41 feet but how much oil? what ml? What is the ratio? What is the surface of the lanes (synthetic but what? HPL, Via, Anvilane?) It can be anything from medium to flood..
Generally, with your speed and rave rate, I do not think you will need to take Nemesis down to box unless it is heavy oil and you need control when your absolute is too aggressive down the lane..
I have two absolutes and from my experience it can handle heavier, longer patterns pretty well if you have clean backends. If there is flood, you may need your Nemesis in box..
Without knowing the exact condition, it is too hard to give proper advice..
In general, the longer the pattern, you move the breakpoint inside. And again generally, you need control, thus you need longer response time.. I would scuff the Nemesis (lightly with grey pad) and leave the Absolute as it is.. After you see/experience the pattern, you can decide for following weeks..
Just my 2 cents,