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Author Topic: Cleaning soles?  (Read 1548 times)

Willaby Rags

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Cleaning soles?
« on: April 20, 2005, 10:42:22 AM »
I'm currently using Dexter sst5 sports with a #8 sole and a #7 heel, and they're starting to accumulate some dirt on the bottom of the soles and heel.  One guy in my league told me to clean them with dawn, another said to use a brass brush, another said that they should not be cleaned....I'm confused!  The heel is starting to mat down and get a gloss like appearance and the sole is just dirty.  Any suggestions?
Wilmington, DE


10 In The Pit

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Re: Cleaning soles?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2005, 10:47:34 PM »
I can't speak for Dexters, but Linds recommends a mild dishwashing detergent and a soft bristle brush for cleaning their soles....just be sure to rinse all of the detergent residue out of the leather and allow the leather to air dry (no heat) in front of a fan.  However, Dexter may recommend something different.

As for cleaning the heels, I can tell you from experience that I leave the glassy buildup on my Linds heels. I tried cleaning the buildup off of the heels once, and although it wasn't difficult to do, it turned the heel into a HARD braking took a couple of games to get the heel toned down again to the point where the braking was predictable and smooth.  Again, Dexter may have a different idea.

Willaby Rags

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Re: Cleaning soles?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2005, 05:03:55 PM »
Thanks for the input 10...I'll try that

Wilmington, DE


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Re: Cleaning soles?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 11:27:28 PM »
I use a wire brush, and every now and then, when they get really dirty, I take some burgundy scotch-brite pads and use them on the soles and heels.