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Author Topic: A Carry Contest?  (Read 1061 times)


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A Carry Contest?
« on: December 02, 2006, 02:51:42 AM »
Reading through some of the current threads today I’ve seen many of the same topics over and over. Scoring is too high, everyone bowls on a THS, bowling has lost integrity, it becomes a carry contest, and of course my favorite, this is a lefty’s house.

Scoring is high because the bowling public wants to be able to throw those types of scores. Not only does the person off of the street, but “most” league bowlers too. Most won’t admit it but they do. I like it when I do. Does that make me less of a bowler? I think not. I bowl in two leagues in two different houses. I’m second in average in one house and number five in the other. Do I think I could compete with the Pro’s? No.

I study the game, practice, learned cover stock prep, different lines, and releases. I do this because I still enjoy bowling and competing with others on the same shot I’m bowling on. And yes, I do go to several tournaments in the area. I usually bowl near my average no matter the conditions but more times than not I go the have fun, spend some time with the wife, and win a little money in the brackets.

The THS will stay mainly because of the league bowlers. Don’t believe me; just listen when the lane machine isn’t running right. Everyone whines. The THS is here to stay.

Bowling has lost its integrity. If that is truly the case it is no one fault but our own.

It’s a carry contest. I hear this mainly from the ones not carrying. If everyone is bowling on the same pattern and their carrying then maybe you should be paying attention how their doing it. If you’re as good as you believe then this one shouldn’t be an issue. But if your ego has been inflated (as stated in other threads) then you’re moaning about the same fault that you possess.

This is a lefty’s house. Well aren’t they all.

It’s everyone’s right to complain but some issues just need to be laid to rest.

Has bowling quit being fun? If so then maybe you should try another sport or hobby.

I threw that like a league bowler...wait I am a league bowler.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)



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Re: A Carry Contest?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 11:00:30 AM »
I've always told myself that the day bowling is not fun, is the day I quit bowling. Granted I have my bad days just like everybody else. But a bad day bowling beats a good day of work
Just another bowling fool


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Re: A Carry Contest?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 11:01:50 AM »
Has bowling quit being fun? If so then maybe you should try another sport or hobby.

Many, many have and bowling numbers USBC are way down from years ago and it will never be back to what it was.  

Most once a week league hacks and most proprietors want it easy to keep them coming back.  But, we all know B.I.G.!  



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Re: A Carry Contest?
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2006, 01:11:55 PM »
I've always told myself that the day bowling is not fun, is the day I quit bowling. Granted I have my bad days just like everybody else. But a bad day bowling beats a good day of work
Just another bowling fool

now just think if everyone thought like that! a great perspective on life
thats a knee to the shoulder... lets hope its not his kidneys


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Re: A Carry Contest?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 01:09:36 AM »
In response to the comment...

It's a lefties House(aren't they all) from above.

I thought I would relate this little ditty.
Sung to "Glory Glory Hallajulah".

"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the lefties being shut out!
They have lowered all their averages and taken striking out!
They have raised up all the righties and 200 is a joke!

This shot is righty heaven!

Glory glory right hand hea....VEN!
Glory Glory right hand hea...VEN!
Glory Glory right hand hea ...VEN!

The MANAGER is righty too!

The righties average 220 or so and the top lefty's at 210!
There are no 300s by the lefties  for at least a year or two!
No 800s and no cash...Can make the lefties surely FROWN.

The deep inside line is brimming with some super carrydown!
It's sure to chase them out!

There are now about 10 lefties left in the whole damgum house!
The righties are smiling ear to ear and  sing this happy song!
We've found a darn fair SHOT! YOu see...the lefties have come and gone.

The truth is we're just GREAT!

Glory Glory right hand hea....VEN!
Glory Glory right hand hea....VEN!
Glory Glory right hand Hea...VEN!

The lefties are a JOKE!

The few remaining lefties have almost no hook to speak of...
They throw the ball at 20 mph or so and hope it hooks real soft!
If they carry it's a miracle as pins are all off spot.
ANd their pointed to the left  you see...the flat 7 is tops!

The truth is just THIS COOOL!

Glory Glory right hand hea.....VEN!
Glory Glory right hand hea.....VEN!
Glory Glory right hand hea.....VEN!

THe manager's righty ....too!"

For details of how they put out this WONDERFUL shot...PAY ME!

The last organization that made righties this happy was Starbucks!


PS I hope this song makes you as happy as it made me to (RIGHT) IT!
And may all your right hand striking dreams come true and may your lefty opponents throw another!  Flat 7!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana