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Author Topic: Crisis  (Read 9241 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Crisis features a modified inverted two-piece weight block for medium RG and differential. Surrounding the weight block is a medium aggressive SH-3 coverstock for smooth reaction the entire length of the lane. The Crisis is excellent for medium or stripped lane conditions. The specifications are: Factory finish: polished; Radius of gyration: medium-low (2.580); Differential: medium (.033); Hook potential: 16/12 (dull/shiny); Track flare potential: 5”; Length: 6 on a scale of 1-10; Backend: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Composition: SH3; Weights: 12-16 lbs.; Weight block: Large multi-density two-piece; Color: Purple; D-scale: 76-78.


Paul Meyer

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Re: Crisis
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
This is one of the best balls i have ever drilled.

First of this ball tends to work better on medium to drier lane conditions or a wet/dry shot. I have drilled two of these balls for myself, the first is (4 1/2 x 2 1/2) and the second is (5 1/2 x 4 1/2). The first ball also needed a small weight hole drilled back to 1/2 positive side. The first layout tended to get into a roll quicker and set up in the pocket a little better (played well on inside angles). The second ball works better playing down the boards, it didn't finish nearly as hard as the first when playing inside.

Overall this ball has been an excellent carrying ball which allows me to keep pins very low. In the month of january I have averaged over 240+ with this ball. I highly recommend this ball to anyone who has above average rotation, or anyone bowling on drier lanes.


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Re: Crisis
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Hi, Looking For A Right Ball For Dry Lanes? Try The Crisis,

I've Been Using This Ball For Dry Lanes & Am Too Satisfied

W/ It. Even There's A Strong Backend, You Can See This Ball

Roll & See The Smooth breakpoint To The Pocket W/ excellent carry,

I Recomend This For Dry Lanes & Short Oil.


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Re: Crisis
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2003, 03:30:59 PM »
SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....Don't tell anyone you have read this.
The DYNOTHANE CRISIS is one of the best kept secrets on the market. I
have mine drilled with the pin over the ring and cg on the midline
over about 1 1/2" with a small deep hole at 6" to get me back to 1/2oz
sw to go with the balanced 1/2oz fw.  This ball clears the heads
as smooth as silk, revs up in the midlane, and heads for the pocket
like it had radar...This is the easiest ball to make lane adjustments
I've ever used. With some balls moving left and right gets you too
much skid in the oil,..or too much jump off the dry. Not the Crisis, it's
amazing how long I can bowl with this ball in a tournament, changing lanes
every game, and continue to score and keep the ball in play as the lanes
change. This is a great ball to read the lanes the same way time after
time...another winner by DYNOTHANE. jimensminger


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Re: Crisis
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2003, 11:10:20 AM »
I have mine drilled 45 degrees with the pin below ring finger cg kicked out about 1 1/2 inch and down below the midline with a weight hole on the PAP. I have used this ball three times, once on a fresh league shot, once on a broken down league shot both on synthetics and once on wood where the first five boards were left completely dry and the rest of the lane completely flooded. I had success on the synthetics both times with only minimal adjustments needed. The ball cleared the front with ease and made a continuous move to the pocket. This ball does, however, need the dry boards. Oil is not what is was designed for. Keep this ball in the dry or medium part of the lane and you have yourself a monster on your hand. The carry is exceptional, as with all the balls from Dyno-Thane.

When this ball really won me over was on the wood condition with the extreme dry on the first five boards. This ball was a monster. As long as I got it to that spot outside of 5, this ball roared to the pocket and exploded the pins, not one single wrap in a 5 game set. The ball got about 35 to 40 feet and turned strong to the pocket with no quit and kept the pins low and in the pit. I have bowled on this pattern often and had much success with my Barrage, but wanted to something a bit stronger and I found it. This ball was unbelievable.

If you use this ball on the conditions it was meant for, you will not be disappointed. The ball is a great ball for length and has that Dyno-Thane carry in it. Second shift league shots will be frightened by this ball. Pick one of these balls up and you will have gotten more than your money's worth.
John Rubeo Jr.
Dyno-Thane Ball Staff
visit us at

Pro Street

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Re: Crisis
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2004, 04:50:47 PM »
Hi there. This review is ont the Dyno-Thane Crisis. I don't know the specs cause I bought this ball used from a friend and it fit me perfectly. WHAT A Coincidence!!! Anyway, this is a great allaround ball but best in the dry. For when its medium oil I just slow my ball speed down. The Crisis will go way down the lane and have a strong arc directly into the pocket and smashes every pin. I bowled my best game with this ball. Not score wise causes I messed up But in the 1st frame strike 2nd frame 9 open then 9 in a row not missing the pocket then a 6 open in the 10th for a 253. I blew the 10th because it was a 4 7 6 10. I also slipped. Well Thats it. And by the way this ball hooks alot even though its not drilled for full hook potential.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Crisis
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2004, 03:19:03 PM »
I got the Crisis on a trade; got rid of my Fuze Raging Red.  The finger spans are slightly shorter (4 1/2" to each finger; my normal measurements are 4 3/4" to middle finger and 4 7/8" to ring finger).  However, since this ball has no finger grips (a first in nearly a decade), I used white tape on both fingers and the thumb to increase the spans to just under 4 3/4".  Another interesting note is that all the holes were drilled with absolutely NO pitches.  The result is a ball that I can use on drier lanes (even with a label leverage drilling) via a flat, very clean, AND comfortable release.

