It is not the ball... it is you. You seem to have an erratic release, whcih can have many reasons - muscled swing, bad timing, not an upright upper body, to name a few.
The buffer on the lane's right side, probably some dry THS boards, keeps your ball on the lane most of the time - but only on this easy condition. Nn a sport shot or a gutter-to-gutter croen pattren you will probably be lost, every second ball running into the gutter because it will not come back.
What to do? Practice and concentration. You should focus on your mark on the lane and not hustle your delivery. Haste and hurry are great flaw sources. Your shoulder does not seem to hang too much, otherweise the ball would rather go leftwards. Do you raer up at the foul line, maybe in an attempt to "push" the release and create some extra revs? That could be a source of trouble, too.
But mainly I think it is just inconsistent release, not hitting the mark. Observe yourself or have an experienced bowler watch you play. Taping is good, too. A coach is also handy for some diagnostics. It is definitively not the ball...
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe