I think that's what 9 was touching on, Bob. Average requirements are the fair way to go about it, and in that light, I wouldn't mind. I'm just so sick of all the bullstuff rants about women being discriminated against, and how women can do things just as well as men can. When it comes to physical anything, the best men are always going to dominate the best women. Just like when it comes to raising a family, the best mothers are going to do better than the best fathers. Of course women think that's offensive to just stick them in a house to cook and clean and raise the kids, but that's the most important job of all. They're raising the future leaders of our country, how is that offensive? If you're going to race dogs, which would you choose, a greyhound or a poodle? It depends on which class of dogs, doesn't it? Lol, I know that nobody races poodles, but you get my point, right?
Forget Kung Fu, I know Ron Bahr!!!
The only difference between youth and adult leagues are that the big boys are allowed to whine. They're more entertaining anyway.