now before i say anything i want everyone who responds to know that i am VERY aware that you dont have all the information necessary to make perfect ball recomendations and im not asking for anyone to pick a ball for me, i simply want your thoughts on a ball and if any other balls come to mind feel free to speak up, i like to have as many opinions as possible but i am quite capable of screening comments and suggestions through my knowledge of my game and the conditions that i, now that i have that out of the way (i just dont feel like being blasted by the "bowling gods" on this site for not knowing my speed, axis tilt, etc...)im looking for a ball or 2 for drier, spottier conditions, im considering a storm power hrg drilled for medium length to handle breakdown conditions with some carrydown, and im debating purchasing a sonic x or a urethane for anything drier, my driller has an undrilled columbia blue knight collecting dust on his shelf and im thinking about having him punch it up for me, can anyone offer me any input as to their experiences with the hrg or the blue knight? was the blue knight a good urethane? any other suggestions? if anyone has questions for me please message me, but dont bother responding if all your going to do is complain that my profile stinks and youv never seen me bowl because i know that already, thanks,
-the weasel
100% pure unadulterated weasel...except no substitutes