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Author Topic: Single Drilled 15lbs For Sale  (Read 690 times)

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Single Drilled 15lbs For Sale
« on: May 30, 2008, 06:44:05 AM »
All are single drilled - (RH, Span 4 3/16 on both, No finger inserts, Thumb Slug)

15- Brunswick Ultra Zone (1 game used)  $75 shipped
15- Brunswick Blast Zone (1 game used)  $65 shipped
15- Red Zone (1 game used)  $50 shipped
15- Fury Pearl (10 games used)  $65 shipped
15- Hammer Raw Pain (1 game used)  $50 shipped

Only ball I really had success with was the Fury Pearl, Just didn't like what I saw out of the Zones.

I'll post some pics later tonight, I also might have a few more balls to put up for sale.  Send me a message if your interested in the balls.