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Author Topic: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air  (Read 7698 times)


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Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« on: May 15, 2008, 04:15:31 AM »
It's so nice to see an athlete that's not afraid to talk smack and let everyone know just how good he is!  It's been too long since someone has stood out from the neutered PC crowd and displayed some personality!  When you win you have earned the right to stand up and scream "HELL YEAH!", you don't have to fall to your knees and bawl like a little girl.

I want Sean to know that it's OK to talk smack.  It's OK to get in your opponents face and tell him about the whoopin' you just handed him.  It's OK to have testicles.  It's OK because it's not BORING.  It creates friction, drama, and excitement. It shows emotion and passion for the game. Best of all, it drives the PC crowd nuts!

Good for you Sean!  Keep knocking them down and telling your opponents how it is!


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2008, 11:22:06 AM »
I'm really not sure who among us is the most qualified to diagnose what "raw emotion", "contrived emotion", "spontaneous emotion", or "showing up" really are.  Since those are subjective things and are subject to an individual's individuality and makeup, who are we to classify?

If you wouldn't act like that, congratulations, that's wonderful for you.  But, I'm not going to hold raw emotion over someone's head.  Whether it's Joba, Tiger, Rash, etc., it really doesn't matter.  If there's reaction after an "accomplishment", then that's what it is, a reaction.

You, as the opponent [if the case should so happen], have to opportunity to react.  So, go out and beat his big mouth!!  If at the end you don't, then shut up, pack your bag and leave the spotlight to the better person who went out and beat you.

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2008, 11:32:15 AM »

Well stated.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain.

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2008, 12:36:39 PM »
Cmon. Kinda crap is this. Look at how many professional athletes act like azzes on TV or have criminal histories and are still getting huge sponsorships. As long as the audience likes the athlete, it doesn't matter. I agree with 9~ on this, its good to see something different than a bunch of bowlers with tampons up their butt. The reason I quit watching pro bowling is because it was always too "professional".

I think Sean Rash went overboard. He looked stupid. I'm not a fan of Sean Rash but this is the only time I had a problem with him doing something like this.

Don't change the subject. This isn't about the other athletes that act like an azz. This is about Rash. What he did was the equivalent to a CB tackling a WR short of the first down and jumping up and acting crazy while his team is 20 points down.
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I disagree. I've seen other atheletes act much, much worse on tv. Why should bowling be held to some holy standard? I've seen PDW act worse on tv.

Again, too many people with items shoved up their rearend to have a little fun.

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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2008, 12:48:00 PM »

I have plenty of fun while bowling, but I don't act like a knob-job. Tommy Jones gets pumped up on TV he slaps his hands together, pumps up the crowd, etc, but he doesn't look like a putz. When you look at it, most of the guys who make the show are somewhat demonstrative. The difference here is that there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed, and it seems obvious that Brash Rash just doesn't always know how to keep from crossing them.

If you think that's fun to watch, good for you have fun watching it. Personally, I don't need to see THAT kind of emotion in order for the telecast to be interesting, just like I don't need to see stupid endzone celebrations or poses in order to enjoy watching football.

In the end, it really doesn't matter what any of us think anyhow. It is how his peers react that makes the differene because they are the ones who he's going to hear it from.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2008, 12:55:33 PM »

I have plenty of fun while bowling, but I don't act like a knob-job. Tommy Jones gets pumped up on TV he slaps his hands together, pumps up the crowd, etc, but he doesn't look like a putz. When you look at it, most of the guys who make the show are somewhat demonstrative. The difference here is that there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed, and it seems obvious that Brash Rash just doesn't always know how to keep from crossing them.

If you think that's fun to watch, good for you have fun watching it. Personally, I don't need to see THAT kind of emotion in order for the telecast to be interesting, just like I don't need to see stupid endzone celebrations or poses in order to enjoy watching football.

In the end, it really doesn't matter what any of us think anyhow. It is how his peers react that makes the differene because they are the ones who he's going to hear it from.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345

Gene, you just said exactly what I was saying above, but you said it a whole lot better!  Could not agree with you more man.  I enjoy seeing emotion, but emotion without making yourself look like a complete knucklehead.  Tommy Jones does get pumped up and gets the crowd going, but he doesn't do it when he is beating up on his opponent.  He's also polite to a fault and very courteous to those he bowls against.  Very enjoyable guy to watch.
University at Albany 2007
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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2008, 01:17:11 PM »
It is not always easy to harness one’s emotions.

I’m sure Sean has received some flaming from his competition peers through the years, and he has probably toned down his reactions some.

