
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Mighty Fish on August 18, 2013, 07:32:43 PM

Title: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Mighty Fish on August 18, 2013, 07:32:43 PM
A bowler who has been an ABC/USBC member for more than six decades and has bowled in 55 national tournaments -- Paul Gustke of Sarasota, Fla. -- has some interesting comments about USBC and the direction of the modern-day game.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 18, 2013, 07:40:13 PM
Amazing.  Yet another tool more worried about trinkets than anything else.  The USBC moved, get over it people.  Now the USBC has to worry about people's travel schedules and expenses?  Seriously?   
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: mainzer on August 18, 2013, 11:46:02 PM
Amazing.  Yet another tool more worried about trinkets than anything else.  The USBC moved, get over it people.  Now the USBC has to worry about people's travel schedules and expenses?  Seriously?   

+1 million
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: kidlost2000 on August 19, 2013, 01:40:07 AM
Get out of bowling what you want because no one else cares. The rest of the world considers it a joke. If you want awards get a TNBA membership. If you want tough coniditions bowl in tournaments and events that cater to it.

If you want the equipment to be less advanced buy the less advanced equipment and use it.

There are a number of ways to get what you want out of bowling with out needing others to do so. The USBC is a joke in many ways. Once you understand thatm and that is a business like any other then you can focus less on it and more on what you enjoy.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Dogtown on August 19, 2013, 08:18:38 AM
Mr. Gustke has some valid points.  Something that stood out to me was if USBC is doing away with awards, other than 300, 800, 900 rings, what reason would a league have to sanction?

I get that a lot of the awards are cheesy.  I don't think many people care about patches, refrigerator magnets, key changes or plaques.  But is doing nothing the answer?

I think bowling needs to look at golf and the USGA as an example.  Mr. Gustke is concerned about the USBC offering alcohol at the Open and I understand that.  But after going to the Open, it was nice to have a beer to calm my nerves.  I know bowling has a stigma about it being an excuse to drink.  But honestly, every golf tournament I've played in there has been a beer cart going around.  And nobody mentions that when talking about golf.

It will be interesting to see how things change over the next few years.  I feel we need to invest more in the youth.  I also feel bowling proprietors need to be more involved.  If they are not promoting leagues and youth bowling, then bowling with continue to decline.  Open bowlers or casual bowlers come and go, league bowlers are there every week.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Gizmo823 on August 19, 2013, 08:42:26 AM
I don't know that this guy is worried about the trinkets for himself, he's worried about the rest of the simpletons that are that will factor it into deciding whether to be sanctioned or not.  We've just started talking about awards on our board and there's been a community uproar already about USBC no longer handing out magnets and keychains, even though most people throw them in the trash or leave them on the tables.  You just can't be a business in today's world without kissing everyone's ass, and whether it's right or fair or not, some people on the east coast are getting pissy about constantly having to travel across the entire country every single year.  I don't think he cares particularly, he's just had enough experience to know who's doing the griping and what it's going to be about
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Snakster on August 19, 2013, 09:23:02 AM

It will be interesting to see how things change over the next few years.  I feel we need to invest more in the youth.  I also feel bowling proprietors need to be more involved.  If they are not promoting leagues and youth bowling, then bowling with continue to decline.  Open bowlers or casual bowlers come and go, league bowlers are there every week.

I couldn't agree more. I've only really gotten into it since January of this year when my son suddenly got interested and involved in bowling. The lack of drive to market towards youth was immediately evident and nonsensical to me. Birthday parties are not youth bowling. The 'coaching' that is provided at his youth league was, frankly, a joke. You may or may not receive any attention in any given week. And the attention they did receive seemed to me to be ham-handed. I see kids with absolutely atrocious form (older ones) with zero attempts at trying to correct.

I don't know who is dropping the ball, whether it is USBC or the proprietors. Probably equal amounts if blame to go around. But it seems that it requires just a little too much actual work for their taste and that the barest of minimums is okay by them.

Do I care about the elimination of awards? No not really. Do the kids? Maybe the younger ones. The older ones not so much. But if you're going to make those sweeping changes, you better come to the table with more specifics about your plan and vision than some vague statement about changing focus to promoting and protecting the sport. How? With what? By doing what? Hopefully it's something that has broad scope and not focused on the top 5 %.

But you know what? The leadership looks real sharp all dressed up sitting in the front row at televised events like the Masters; patting themselves on the back about how awesome they are.

Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 19, 2013, 09:54:59 AM
Mr. Gustke has some valid points.  Something that stood out to me was if USBC is doing away with awards, other than 300, 800, 900 rings, what reason would a league have to sanction?

I get that a lot of the awards are cheesy.  I don't think many people care about patches, refrigerator magnets, key changes or plaques.  But is doing nothing the answer?

I think bowling needs to look at golf and the USGA as an example.  Mr. Gustke is concerned about the USBC offering alcohol at the Open and I understand that.  But after going to the Open, it was nice to have a beer to calm my nerves.  I know bowling has a stigma about it being an excuse to drink.  But honestly, every golf tournament I've played in there has been a beer cart going around.  And nobody mentions that when talking about golf.

It will be interesting to see how things change over the next few years.  I feel we need to invest more in the youth.  I also feel bowling proprietors need to be more involved.  If they are not promoting leagues and youth bowling, then bowling with continue to decline.  Open bowlers or casual bowlers come and go, league bowlers are there every week.

Evidently you are not aware that the USBC bonds all leagues prize money.  You bring up the USGA so evidently you seem to like the rules and regulations they come up with and the equipment specifiations they develop.  Why wouldn't you like the same things from the USBC?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Jorge300 on August 19, 2013, 11:13:19 AM
I thought I smelled something. It had to be that dead fish wrapped in a newspaper coming back to the boards. How long did it take you to find someone who agrees with your anti-USBC stance? I find it funny that this great bowler, who should be commended for his years of service to this sport, is really just worried about awards scores. What about the facts that the USBC bonds all sanctioned leagues, protecting the moneies of those bowlers? What about the fact that the USBC consolidates and mandates rules for the sport of bowling (where would differentials be today without the USBC limiting them for example)?
As far as the USBC Open, has Mr. Gustke talked with his local Convention Center Board about putting together a proposal for the USBC Open? Have you Mr. Herald? Has anyone on the East Coast who continually bitches about traveling done so? I would bet an awful lot of money the answer is no. So no one is doing anything other than running their mouths about the tournament being in Reno so much. Just like all people are doing is running their mouths about the USBC, starting with Mr. Herald. Is the USBC doing a great job, no, there is a lot of room for improvement. But it also isn't the anti-christ that Mr. Herald and his lackeys make it out to be.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: jruffolo on August 19, 2013, 02:31:52 PM
I think USBC plays an important and necessary role as the governing body for bowling. I like the idea that most awards should be handled at the local association level. I like to see strong efforts to support and develop youth bowling. I think the annual membership dues are reasonable. I greatly enjoy access to bowling coverage by Bowl.TV. I think most bowling tournaments should be sanctioned events. I think high school, college, national & international tournaments, and professional bowling is a sport.

I greatly enjoy competitive league bowling and for me it is recreational and challenging. I suppose I would continue to enjoy league play without USBC sanctioning, but I would like to see bowling flourish as a sport nationally and internationally. I hope USBC will be successful in balancing its role as a governing body and promotional organization for bowling.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 19, 2013, 02:41:52 PM
I thought I smelled something. It had to be that dead fish wrapped in a newspaper coming back to the boards. How long did it take you to find someone who agrees with your anti-USBC stance? I find it funny that this great bowler, who should be commended for his years of service to this sport, is really just worried about awards scores. What about the facts that the USBC bonds all sanctioned leagues, protecting the moneies of those bowlers? What about the fact that the USBC consolidates and mandates rules for the sport of bowling (where would differentials be today without the USBC limiting them for example)?
As far as the USBC Open, has Mr. Gustke talked with his local Convention Center Board about putting together a proposal for the USBC Open? Have you Mr. Herald? Has anyone on the East Coast who continually bitches about traveling done so? I would bet an awful lot of money the answer is no. So no one is doing anything other than running their mouths about the tournament being in Reno so much. Just like all people are doing is running their mouths about the USBC, starting with Mr. Herald. Is the USBC doing a great job, no, there is a lot of room for improvement. But it also isn't the anti-christ that Mr. Herald and his lackeys make it out to be.

Didn't you know, Jorge?  The Fishwrap says he attends all national conventions and at least a dozen of his proposals were adopted to "laws".  I think the reason Fishwrap has an axe to grind is the USBC doens't pay attention to him anymore. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Mighty Fish on August 19, 2013, 08:49:10 PM
Dear Long Gone Daddy, Jorge300 (and others):

Forget me for a minute, and tell me what you think about the following response I received (regarding the column) FROM MIKE ZINK, THE PRESIDENT OF MY AREA'S LOCAL USBC ASSOCIATION ...

[begin direct quotes from Mr. Zink]

You're absolutely right, most of the non-sanctioned leagues are older retired people that know that the chances of getting their money's worth are slim, and after the 2104-2015 season, that may go for the rest of us, and now USBC wants the local associations to do the awards for them while they're still collecting the $10.00. It's all a money thing with them now, even though they are non-profit, as mentioned in the article (very good by the way), they dug themselves into a hole and want us to get them out of it.

The lifetime award would work if they came up with something REALLY nice that you could add small plates to it afterwards for 11 in a row/300/800. What's worse is that they have eliminated the junior awards completely and after this year, the small adult awards are eliminated. So, you really have to ask yourself, why bother being in USBC? I'm very disappointed in them.

[end Mr. Zink's quotes]

... and again, Mr. Zink is PRESIDENT of the Sarasota-Manatee County USBC Bowling Association.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 20, 2013, 07:12:46 AM
Who cares what some guy in some local says to you?  Is that all you do, look for  validation of your opinion?  The guy has probably had confrontation avoidance training sometime in his professional life and recognized the gadflly nature of your existence and just wanted you to MOVE ON.
 There you have it, Fishwrap.  MOVE ON.  You don't like the USBC, MOVE ON.  You want to take bowling backwards to the 50's and not forward to the future, MOVE ON.  Bowlers who don't want to pay to have their league funds bonded, MOVE ON.  Bowlers who think its right to abide by rules and regulations developed by an organization but don't want to pay dues to said organization, MOVE ON.  Bowlers more concerned with how many key fobs, decks of cards, and pens they can get for bowling some score or need a patch to remind them they made a 7-10 split, MOVE ON.  It just can't be any simpler.  MOVE ON.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Gizmo823 on August 20, 2013, 08:01:16 AM
Who cares what some guy in some local says to you?  Is that all you do, look for  validation of your opinion?  The guy has probably had confrontation avoidance training sometime in his professional life and recognized the gadflly nature of your existence and just wanted you to MOVE ON.
 There you have it, Fishwrap.  MOVE ON.  You don't like the USBC, MOVE ON.  You want to take bowling backwards to the 50's and not forward to the future, MOVE ON.  Bowlers who don't want to pay to have their league funds bonded, MOVE ON.  Bowlers who think its right to abide by rules and regulations developed by an organization but don't want to pay dues to said organization, MOVE ON.  Bowlers more concerned with how many key fobs, decks of cards, and pens they can get for bowling some score or need a patch to remind them they made a 7-10 split, MOVE ON.  It just can't be any simpler.  MOVE ON.

Dammit man, there you go making sense again.  Don't much care for the way you say a lot of things, but you're dead on here.  The USBC completely eliminating awards altogether doesn't even make me blink.  They haven't raised dues in 6 years, so not paying for awards anymore to basically get a "raise" is perfectly fine with me too.  I'm still not really happy with how USBC chooses to spend their money, but it's 10 freaking dollars to basically bond our money and give us a sanctioned average, and I'm ok with that.  I could care less for awards, and if some cheap magnets or rings that people complain non-stop about now are what is going to drive people away, that's a really ridiculous reason.  Do you know that the USBC budgets 50 CENTS a member for these awards?  So people are crying about cheap awards and the USBC getting an extra 50 cents. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Jorge300 on August 20, 2013, 03:58:22 PM
Sounds to me like it's a local association guy who liked that they didn't have to do anything but sit on their collective butts in the past and is now pissed that they may actually have to do some work if people want awards. They didn't care when all it meant was sending in paperwork to the USBC, but now that he is going to be responsible for the hundreds/thousands of awards that may come any year he is upset. If anyone quits because of losing these cheap awards, then they don't understand anything about the USBC. And these people will be the first ones crying if an unscrupulous person walks away with their money after they quit the USBC.
So any response to my question about how many Convention Center boards you personally have spoken with, or that Mr. Gustke has spoken with? Or were just sitting there rotting in your own juices like usual?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: avabob on August 20, 2013, 04:22:35 PM

Agree with some of his points, disagree with others.  I do think it cheapens the tourney to allow drinking while bowling.  However I see nothing wrong with giving a once in a lifetime award for 300's 800's etc.  I would like to see them give one really nice award for the first, similar to what we got back in the 70's.  I have two diamond rings for my first 2 300's.  That is one more than I need.  I have 13 800's, but didn't shoot my first till after they cheapened the rings.  I would trade all 12 of my subsequent awards for one nice 800 ring. 

I probably most strongly disagree with his opinion on publicizing the pattern for nationals.  First, it always gets out, and a certain percentage find out anyway.  It would also give guys who bowl later in the tourney an advantage by getting to see how the guy played the shot early.  When I hear someone say it gives too much advantage to the better bowlers, that sounds like an argument for doing something.  Maybe we don't want to reward people who practice and learn how to deal with different conditions. 

Bottom line, the guy is probably a nice guy and I admire his longevity in the game, but I don't think he knows any more about bowling than a lot of the local association guys who go every year, and still know almost nothing about the technical and competitive side of the game. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: On Further Review on August 20, 2013, 06:59:17 PM
Long Gone Daddy, why don't you just MOVE ON out of these forums? All you do is bitch and complain and sometimes aim your venom at other forum members. MOVE ON yourself, chump.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 20, 2013, 07:21:21 PM
Get a life, stalker.  Nobody really gives a damn about your views, either about me or about the subject at hand.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Mighty Fish on August 21, 2013, 03:50:03 PM
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

Do you have to lash out and/or insult anyone who doesn't agree with you 100 percent?

Can't you just accept that people have different views and opinions, and if you feel you have something to contribute to the discussion, aren't you able to do so without being so insulting toward those who may see things differently?

Obviously, I have referred to an ABC/USBC member for more than six decades AND a current local association president (who happen to have views similar to mind), and why can't you just accept the fact that we have those opinions without getting so defensive (while adding insults and name-calling to the mix)?

Have a good day.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: mainzer on August 21, 2013, 07:06:43 PM
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

Do you have to lash out and/or insult anyone who doesn't agree with you 100 percent?

Can't you just accept that people have different views and opinions, and if you feel you have something to contribute to the discussion, aren't you able to do so without being so insulting toward those who may see things differently?

Obviously, I have referred to an ABC/USBC member for more than six decades AND a current local association president (who happen to have views similar to mind), and why can't you just accept the fact that we have those opinions without getting so defensive (while adding insults and name-calling to the mix)?

Have a good day.

what you have to understand though is your constant degradation of ANYTHING the USBC does is annoying. You don't like the way things have been going? Fine. I think they are doing things in the best interest of the sport. It will not be like it was in the golden age ever again it will be a niche thing until people figure out how much fun leagues are and new golden age begins
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 21, 2013, 07:35:15 PM
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

Do you have to lash out and/or insult anyone who doesn't agree with you 100 percent?

Can't you just accept that people have different views and opinions, and if you feel you have something to contribute to the discussion, aren't you able to do so without being so insulting toward those who may see things differently?

Obviously, I have referred to an ABC/USBC member for more than six decades AND a current local association president (who happen to have views similar to mind), and why can't you just accept the fact that we have those opinions without getting so defensive (while adding insults and name-calling to the mix)?

Have a good day.

So typical of the Fishwrap.  Ignores all the other posters who are agreeing with me but turns a blind eye and zeroes in on what I say.  Amazing that I have that much of an affect on you.  But I digress.
It's really simple......MOVE ON!  As Mainzer said, your constant whining about the USBC is tiresome and annoying.  MOVE ON!  Take a load off your mind and stop obsessing over the USBC.  MOVE ON!  Put me on ignore and stop stressing over what I say and how I say it.  MOVE ON!
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: On Further Review on August 22, 2013, 09:37:42 AM
mainzer, I don't always agree with everything that Fish says but in this case, you are criticizing him and focusing only on him instead of commenting about what he says that others, such as the 60-year USBC member and the association president said. It seems like you always try to criticize Fish instead of focusing on what he posts.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: On Further Review on August 22, 2013, 09:42:33 AM
Long Gone Daddy, like I just said to mainzer, you keep harping on Fish, but in this case, he is pointing out what a current local association president and a longtime USBC member have to say about USBC, so why don't you address what they said instead of just harping that fishwrap did this or keep saying that Fish is a hack writer? Are you saying that the association president and the oldtime bowler are full of it or are you just consumed with your vendetta against Fish?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: mainzer on August 22, 2013, 10:03:02 AM
mainzer, I don't always agree with everything that Fish says but in this case, you are criticizing him and focusing only on him instead of commenting about what he says that others, such as the 60-year USBC member and the association president said. It seems like you always try to criticize Fish instead of focusing on what he posts.

He is only taking stories that show negative aspects. Which i am gathering must be how he feels about the situation. I have never once seen him give props to the USBC it is all whine whine.

I am 29 i never knew a golden age of this sport but I love bowling to no end. Fish is older than I am and has seen a golden age and i am sure it was amazing. But he is stuck on it....or at least seems on reinventing it which simply will not happen anytime soon.

To Mighty Fish I do apologize if i come across as rude or disrespectful. Our opinions do not mesh and we are looking at the same thing from persectives that are far different. I cannot however agree with some of the issues you bring forth or this guy who the article is about brings fourth (i am gathering you must have similar views)

Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Gizmo823 on August 22, 2013, 10:08:57 AM
mainzer, I don't always agree with everything that Fish says but in this case, you are criticizing him and focusing only on him instead of commenting about what he says that others, such as the 60-year USBC member and the association president said. It seems like you always try to criticize Fish instead of focusing on what he posts.

He is only taking stories that show negative aspects. Which i am gathering must be how he feels about the situation. I have never once seen him give props to the USBC it is all whine whine.

I am 29 i never knew a golden age of this sport but I love bowling to no end. Fish is older than I am and has seen a golden age and i am sure it was amazing. But he is stuck on it....or at least seems on reinventing it which simply will not happen anytime soon.

To Mighty Fish I do apologize if i come across as rude or disrespectful. Our opinions do not mesh and we are looking at the same thing from persectives that are far different. I cannot however agree with some of the issues you bring forth or this guy who the article is about brings fourth (i am gathering you must have similar views)

Got some points I understand, and I'm only 32, so what I know of the "golden age" has come from stories and youtube, but being involved in our local board and watching what has happened over the years, USBC isn't doing a whole lot right at the current moment, at least not at face value.  I think they realize they let it get out of control, and instead of busting doors down and fixing things right now, which I think they realize will put us in a deeper hole, they're just staying quiet and under the radar while they build things back up.  I don't think big changes will happen, but what I've begun to see with what they're doing with youth bowling, coaching, Bowltv, etc, I think they're trying to quietly build a better future rather than radically change the present.  All these great youth bowlers are coming up that love the SPORT and want to do things the right way.  This generation of bowling will phase out, and a new generation will come in that will demand things a different way. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: avabob on August 22, 2013, 11:30:16 AM
The ABC took even more heat in the 70's and 80's from bowlers than the USBC does today.   Lane conditioning rules of that era were ill conceived and extremely unpopular with the top end scratch bowlers.  In the late 70's 300 games were routinely disallowed in one association, that would have been passed in other associations.  Prior to the Limited Distance dressing rule ( a very bad rule ) the ABC mandated that oil had to be applied evenly gutter to gutter no matter what distance they opted for.

The disallowance of Glen Allisons 900 is certainly the most famous gaff on their part.  It seemed like the ABC was going over board in trying to protect records set before WWll.  The irony was that those records were set on lane conditions that in many cases were physically tracked to the pocket through the shellac finish used in the pre war era.  Allie Brandts 886 stood for 40 years.  Several years prior to Allisons series an 890 by Ray Orf of St Louis had been disallowed.  There was a running joke that an 885 series thrown by lefty John Wilcox missed being thrown out by 2 pins. 

I had an argument with an ABC official one time about high scoring.  When I pointed out the big scores of the Buds the guy said "those guys were great bowlers"  I said how do you know how great they were.  He said "look at the scores they bowled".

I once watched a tape of a Championship Bowling match between a very young Glen Allison, and veteran Ned Day circa 1955.  Day threw a looping figure 8 release full roller.  His follow through went across his body sometimes, was straight other times, but seldom the same twice in a row.  He rolled a 700 in the match on what appeared to be very dry lacquer.  Allison already had the beautiful strokers release at age 21.  He couldn't crack 600, and clearly wasn't bowling on the conditions he was seeing out in LA.   
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 22, 2013, 04:10:30 PM
Find anything positive Fish has had to say about the USBC since he joined here.  Please, find just one.  Its the same act he carried on with at until they had enough of his nonsense and did something about it.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: On Further Review on August 23, 2013, 05:32:04 PM
Long Gone Daddy, come on, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think about Fish. I think you secretly like what he writes but you just say what you do in order to stir things up, just like you seem to do on so many subjects. Surely you can't be really angry with so many posters, not just Fish.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Mighty Fish on August 23, 2013, 08:21:26 PM
Find anything positive Fish has had to say about the USBC since he joined here.  Please, find just one.  Its the same act he carried on with at until they had enough of his nonsense and did something about it.
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

There you go again with an oft-repeated LIE. Nothing ever happened to me on the forums, even though you have FALSELY stated that I was barred from there.

And if you LIE about that, how can anyone believe ANYTHING you say in these forums?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 24, 2013, 11:03:20 AM
How strange that I am not the only one with that understanding of your relationship with  Whatever, has-been.  Your constant bashing of the USBC has been pointed out by many to be tiresome and boring.  I practice what I preach so I am MOVING ON from this thread and most others that you start about the USBC until you actually have something new to say.  I have a feeling that will be a very long, long time
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: On Further Review on August 25, 2013, 05:19:28 PM
Long Gone Daddy, so was Fish booted from the USBC forum or not? You seem to say yes and Fish says no. One of you has to be wrong and I would tend to believe Fish unless you can prove otherwise. Besides you don't seem to be too credible in this forum anyway.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 25, 2013, 07:57:26 PM
Little stalker, don't ever make the mistake of thinking I care one way or another what you think about anybody or anything.  You seem to be wasting time going down that path.  Find something better to do with your life.  You're wasting what few years you have left, old man.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Jorge300 on August 26, 2013, 04:05:31 PM
On Further,
     If Fish wasn't banned from the forums, he should have been, especially after the anti-Semetic post he made. I am sure the only reason he wasn't was because the USBC didn't want to deal with the stink he would have raised even if he was legitimately banned. Fish even fought for the inclusion of posters who could go through a single post without violating the TOS of those forums, and he continually posted how they were "silenced" because they disagreed with the USBC. He is a one note song who bravely posts things about the "horrors of the USBC" but refuses to answer questions posed directly to him, as he has done in this very thread.
Are you the same way? Will you answer questions? If you agree with Mr. Gutske, and the dead Fish, have you gone to your local convention center board and pushed them to make a proposal to host the USBC Open tournament? If not, why not? And if you refuse to do it, why should you or anyone else who refused to do it be upset that the tournament is in Reno so much? Or in the "West" so much? If you won't get off your collective butts to do anything, then it's no wonder the tournament is held where it costs the USBC the least, at the NBS in Reno. How much would you and dead Fish complain if they held it places where it wasn't bid on but cost more??? Or if they raised the National dues for the first time in 6 years because of it?? You guys would go ballistic. So you can't have it both ways. I will await your answers, as well as those of the dead Fish, but I doubt they will be forthcoming from him.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 26, 2013, 06:58:52 PM
 ;) :) :D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Laughing my ass off.  Neither one will answer, Jorge.  Not their style.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Gizmo823 on August 26, 2013, 09:20:43 PM
Lol everytime I see that LGD has responded to a topic, I have to look.  It's always entertaining.  Wasn't disappointed, lol, carry on. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: batbowler on August 26, 2013, 09:32:42 PM
Hold up guys cause I just ran out of popcorn!!! lol I don't agree with what USBC does, but can I do better? Do I have anything positive to offer to them? I'm an older bowler and I didn't want to go last year to Reno, but I watched online and missed it and wish I had gone! I'm planning on going next year, even though I hate going to Reno! I don't mind going to Las Vegas only because to me I have more options of things to do. I'm not a gambler, but I guess in a sense I am, with going that far to bowl!!! LGD is entertaining and I kind of enjoy his post and how he gets these others so wound up!! I'll use his classic line, "Move along, there nothing to see here!" Just my $.02, Bruce
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: mainzer on August 27, 2013, 12:23:21 AM
He is a one note song who bravely posts things about the "horrors of the USBC" but refuses to answer questions posed directly to him, as he has done in this very thread.

