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Author Topic: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting  (Read 3209 times)


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Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« on: May 02, 2003, 07:24:56 AM »
I just got this email from a friend. If you are a WIBC member, please help. If you are an ABC member, please forward to your friends who are WIBC members.

A minority of the WIBC delegation took control of your future as WIBC
members last weekend. They voted against a plan of merger that would have
enabled WIBC to merge with YABA and USA Bowling. A 2/3 majority was
required to pass the merger. On the first ballot, we had about 56%, and
on the second ballot (the issue was brought back up for a second vote) we
had 63% in favor. We were 84 votes shy of the number needed in order to
pass it.

As a member of the committee that put together the structure of this new
organization, and as a WIBC member, I firmly believe that this minority
was sorely mistaken in their decision (however well-intentioned they may
believe they have been).

If this merger does not get approved before July 31, 2003, we lose the
opportunity as an organization (WIBC) to participate and become part of
the voice of bowling for the future.  There are rough times ahead, and
many challenges that await in terms of membership if we don't get this

What can we do? We as members need to let the WIBC Board of Directors
know that we want them to call a special meeting prior to July 31, 2003
in order to consider the resolution and plan of merger once again. In
order for them to call this meeting at our request, they need to have 25%
of our membership (1.3 million times 25% is about 330,000 WIBC members)
petition to request the meeting.  

We don't have time on our side, and you may think I am absolutely crazy
to think this can be done. However, I have chosen to boldly go forward,
and drag y'all along with me (if you so choose to follow, of course!)

Please print the petition (at, talk with your fellow WIBC members and if they are willing, have them sign it. Please, no more than one
signature from each person. Please ask permission from the property owner
if you seek out signatures outside your leagues, etc. My contact
information to send the petitions to is printed on the bottom of the
form. If you can't print it and need me to mail or fax you a copy, let me
know where to send it and I will. (message me, I'll get it to Karen.)
Time is of the essence. I do not yet know when we need to get the
signatures to WIBC, but I'm going to guess that we only have a few weeks.
If you know bowlers in another state or association that you believe
might be able to help, please feel free to forward this note.

If you or anybody else has questions about the proposed organization,
please go to and look for the
SMO/USBC information. Questions can also be directed to

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance!

Karen Jost, Director
Tacoma WBA

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Jerry Weller

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Re: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2003, 10:38:22 PM »
A minority of the WIBC delegation took control of your future as WIBC
members last weekend

Funny how that gets seen according to what side you're on. A majority of the men voted down the SMO and now guess what? The ABC wants to call a special meeting which more than likely only a fraction of the delegates will be able to attend. I guess the backers of the SMO have no problem with minorities dictating to majorities when it favors their cause...

My silly question for today is why do the ABC and WIBC leadership refuse to get the idea that they need to fix the SMO proposal instead of trying to force it down people's throats?

I'm beginning to wonder if the National Bowling Association would be a better alternative...

Edited on 5/2/2003 10:50 PM


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Re: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2003, 11:18:07 PM »
My question is when they had the second vote, were all the delegates that voted the first time there or did they wait until some of the opposition had left?  I thought that I had read somewhere else that that is what had happened?
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.

Jerry Weller

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Re: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2003, 11:59:45 PM »
You can read all about it on, but the women did have a majority both times - just not a sufficient majority to pass the SMO. The second vote still has a somewhat fishy smell to it though since more of the Nays were gone than of the Yeahs.

bowlin gr8

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Re: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2003, 12:24:48 AM »
Is it considered rigging if the majority of the voters are for it?

Dont politicians do something similar?  Keep pushing a bill until it does get passed, either because some of the key opposition is absent or just get weary of it?
Who says bowling isn't a blood sport?

Jerry Weller

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Re: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2003, 01:57:55 AM »
The words "Politicians" and "integrity" should never be used in the same thread bowlin_gr8. It's unnatural

Besides I expect MORE out of my fellow bowlers than I would out of a politician anyway = those guys are all golfers or something perverse like that

No changes were made Bones. It appears to me from reading the the summary of the things that were said at the meeting that Roseann Kuhn and company attempted to scare the women into voting for the SMO proposal by saying that if ABC or the BPAA formed the SMO the WIBC would effectively be out in the cold with no access to women in the bowling centers and that women would have no voice in addressing the needs and concerns of women bowlers.

Edited on 5/3/2003 2:08 AM


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Re: Petition to call for a special WIBC meeting
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2003, 07:42:04 AM »
Take a look at

Someone needs to explain why the number of registered delegates actually went up by 5 on April 30 vs. April 29 (when the USBC was first rejected), but there were approx. 300 fewer votes.  If the WIBC leadership keeps this up, the USBC merger will be approved on the 99th ballot by a vote of 5-2.

The membership has spoken.  Go back to the drawing board and fix what the people don't like about the proposal.  NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE is opposed to a single membership organization.  It is apparently THIS single membership organization that many people oppose.  SO FIX IT, and stop trying to ram it down everyone's throat with fear tactics.

This is really awful stuff...