If it was on fire, woops!
You can have tendonitis anywhere. In the wrist, the carpal tunnel, where some of the tendons and some of the nerves pass thru a small space and go into the first 3 1/2 fingers. True; 1/2 of the nerve to the thumb side of the ring finger goes thru the carpal tunnel; the nerve for the pinky side of the ring finger goes outside the palm. I know this esoterica because I had Carpal tunnel surgery in 1994. And a fun time was had by all!
This is the explanation I got:
The tendons are swollen and inflamed from over-use, or misuse. They get large and squash the nerve fibers into the fingers, basically cutting off in part and gradually most of the flow of electricity/electrons along the nerve bundles. They have some tests that can measure the actual reduction. What you feel can be numbness, especially at night while sleeping, or real pain. Anti-inflammatories help, surgery is good but can need to be done a 2nd time; I've heard of some chiropractic techniques that can help also.
Rest is the best medicine and can be essential if it gets bad.
A bowling wrist brace can help, A LOT, while bowling; some doctors prescribe wearing the medical version of it (not sure which is more expensive, the bowling one or the medical one!
) when you're sleeping at night.
Of course, you must stop hitting the ball so darn hard! That aggravates the problem, in the truest sense - it makes it worse.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."Edited on 12/22/2003 12:10 PM