Guy on my league is about ready to pitch his No Mercy into the can.
He's a very speed dominant player (although he can slow it down and dial in more hand if forced to, but that's not his A-game). He has a No Mercy in box finish that is drilled with Drill Sheet Instruction #1.
Until tonight, I had to confess I did not know that Drill #1 is Hammer's aggressive drilling. I'm not used to seeing a MB marker in the track and thinking it's an indicator of an aggressive drilling.
So anyway, what's going on here is the ball is not getting into a roll easily, not giving him any kind of back end, and may or may not be burning up (although I doubt it, since he can slow it down and get the ball to loop more). He was throwing it and a Columbia Icon 2 tonight with the pin over the ring and getting a much better look out of the Icon.
We bowl on a lower-volume pattern, anyway, with not such a dramatic crown in the middle. It's not flat by any means but it's not wet/dry, either.
I think he'd like to play a power arc with this ball and not have it be DOA at the pindeck. Any suggestions?
Edited on 3/4/2008 9:54 PM