front of the lane with a predictable move on the back end. The Master fits under my Proton but above my H.B. Intensity in total hook. The Master and Reality are pretty close in total boards for me. The folks we have drilled the Zen Master for are giving very positive feedback on this ball and their scores with it. I like the way I can stay with this ball through multiple games before I have to ball down. My adjustments are slower than and not as large as when I use a strong Asymmetric ball. This ball seems to roll well regardless of the layout put on it. I feel it is a nice entry into the Medium to Medium Heavy Ball market.

The Zen Master is another very good ball by Global.
The Ball reads wetter patterns very well.
The Zen Master has a strong predictable motion.

Glenn Wendel
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Storm Pro Shop Staff

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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2021, 05:00:48 PM »

Length: 41ft

Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes:With how aggressive the Zen Master is and how early it will read the lane I decided to try something different on the layout. I used a longer pin to PAP layout, 6in, in an effort to help the ball clear just alittle more to make it somewhat usable for me. I found that on balls similar to it, Idol/Phaze2/Axiom, I could not throw them very often just because I dont see enough volume regularly. Thus far I still havent been able to a condition that suits the Zen Master because it is still very strong and rolly. Ive touched the cover alittle to get it to read and just alittle more. Im waiting for my final determination of the ball once i get to throw it on some volume. If you are looking for an upgrade to your Phaze2 or Idol, this Zen Master is definitely it.

Nick Smith
Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff
Striking Results Pro Shop



Michael Slatky

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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2021, 05:30:27 PM »
900 Global: Zen Master
Coverstock: S77 Response Solid
Finish: 3000 Grit Abralon
Core: Meditate Symmetric
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.051

Layout: 70 x 5 x 40
Tester: PAP 5 1/2 R, 1 1/2 D

The Zen Master features a solid version of the S77 Response cover combined with the newer symmetric core that was first featured in the Zen.  The solid version of this cover will provide a round continuous reaction in the 800 Series line. For me, the Zen Master is the first symmetric out of the bag and provides a nice 1-2 punch with the Zen.

For the video review, I tested the Zen Master on a 43 foot typical house pattern.  This ball was very easy to read as it transitioned down the lane and as with the Zen line in general provides alot of miss room to carry pins. One tip to consider, depending on speed and rev rate, is to allow the Zen Master to get some lane shine on the coverstock. If you typically have trouble getting strong solid coverstocks through the front part of the lane, do not hesitate to try this out for the first several games.

Grab the 900 Zen Master today! Also, be sure to watch the full video to see a quick reminder to stock up on kinesiology tape.

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2021, 11:07:44 AM »
Since the announcement of this ball, I was looking forward to getting a chance to see how much stronger this one was to the Zen. I drilled this the same as my favorite Zen with a 5 * 4 1/4 * 2 layout. Using this on a slightly used house pattern, I could really see the difference in the cover between this one and the Zen. The Zen Master started up about 3 feet sooner for me, which was expected, but even with the strong cover and the fresh surface, the Master never got to a point where it quit. Where I see myself using this are on high volume - medium to 44 foot patterns, and I do see this being a good option when the lanes get super cliffed to blend out the lane. Another great product from SPI in the 900 global line.

Sean Daniels - 900 global staff


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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2021, 12:35:43 PM »
Layout: 35 x 4 ½ x 70

The 900 Global Zen Master is a true example of how influential the coverstock is on the reaction of any particular bowling ball; the original Zen is an aggressive skid/flip ball, while the Zen Master is early, smooth, and predictable. Both balls utilize the same core, but the cover on the Master is much earlier and overall more aggressive. The Master is excellent on fresh, heavy, or long oil patterns. The massive amount of midlane roll that this ball boasts helps it to dominate those patterns. The Zen Master is too aggressive to use on anything less than medium oil, though the Zen and Zen Master combine to create a 1-2 punch that covers everything from heavy to medium-light conditions.

Mike LeViner


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Re: Zen Master Ball Review
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2021, 04:59:44 PM »
The 900 Global Zen Master features the S77 Response Cover and the Mediate Symmetric Core.  The Zen Master has a low RG of 2.49 a high differential of 0.051.  To bring this all together, the solid S77 coverstock will rev up quickly going through the fronts and midlane and have a rounded shape on the backend. 
The layout chosen was a 60 x 3 x 40 which will give you a strong angular arc reaction shape, normal transition time and a hook/set ball roll.  With this layout the Zen Master will be great on a variety of patterns such as a medium to long sport or a fresh house shot. 
I did a ball comparison to the 900 Global Reality, Zen and the Storm Dark Code. At two different houses, at Rainbow Lanes there was a THS down and at Before the First Frame in Henderson is the 45ft Dragon Pattern 
First up is the 900 Global Reality.  The Reality features the S84 Response coverstock with the Disturbance core.  The Reality is stronger on how it starts up sooner but downlane the Zen Master will keeps up with the Reality.
Next is the 900 Global Zen.  The Zen has the S77 Response Pearl cover and Mediate Symmetric core and a great compliment to the Zen Master.  You will see how the Zen Master starts up sooner but the Zen will jump harder into the pocket where you can really open up your angles.
The last ball in the comparison is the Strom Dark Code.  The Dark Code features the REX cover with the Rad 4 asymmetric core.  The Dark Code was weaker by 4 boards which will be great on the transition on either house or sport.