Anyway... on to the review!

As mentioned, label leverage (4" X 3 1/2", pin next to ring finger) with no X-hole.  I left the box finish and had a blast on the post-league lane conditions:  dried tracks with strong backs.  The Crisis has a very good read and roll on lighter oil with a strong punch in the pocket; again, just don't force the ball past the break!  Apart from a couple small league appearances, this is a perfect ball for practice, training, and learning new ideas.
Behind the approaching front, the perfect Storm is about to be unleashed...
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: Crisis
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2004, 07:46:42 PM »
Prevent Crisis, Use the Crisis

Lane Conditions: Medium-Light Oil
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
What part of the lane did you play? Third Arrow
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
Likes: Very Predictable. Gets through the heads easy. Strong, yet controllable backend. Versatile.
Dislikes: Of course, not intended for oil. When there is too much oil, the ball gets a little unpredictable.

Ball specs before drilled:
Ball Weight:15 pounds, 4 ounces
Top Weight: 2.42 ounces
Pin Distance: 3-3.5 inches
Drilling: Basic Label

Hook Potential: This ball was not intended for oil. The Crisis is a ball that fits well for Medium-light oil lanes. High rev player will like this ball for medium oil. Lower rev players will enjoy the predictability and lower hook potential on dry lanes.

Hook Shape: The Crisis has a nice, even arc. It's very smooth on medium-light conditions. I'm a high rev player, and it gets a LITTLE jumpy on the pure dry lanes. BUT with a change of hand positions, this can be prevented.

Flare Potential: Differential of .033. Gives small amount of flare.
All ratings are of 12 strikes. 1 strike being the lowest, 12 strikes being the highest of ratings.


Heavy oil: 5 strikes. This is not where the crisis should be handled. It is not a oiler, but you can still use it. I can play straight up 5 on the heavy conditions. But it gets a little unpredictable.

Medium oil: 11 strikes. I really love to throw it on a fresh THS. The Crisis is very predictable on this pattern. I can do just about anything on this pattern with the right adjustments. I can play anywhere from straight up the 3 board, to stand 40 throw 20 to 10. But remember, don't rely on any bowling ball to do work for you. It's all about adjustments. On this condition, the ball goes fairly long with a hard arc to the pocket.

Medium-light oil: 12 strikes. This is where it really shines. Once again, very versatile. Ball goes maybe 40 feet down the lane and makes a strong turn to the pocket. Lower rev players will enjoy it more than higher rev players.

Light/Dry: 9 strikes. For me it is all right on the dry. Not the best decision for high rev players in my opinion, but very playable. Low rev players will love this however. Checks up early sometimes, and as on heavy oil can get pretty unpredictable.

Sport Shot: Prediction - 11 strikes. Haven't thrown this on a sport shot, but my guess is that it will be a great ball for it. Whenever the lanes get tricky, this is the ball to pull out.
Hit: 10 strikes. The hit surprised me. By looking at the core, I wouldn't have guessed it. Keeps pins really low, and rarely leaves corner pins. Lots of messengers ROLLING around, not too many speed messengers.

Looks: 9 strikes. It's lighter in color than this picture. A light purple with a little white mixed in. Not too shabby. But I don't really care about it.


A smooth ball that is very predictable. A perfect ball for you tough, spotty, and broken down patterns. Also should be a TERRIFIC ball for sport patterns. "...Prevent Crisis, Use the Crisis."

Questions?  Comments?  Help me make my review better, PM me.

*Technical information gathered from
I tried.


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Re: Crisis
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2004, 04:42:20 AM »
Got the Crisis just before state bowling tournament, just before the end of the season. So I have just a few games on it. The ball has a nice even look with a little kick just before contact. When the lanes are tight and you have a tough shot the crisis will give you  3 to 5 boards of room to shoot at. I got it for dry lane conditions and tough shots but after I practiced with it a few more times I really like this ball. No surprises, a well mannered ball. I think this  may be the first ball out of the bag next yr.16lb 3inch pin 3oz top weight drilled strong. Those expensive ill mannered balls will be seeing alot less daylight next year lol.


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Re: Crisis
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2005, 08:25:58 PM »
16lb. - 1.5 inch pin - 2.4 oz. top weight

Pin 5 1/2 inches from axis
CG 5 inches from axis

Pin under middle finger, cg swing, no hole.

The Crisis is OK for choppy heads, but is not a skid-flip ball by any means.  Its a great ball for when the backends are fresh and you need control throughout the lane.  Very smooth at the breakpoint, good hitting power, and very predictable.  This ball really shines if you want to play a tighter or straighter line to the pocket.  Since DT discontinued this one, I'd recommend snatching one if you get a chance.


UNOmaha Mavericks Bowling
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling