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Author Topic: A little rant from Brian Voss  (Read 9765 times)


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A little rant from Brian Voss
« on: December 10, 2006, 01:12:55 PM »
This is a post that Brian Voss made on the message boards. I figured this would be of interest to some of you:

"Bowling is in dire straits. Some don’t heed the signals, but they are quite obvious. It is time for change. Drastic change. In my opinion, the cards are in the hands of the PBA . All other competitive bowling entities would and should follow the rules set forth by the best players in the world. Unfortunately, the best players in the world have NO say in how this game is played. What is represented right now is inadequate. It is failing, and will continue to fail. Having said that, the following is what I would do if it was in my power:

The first thing I would is change the scoring environment. The first step in that is to change the equipment that is used. There has already been much discussion on the negative influence that the new equipment has brought to our sport, so there is no reason to expand on that subject. I would completely alter the specifications for todays balls used in competition. Limiting the specs similar to a Blue Dot is the first choice. The depth of that idea leaves open a lot of discussion as to how to compensate the players for using this equipment. I won’t get into that depth.

The second thing I would do is develop patterns that will be used on a weekly basis. 7 qualifying games would mean 7 patterns. Using only one type of ball would restore creativity, imagination, and integrity into the sport. The process of using only one pattern for an entire week has a lot of open holes in it. The intent of any tournament environment should be to produce the best players, not the ones who “fit” into a certain circumstance.

The third thing I would do is to conduct the Pro-Am the day before the actual tournament. Mandating that professionals remain in the city for as much as two days to bowl a pro-am as we are currently required to do is unprofessional, and does not allow players the luxury of recuperating after the grind of a tournament. It also takes away time from the ability of maintaining a good healthy relationship with family. The tour should not be that desperate to put the importance of a pro-am ahead of the desires and needs of the professional.

And fourth, I would send out a message to all bowling entities that what we are doing is long over due, and is a change needed for the survival of this great sport. The continued decline in USBC membership, the decline in competitive bowling, the decline in global competition, and the decline in our ratings cannot happen.

My tenure on tour is nearing an end. Most of the reasons are because of the inability of our governing bodies to make needed change. Quite frankly, I am sick of it. The decline in prize funds is hollowing to say the least. The recent allowance of walled up lanes, combined with an infinite choice in arsenal, is more distant than ever from what it takes to measure talent. I am not alone. There are others on tour, some prominent players, who have had enough. SAVE OUR SPORT!!!"
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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2006, 08:56:34 AM »
Well said Jim!
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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2006, 09:04:48 AM »
Don't forget about college football.  Put the PBA show on a night or time when there is no competition.  If you move the PBA telecast to like 7pm on Sunday nights then you put it in the middle of the games. Or put it on during the week say like Thursday or Wed. night.  I know the schedule would be crazy at first, but at least it would give the advertisers and audience. I don't know how the tour sponsors aren't pissed off that they are up against the biggest money making machine in television, the NFL.
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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2006, 09:50:37 AM »
I think its funny that Voss is complaining about the new equipment, does he or does he not use Elite.  According to their ads Elite is supposed to be the most advanced balls on the market even to the point that they give you your choice of a other company's ball when you buy one of theirs to compare.  He even says it himself that his tenure is coming to a close.  It just sounds like sour grapes and that he is unhappy about not being able to compete with the "young guns" on tour any more, there is no doubt change is needed in certain aspects of the USBC but most bowlers already know that.

Long Roller

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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2006, 09:54:01 AM »
Just because he thinks the technology is killing the game doesn't mean it shouldn't have the right to compete.  He has to use what everyone else is using to keep up.  Thats not a valid argument.
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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2006, 10:35:10 AM »
For those of you wondering why the show is on Sunday, against football, here's the answer.

It's the only slot that ESPN was willing to guarantee them they could have, week in and week out.  Although they would have preferred, say, Tuesday night at 8:00, they decided that it was more important for the show to be on the same day, at the same time, each week.

No one likes that PBA bowling is up against football, especially the PBA.

As for Mr. Voss, I have generally agreed with him about the equipment being too strong, but I have to say that watching Sean Rash turn it up yesterday was a lot more fun than watching BV play the track all day.
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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2006, 11:41:24 AM »
Until centers are "required" to put down more oil, or do it on their own, in a pattern NOT condusive to high scores, but instead requires some actual skill, and until people can't just go out and buy "hook-in-a-box", until bowlers band together to save our sport, then it will continue to die!

Today's centers rarely care about their bowlers. They only care about how many dollars they can make - the bottom line. They need to start caring about bowlers again!  Eg.: one of my old home town's centers was sold by the older couple who had owned it for years. It sold to some corporation and within a couple years it was filing bankruptcy, because all they cared about was how much money they could make and they quit taking care of the bowlers. The couple bought it back, and within another year, they were making a good living again!

In summary, I think the main problem is that "bowlers" don't own "bowling" anymore! Companies do!

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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2006, 02:29:39 PM »
i agree with several of the things that brian said. his idea about the pro-am schedule was right on. keep in mind he did win a tournament last year---not bad for 47 years old. as far as him being not good enough anymore...he himself stated there's guys who are better at going straighter than him. he also said they are guys who can hook it beter than him. he's very honest about his game. here's a man who was winning international tournaments in the late 1970's and early 1980's with a plastic ball on brutaly tough lane conditions. i think in a tougher format type tournament a guy like him will usually fare very well. higher scoring, shootout carryfests, not so well.


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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2006, 04:24:43 PM »
What does the tour lack?

Sponsorship - Boy they push the heck out of products (bowling especially) on the show.LOL  Heck they don't really give much insight to any specifics. Product registration costs went too high too fast so getting the mid-market sponsors based upon above only reinforces the thought by companies how to spend advertising. Only exception might be shoe companies.

Skills - Well anyone with a clue knows how much skill it takes to be on tour. With that being stated most of the market they are trying to regain is not that savy. They have no clue ball strength, attack patterns and transitions, etc. Until Joe Blow telecast watcher can note that when he throws its not the same as one of those guys he will not respect them all that much.

Business: Sorry guys this is a business just as any in the real world and yes the prize fund cut sucked but if that was what was needed to be profitable so be it. I'm not saying I totally agree with it but major companies do it all the time with jobs just to meet a goal.

Management: I believe that a shake up was needed and it did happen. Now the issue is where to go from here. I believe a unity system for PBA and USBC is needed. PBA to help USBC establish tighter rules for lane oiling while PBA promotes the sport of bowling regionally to USBC. (grassroots level)

Equipment: Uni-ball from a marketting standpoint is like watching snails screw. That idea really promotes manufacturers coughing up sponsoring cash or staffs. LOL

Tour set-up: Multiple patterns during qualifying and a draw system for finals. Remember low scoring telecasts to joe average watcher provide little stimulus to keep watching as he feels he can do just as good. 4 ball check in/block or pattern. Telecast: No shots on televised pair until "on air." Will cut down on the whining of setting lanes.

Not set answers to any points. My problem is to all the PBAers who whine about it. Your job, that you picked, either nut up and help work to promote your sport and business, or burn out and fade away. Don't go quitely when dealing with management but bring something to them which shows how you can make money for them either on a short term or long term basis.

To all that think bring the past back will save or revive it. How many times do ball manufacturers do remakes and they are just as big a hit as the first time. The answer is very few, so why would you expect different from old mentality.

Good forum.


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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2006, 09:05:09 PM »
The first step in that is to change the equipment that is used. There has already been much discussion on the negative influence that the new equipment has brought to our sport, so there is no reason to expand on that subject.

But I bet he is not going to change his equipment and make a stand...He si still going to use the latest and greatest that his sponsor has. I do agree that something probably has to be done. An older guy that I know has stated that the best equipment is a URETHANE ball and LACQUERED lanes. I guess in his opinion, you still needed skill to score honor scores.Now he feels that it is too easy to shoot an HONOR score so it does not mean as much. (Well, if it is so easy, then why haven't I done it yet?:cool





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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2006, 11:59:16 AM »
Boy... this sounds like something I would have read on A.S.B. back in the early 90's. And while I agree the organization must change, I think a lot of this will just be taken as sour grapes by an aging bowler having trouble adjusting to the "new sport" of bowling.


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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2006, 12:05:48 PM »
Like I said in another post, we are the cause for the decline in bowling. We can complain all we want, but we need to take a good look in the mirror, because that is where it starts. Don't like the USBC? Join a league thats not sanctioned. Don't like the fact the house you bowl in doesn't cater to the league bowlers any more? Don't bowl there. If enough people do this, the USBC and houses will take notice.

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Re: A little rant from Brian Voss
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2006, 04:27:22 PM »
It is so nice to see a well thought out post by Bob Hanson.

No garbage, no spoof, no crap, just good thoughtful stuff as he always posts!

Your informative posts are missed!


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