Here's a another of my Ball cleaner showdowns: That Purple Stuff VS's Monster Tac
(Note: I used a different camera for the monster tac pic, lighting color temperature is different too, thus why the towel color looks different)
I used the same ball (Hammer Bad Ass with a fresh 2000 abralon surface, de-oiled and cleaned) on fresh condition both times, Clean towel.
The Monster Tac test

That Purple Stuff test

(also note: since these were different lanes levels of grime could be different which could affect what there was to take off)
Well this is a close call and gets down into some nitpicky details. Comparing the other pics I have and what I seen first hand.
1-Both cleaners removed surface oil, I think TPS might have broke it down slightly faster it's a close call.
2-Both cleaners left the ball tacky, but I felt TPS left it just a little bit tackier.
3-At the end of the first game the TPS towel was slightly dirtier than the M.Tac towel.
At the end of the second game the TPS towel was still slightly dirtier than the M.Tac towel.
But by the end of the of evening, Both cleaners appeared to have taken off about the same amounts of grime.
4-Neither cleaner removed the oil lines in the cover. Though at close examination of the oil lines left by Monster Tac, They were a bit shinier than the ones left by TPS. Which to me means that TPS did penetrate the pores a little bit more. (Which was one of Ron's claims, that it cleaned the pores some.
5-Monster Tac I felt dried up fast on the micro fiber towel, I had to keep spraying some more on. TPS kind of stayed damper longer slightly. Now Ron's micro fiber pad with the sponge material in it might make a difference here.
6-At home I took a white paper towel and put some Purple Stuff on it and cleaned the Bad Ass with it to see if any grime was left by the Monster Tac. None was found, paper towel was still white.
So which is better? Hmmm, Tough call. I think "That Purple Stuff " is a
little bit better, it left the ball slightly tackier than Monster tack.
Is it enough to justify price?
If both were equally priced, I'd get "That Purple Stuff ". Because IMO it has a "slight" edge.
If Monster Tac is cheaper at the time you want to get some cleaner (It depends on when and how much you buy), If You want to save money Monster Tac would be okay.
I wouldn't feel bad about using Monster Tac, it's surprisingly better than a lot of cleaners I tried before. For a generic ball cleaner.
If I can get one of Ron's pads (Which I think are a bit over priced) or the towels like Laneside used to try TPS with, I might change my opinion if it makes a difference.
Extra: here's a pic of where I cleaned another bowlers ball with That Purple Stuff (a different towel than I used on mine) at the start of the night! He hadn't cleaned his ball.
He was surprised how dirty it was.

Note: Regardless of the cleaner used, cleaning the ball every frame. The ball did seem to be more consistent in it's reaction.