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Author Topic: My 1st experience with my Radical Inferno  (Read 875 times)


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My 1st experience with my Radical Inferno
« on: January 12, 2007, 01:28:19 PM »
I got it drilled today, looks great and so far no complaints. I drilled the ball to be more archy then skid snap, My Vapor Zone, Rampage and Intense Inferno all snap at the back end. My Scorchin Inferno has a hard arch and my Smokin Inferno has a mild arch, the Radical Inferno fits directly in the middle of the Scorchin and Smokin.

The ball is pin over ring finger with the cg kicked out right (small flare increasing x-hole near my PAP). Lanes are 6-7 year old brunswick synthetics, with slop for oil on the lanes. I think the shot was from last nights leauge plus open bowling on them all day long, yeah pretty fried up.

Started out with my Rampage to compare this ball with, The radical is deffinately more aggressive over my rampage and vapor zone.

The ball wanted to read very early with a strong arch on the dry (what little there was left). I found this ball to be unreliable tonight on these conditions, had to be spot on every time otherwise the ball would hit high or go brooklyn. I didnt like what i saw tonight even though I was able to string a 5 bagger my 4th game with it. Cant wait to see what this ball will do on a fresher shot. I can see this being a very good ball on the fresh oil and good till about middle of 2nd game, next wednesday I will find out for sure.

Right now, I am uncertain about it. Need more time with it on fresh lanes before I make any real decision.

This ball does remind me of a Smokin Inferno on Steriods though.
Mike Zadler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
Below, my stats from previous seasons:
Winter season averages at Sunset Lanes in Waukegan IL.
Wed. Nite Ave: 198
Thur. Nite Ave: 218
Mike Zadler