Jensm, it does sound as though your Track ball fell victim to oil absorption.....when this happens, they lose a ton of their hook, and only work well on drier lane conditions. Some coverstocks are more prone to this than others, and the Columbia/Track coverstocks are extremely sensitive to this because they are more aggressive at soaking up oil than other coverstocks. This aggressiveness makes them work great for a while, but then they just quit working like they previously did. This is where Doc's Elixer steps in, to slow down or stop the oil from penetrating into the ball, while still allowing the ball to remain aggressive. However, as Charlest suggested, particle degradation is also part of the equation as well, and again, some particle covers are easier to get working again than others. Sometimes it is difficult to say where one problem ends and the other one begins.
I started out a Trauma Response (dull, 600 grit) with the Elixer on board, and I've used it for over 450 games now. Other than an occasional rescuffing and an occasional cleaning and retreatment with Elixer, the ball still has most of its original performance. Needless to say, I'm sold on the Elixer
Edited on 7/12/2003 12:35 PM