I did launch one of the first if not the first strong Asym ball. The EMB and realized during the testing procedure that any mid diff over .010 had very little or no effect on performance. The difference was barely detectable on CATS and certainly not visable to the human eye.
My point to all of this is do you buy a car that has a speedometer that says the car can go up 180 mph. Do you pay an additional $5000 for the feature that tells you how fast you can go eventually and than only drive the car in your neighborhood. The extra power is not needed so why have it added.
There is no proof be it CATS or otherwise that supports more strikeing or greater angle of entry (which usually yeilds more strikes)by having a stronger mid differential. If proof were availabel than everyone would eb using it in their marketing. No one has proven it, read all the media placements. Also if some did so scientific proof I certainly would have to eat crow.Brunswick as already proven that a diff above I believe .040 has very little influence on perfromace. I'm sure they are working on Mid diff effect.
Increasing the mid differential above .010 slightly may have a result, but doubling it or increasing it by an even greater amount is simply hype.
Another example is the overall diff number. It was once .080 as the upper limit. I developed the first ball that challanged that number, the diff was.078. It was mainly hype. Now that since USBC has reduced it to .060 that scoring did not come down due to the change from .080 to .060. As a matter of fact if they lowered it to .050 we would barely see a change in scoring if at all.
Physics and geometry are still the answer. Hype may sell balls but I assure you that is not what we are all about and will in the long run ruin the game. People will not coninue to shell out hundreds of dollars a year for equipment that simply does tha same old thing.
That is the reason we do not launch product until we are sure it does what we claim and fits into an arsenal.
It may take us a bit longer to get new product to market but when we do launch it we are comfortable with the performance and need less hype to sell it. That is when performance speaks for itself.
By the way who is that guy Mo Pinel you mentioned?