he did that in the thread about averages at Nationals also, questions I posed. Anything that he has to answer that may harm is USBC witch hunt goes unanswered.

All I see is a bitter old bowler. Sorry Mighty that is the image you have given me and unfortunately Mr. Gustke as well
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Gizmo823 on August 27, 2013, 07:43:14 AM
The USBC sucks, we can all agree on that, but when you're still looking at what you get for what you pay, that's where most people aren't too concerned. However, they have responsibilities they're not upholding.  They're supposed to be the governing body of the sport, and what they've really fallen down to is a teacher that's lost control of the classroom.  Yeah, having sanctioned averages and bonding prize funds to me is worth 10 lousy bucks, but I'd rather pay more and have a better sport. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Good Times Good Times on August 27, 2013, 09:14:00 AM
If Fish wasn't banned from the forums, he should have been, especially after the anti-Semetic post he made.

WHAT!?   ??? 

How could anyone incorporate anti-semitism into the USBC boards? 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: batbowler on August 28, 2013, 07:32:08 AM
Ask not what bowling can do for you, ask what you can do for bowling!!! Adjusted quote from JFK!
Just my $.02, Bruce
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Jorge300 on August 28, 2013, 11:54:11 AM
Oh Fish, here fishy fishy fishy.....time to answer a question.....
How about you On Further......where are you?!?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on August 28, 2013, 03:21:47 PM
Fishwrap is busy digging up more dirt on the USBC.  I heard they replaced the free mint jar on the receptionists desk at USBC HQ with a quarter machine dispensing M & M's. in a cost cutting move and he is just beside himself.  Onfurtherrevamp?  Who gives a damn?  Just a mindless stalker troll. 
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: pin-chaser on August 30, 2013, 11:19:41 AM
The problem here is that bowling does not learn from its history. There is a fine line between moving agressively as possible and staying behind without keeping the line of scoring equality the same. ABC/USBC is not and never has been in the business of maintaining integrity. So now there are so many award scores that USBC can not afford to maintain awarding them all. And bowlers everywhere that have seen "the good times" are offended.

As for costs, there is nothing that can be done. Inflation hits everything including winnings. It is what it is.
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Mighty Fish on August 31, 2013, 08:49:01 PM
Oh Fish, here fishy fishy fishy.....time to answer a question......
Dear Jorge300:

I haven't been in these forums for most of this week, but anyway, what is your question?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Mighty Fish on August 31, 2013, 08:51:17 PM
Fishwrap is busy digging up more dirt on the USBC.
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

There is plenty of "dirt" to dig up ... but can you refute ANYTHING that I have ever stated about ABC/USBC?
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: mainzer on August 31, 2013, 10:20:09 PM
Fishwrap is busy digging up more dirt on the USBC.
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

There is plenty of "dirt" to dig up ... but can you refute ANYTHING that I have ever stated about ABC/USBC?

Can you answer the questions that have been posed to you? Lets hear it we are waiting, time to step up.

Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Long Gone Daddy on September 02, 2013, 09:52:36 AM
Seriously, Fishwrap.  You've been allowed to post your anti-USBC propaganda at will, now some pointed questions have been asked of you and you turtle.  Not indicative of a "hard-hitting journalist" which from your posts I gather you fancy yourself.  That M & M machine at USBC HQ must have really thrown you for a loop.   
Title: Re: 60-year USBC member speaks out on direction of modern-day game
Post by: Good Times Good Times on September 02, 2013, 09:54:51 AM
I just wanna know what the anti-semetic remarks at are....  ;D

Also, Mighty's responses to the questions posed (and not a "can you refute...." cop-out)