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Author Topic: Clearing the thumb  (Read 391 times)


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Clearing the thumb
« on: July 29, 2006, 06:09:25 AM »
What is/are the key(s) to clearing the thumb at release. After a current coaching session where my coach video taped my release, we discovered that the reason I tend to hang/drag/ and blister on the thumb is the fact that my thumb is not exiting at the release point, and as I start applying turn my thumb will finally drag out which leaves me to top the ball giving me a weak/spinner type rotation(26 degrees of tilt currently). My coach believes that it is my position at the line, the fact that I tend to drop my shoulder and dip my body over to the right so far that it's causing me to do this. Is there anything I should be focusing on/anything I can do to train myself to let my thumb exit so I can properly apply lift?
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Re: Clearing the thumb
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 09:09:19 PM »
#1 good fit

#2  Ball weight you can handle

#3  Round thumb hole if you are rotating before clearing.  No oval, either drilled or made with tape.

#4  Wrist needs to reasonably straight at release.   If you can't hold it straight, get a support.   The simplist is best.

#5  Get your coach to teach you to "set the thumb" and/or "fishhooking the fingers"

#6  As for turning early, this is a practise thing.  It is natural for thumb to turn to inside.  Add to this the urge to "turn" the ball" and you have a problem to overcome.  Staying more behind the ball is not natural.    You will have to retrain your muscle memory to overcome this.  Lot's of practise with someone to observe.    Try "aiming" or follow through with the ring finger or inside of the elbow will help.    Tuck a towel under your arm and hold it while you bowl.

No oval even if my thumb is very oval in size naturally? Should I just oversize it then and take up all the slack with tape? Wrist strength really isn't a problem, I can have the ball cupped in the swing all the way until the release point, yet my thumb won't come out clean and having the wrist cupped seems to make it worse. Sounds like the problem is truly fixed through constant practice...I will look into the setting the thumb/fishhooking the fingers also.
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.

-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.

-90 percent of the game is half mental
-Yogi Berra