House ball tournament. Bowl any number of games crossing different pairs, preferably at least 3, also 20 game marathon would be sweet! Works best if you have Brunswick 2000 Ball Returns, Brunswick Frameworx Ball Returns, or any of the newer Qubica/AMF Returns. Not the oval shaped or triangle shaped racks.
2 balls of the weights 8,10,12,14,15, 16 on the rack, placed randomly, and which ever ball is at the back of the rack closest to you on the lane you are bowling on, you must use that ball to bowl your shot. Practice session will randomize all the balls before the tournament games start also.
So when its your turn to bowl on say ex. lane 7 which ever weight ball is on the rack closest to you on lane 7's side of the ball rack, you must throw your first ball with that house ball. If the said holes are do not fit your hands too bad, make due with what you got and throw the ball however you can deem safe and necessary to bowl. If you strike great, but if you leave a spare to be converted, which ever ball falls next in line at the back of the rack, is the ball you must pick the spare up with. Too bad if that ball is not the same as the ball you used on the first shot.
Its all random and still requires a great deal of skill to read the lane and figure out how you can best utilize the different balls to try and ultimately strike. Remember guys with big hands might struggle to use the light weight 8 or 10 pound balls due to the small fingers, and guys with little hands might struggle to use the very large holed 15 or 16 lb balls as they can't hold on to it.
Definitely something people should try. I get rave reviews about the idea.
Matt (the former chink of college bowling)