Thanks. That is exactly what many of us have seen.
Not just $20 though. The Elite brand being manufactured by Brunswick are/were routinely sold from $199.00 - $379.00. What other BRunswick brands have already seen product conerns? Viz-a-ball is also a grave concern, as it is the premiere introductort ball for a veyr impressionable age group. This impacts the future of bowling. How many kids will quit not return to their Brunswick Superman, Shrek III, Warner Bros. etc... leagues the next season because their ball never arrived until well after the season ended, and summer is upon them leaving Bowling a distant memory? How many may never return? Then, many may never take a friend bowling? The White dots, Maxims, and $20 balls I threw as a kid were great, but Bowling was different then, the world was different then. Kids have more distractions, more options. Soccer was not a routine activity for kids that young 25 years ago, neither was ice hockey or skiiing. Baseball was in the summer, and your 9:00 a.m. league on Saturday never inerfered, and was something to look forward to.
Brunswick is an excellent company. But their quality issues, and regrettable decision to outsource their most American of products, really hit home for the 17 of us who left the center and their demographic permanently. If Manufacturing af major US automobiles left Detroit for the same reasons, would those companies expect to retain their customer base? Bowling is not just an American Sport, but Brunswick was a great American ball, which is becoming a mediocre and unreliable Central American ball.
I love bowling and America, an institution that was never as blue-collar stereotypical as others protest, but the most accepting sport off all people of all classes and races for a lot longer than many other pasttimes. Importing our equipment from foreign soil and negatively impacting the lives of more than 100 Americans who have certainly ensured my success on the lanes in the past is unacceptable. These posts are for them and for all others who I have seen hurt by the paradigm shift to a service economy we have suffered through since the mid 1980s. This is an issue that is emotional on many levels. Brunswick has intentionally hurt America again, and bowling this time by their actions.