My thought is that you have too much on the high end side for mostly bowling on house shots. Typically you really only need 4 balls for house shots unless the shot is pretty different from week to week as second shift leagues can be tricky if that is what you bowl on.
An arsenal has to be a wide variety of ball motions. If you are only 15-16 mph, at some point throwing in something lower end is a must. Balls that can fit that bill are the Ebonite Destiny, Columbia Beast, Storm Match Up, Roto Grip MVP or even a Hustle which is a step down from the MVP.
As far as tournaments; it wouldnt hurt to even drill something for when the lanes get pretty beat up. A ball such as a Brunswick Twist or Columbia Messenger with the pin to PAP of 5.5 inches would be good to have.
Mid performance to high performance balls you have more than plenty to tackle medium to heavier conditions whether house shot or tournament shot. I would definitely punch up a ball or 2 on the low end to make sure you have lighter and shorter conditions covered as well.