In the Bag, the Zen Master will be the first out the bag followed by the Zen, the Dark Code, RST X-2 and Storm Hyroad.

Kevin Duncan

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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2021, 02:30:09 PM »
900 Global Zen Master
Layout: 3.5 x 3 x 3.5
Rev Rate: 325 rpm, 7 degree of axis tilt, 40 degree of axis rotation
Testing information: 41 foot THS (medium to light volume)
Bowling Center: Fulton Bowling Center
Kegel Machine – Brunswick Anvilane

The 900 Global Zen Master utilizes the S77 solid coverstock with the Mediate core. We all know what this core produced with the pearl version in the Zen.  I am looking forward to finding out how this combination plays out over time.  I drilled this ball pin down, which is rare for me.  I compared it to a pin down Storm Crux Prime I have with the exact same layout.  The Zen Master was earlier and stronger than the Crux Prime.  I see the Zen Master being my option on the fresh heavy oil conditions.  Once the fronts start to hook, I would step down to the Zen.  A friend of mine made the Zen Master look really good in a recent tournament that we crossed together in.  When the ZM started to hook to soon, he went to the 900 Global Ordinace C4 and kept striking.  Many good options as a step down from the Zen Master.
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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2021, 08:23:10 AM »
I’m WAY behind the 8 ball on this one, but in a way, that’s a good thing. I usually write these reviews after a week or so with the ball and never circle back around to give updates, good or bad. So, a month after having the Zen Master drilled up by Scott Bijolle at Gold Crown Lanes… here are my thoughts.

I was looking to “replace” or at least come close to replacing my Axiom solid, which has served me well. So, I put the exact same 5x4.5 pin-under layout on it. Initially the ball was MUCH stronger than I remember the Axiom ever being. I think after comparing my findings to other reviews, the S77 Response surface and Meditate Symmetric Core are just simply a stronger option.

As the games have added up, I’m finding exactly what I was hoping for. The surface is smoothing out and that’s opening up more opportunities to use this ball. The layout is giving me a nice tight flare which is helping me control tougher patterns. It’s also proving to blend out the hard edge of high ratio house patterns.
Overall, the ball may not be the go-to out of the bag, but it’s becoming the ball that simplifies the transition and becomes the security blanket when the pattern is confusing me.

Brian Sumner
Storm Amateur Staff
Gold Crown Lanes – St. Johnsbury, VT


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Zen Master
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2021, 10:26:31 AM »
Color: Megenta/Black/Green
Core: Meditate Symmetric
Coverstock: S77 Response Solid Reactive
Finish: 3000 Grit Abralon
Hook Potential: High
Length: Medium
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
RG: 2.50 (for 14# ball)
Differential: 0.051 (for 14# ball)

The Zen Master is a very strong ball. It hooks more then the original Zen and is a little smoother having the solid cover. On THS this ball would be a great option for longer THS or heavier volumes. On drier THS or shorter THS, this ball might be too much for slower speed and higher rev players.

Layout: 55 x 4 5/8 x 55 which puts the pin in my ring finger.
surfaces tried 1000, 500/2000, 500/3000.

Sport Shot: This ball was so much better on sport shots then on THS for me. This worked extremely well on 46ft Dragon.

I found 500/3000 to be the best surface for me. Compared to the original Zen, this ball was more controllable but sometimes would just hit flat after burning up in the dry. If you are a speed dominant player or matched, then this ball will shine.

If you are rev dominant with slower speeds this might be a hard ball to succeed with and will be more lane pattern specific.

Dan Schank
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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2021, 02:55:22 PM »
The 900 Global zen for me is the perfectly versatile ball for oiled conditions. It give me great result even if I want to play straighter or more one side to the other of the lane. It's my benchmark ball to begin to play when I know that it have oil on the lane. If it's not enought agressive I will go with the reality, or the aspect if is too strong. It's also a ball that I will play a long moment before need to change it. She give me great result as long as it will have oil zone on the lane. So, the original zen is maybe the ball of the year but the zen master, the best complement of the year. #goglobal  8)

Rick K

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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2021, 08:24:07 PM »
Zen Master • Prime • 800 Series
Coverstock • S77 Response Solid Reactive • Finish 3000 Grit Abralon
Core• Meditate Symmetric
Weight 15lb • RG 2.49 •Differential 0.051
Layout • 70 x 4 x 20
Tester PAP = 4 ½ R x 3/8 D • Tester Axis Tilt = 12° •Testers Rev Rate = 325
Test Pattern = 42' THS (Typical House Shot) • Modified, Kegel Stone Street

900 Global has once again found a stroke of genius with the release of the Zen Master. With the proven Meditate massive symmetric core combined with the S77 Response Solid Reactive cover, the Zen Master lives up to the performance and excellence you can expect in the 900 Global line. So, let's take a look at how the Zen Master handled a THS.

The Meditate core is an absolute must for straighter and down-and-in players like me. It's almost like having the best of both worlds. I love this core's ability to rev up early with its strong symmetric design. And because of its massive size and density, the Meditate core rolls off the pattern with a destructive force like that of a strong asymmetric. I felt comfortable and confident with the Meditate core's strong continuation through the pins, especially when I knew I had missed. Even those predictable ten pins were no match for the intensity the Meditate core provided early on in league conditions. There is no doubt in my mind the Meditate core produces results.

If you are a high-speed/low-rev player like me, the S77 Response Solid reactive cover defines why the Zen Master is a must-have for your arsenal. Playing on fresh oil with the 3000 box finish, I could enjoy playing straight-up ten with ease. I like how this cover cuts its path cleanly through the front part of the lanes and has a biting turn-off the pattern. As the night began to transition, the S77 solid reactive cover continued to make the Zen Master perform flawlessly. I was able to move in and target 15 without any problems or second thoughts of where my line should be. And I like having that kind of confidence!

On a different night, I surfaced the cover to 4000 grit Abralon as my goal was to see if I could get through three games with this cover's strength. And I was not disappointed - even for a high-speed/low-rev player like me, this ball delivered, and the S77 Response Solid Cover gets the job done. However, I recommend that players like me keep the S77 Response Solid cover at the 3000-grit Abralon box surface. And use the Zen Master on fresh oil and during the transition game where it will be most beneficial.

In concluding my review of the Zen Master from 900 Global, I have found this ball to be a powerful piece of machinery for players like me. High-speed/low-rev players will find the Zen Master will deliver excellent results on fresh oil and medium THS conditions without hesitation. The Zen Master can stand on its own but would also be a great compliment ball between the Reality and Burner Solid from 900 Global. I would highly suggest talking to your local pro shop operator today and finding a place for the Zen Master in your arsenal!

Rick Klimowicz
Storm Products Pro Shop Staff
Roll the Ball Pro shop
Penndel, PA

PJ Haggerty

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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2021, 12:14:08 PM »
900 Global Zen Master Ball Review by PJ Haggerty
One of the most popular balls developed this year was the Zen by 900 Global.  As a compliment to the Zen, the Zen Master was created.  The Master has the S77 Response Solid Cover wrapped outside of the Meditate Symmetric Core and is designed for medium-heavier oil patterns.  As of now, this is the strongest symmetric ball in the 900 Global Line.
I’ve drilled one so far and really like it.  With an RG of 2.49 and differential of .051, I wanted to drill it with the intent of something early, forward, and a slower response time.  My goal is to use it on heavier volume and longer patterns.  I mapped this out as 4 x 4 x 70.  This puts the pin above my ring finger and I’ve left the surface alone too.  I’ve noticed the Zen Master compliments some of the high-performance, asymmetrical balls really well, but more importantly, is an earlier, more round version of the original Zen.
If you need a ball that digs in the mid-lane, is perfect for some of the higher volume patterns, especially on the fresh.  Go drill a Zen Master!  I think you’ll be impressed!


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Re: Zen Master
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2021, 07:49:56 AM »
900 Global Zen Master
Cover: S77 Solid Response
Core: Meditate
Layout: 5 x 3x 2.5

The 900 Global Zen Master is the well awaited follow up to the super popular Zen.
The Zen Master shares the Meditate symmetric core with the Zen, but the new Zen
Master utilizes an earlier, slower, more blendy S77 Solid Response cover instead of
the S77 Pearl Response found on the original Zen. The original Zen has a nice
combo of versatility while still allowing for open angles and the ability to really circle
the lane while still feeling a high level of control. The Zen Master can handle more oil
OR blend out a lane really well. It looks good on typical type house patterns with a bit
more volume while it also can help control flying back ends on higher friction
environments as it uses up a bit of its energy sooner which tames down the
downlane hook. If you liked the original Zen but starve for more control and/or more
strength to cover more oil volume, the Zen Master is your ball. I can't wait to give the
Zen Master some time on sport patterns where control is optimal.

Video Review Link
« Last Edit: November 11, 2021, 07:52:39 AM by bowlstorm3 »