To say that the kid is a jerk because he’s fiery, well that’s just more inflammatory that his demonstrative ways, since those making such remarks have had the time to think about what they are saying, as opposed to Sean’s impromptu reactions, and still don’t mince words, but rather vent much disapproval.

I’m sure you’ve all also seen Sean cry on television.  Should he try to suppress that emotion as well, which clearly shows that he’s a very sensitive person???

As far as I know, the kid hasn’t directly hurt any one in any way either verbally or physically, unlike some other sports superstars out there that are still being adored for their playing.

Sean displays many different emotions at the highest level on television.  

This fact doesn’t make him a bad guy.  

And it also doesn’t make him a contrived robot.

Give the kid a break.



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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2008, 02:00:45 PM »
I’m sure you’ve all also seen Sean cry on television.

This disturbs me.  Here I thought Sean was a man, only to find out his man card should have been revoked a long time ago!  I just lost a little respect for this "guy".

Only Women and Children Cry over games.


It's a Sheep thing... You wouldn't understand!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2008, 03:09:08 PM »

I have plenty of fun while bowling, but I don't act like a knob-job. Tommy Jones gets pumped up on TV he slaps his hands together, pumps up the crowd, etc, but he doesn't look like a putz. When you look at it, most of the guys who make the show are somewhat demonstrative. The difference here is that there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed, and it seems obvious that Brash Rash just doesn't always know how to keep from crossing them.

If you think that's fun to watch, good for you have fun watching it. Personally, I don't need to see THAT kind of emotion in order for the telecast to be interesting, just like I don't need to see stupid endzone celebrations or poses in order to enjoy watching football.

In the end, it really doesn't matter what any of us think anyhow. It is how his peers react that makes the differene because they are the ones who he's going to hear it from.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345

Gene, you just said exactly what I was saying above, but you said it a whole lot better!  Could not agree with you more man.  I enjoy seeing emotion, but emotion without making yourself look like a complete knucklehead.  Tommy Jones does get pumped up and gets the crowd going, but he doesn't do it when he is beating up on his opponent.  He's also polite to a fault and very courteous to those he bowls against.  Very enjoyable guy to watch.
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All

Watching professional sports is about entertainment.

95 percent of the PBA doesn't entertain me.

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2008, 03:21:21 PM »
i agree you with you.
besides anybody could have lost to barnes.
these guys just need to shut up.


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2008, 06:14:15 PM »
You guys need to get off of your high horses. Rash has committed no crime. Who are you to tell him how to celebrate? If you don't like it, there is a button on your TV that you can us, turn it off, or change the channel. Stop pissing and moaning because he was not as courteous in victory as you would have had him to be. He won, you didn't. Truth be told, he can take all of you critics.

He never claimed to be your children's role model. What he did is no worse than Weber's crotch chop which I also found entertaining.

Quit complaining, you bunch of whining sissys.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain.

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #56 on: May 16, 2008, 07:01:15 PM »
I have no problem at all with Rash. I think he's the future of the PBA. Watch out for next season because he's going to tear it up. He may be young and has emotions but at least he's not a dick like old washed up Eugune McCune.


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2008, 07:14:32 PM »
Cmon. Kinda crap is this. Look at how many professional athletes act like azzes on TV or have criminal histories and are still getting huge sponsorships. As long as the audience likes the athlete, it doesn't matter. I agree with 9~ on this, its good to see something different than a bunch of bowlers with tampons up their butt. The reason I quit watching pro bowling is because it was always too "professional".

I think Sean Rash went overboard. He looked stupid. I'm not a fan of Sean Rash but this is the only time I had a problem with him doing something like this.

Don't change the subject. This isn't about the other athletes that act like an azz. This is about Rash. What he did was the equivalent to a CB tackling a WR short of the first down and jumping up and acting crazy while his team is 20 points down.
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I disagree. I've seen other athletes act much, much worse on tv. Why should bowling be held to some holy standard? I've seen PDW act worse on tv.

Again, too many people with items shoved up their rearend to have a little fun.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

I agree about PDW. I have said about Rash that I didn't have a problem with what he did at first, but then he crossed a line where emotion and having fun turned into him acting like an azz. There was a point where it went from "real emotion" to "contrived emotion". Again, I didn't have a problem with him at first but he crossed a line to where he looked stupid. Have all the emotion you want but couple that with the "act like you've been there before" mentality.

Rash has stated he wants to be the "Tiger Woods" of bowling. Tiger displays that type of emotion winning a tournament not make a 35 ft putt on hole #5 of the first round. If Rash acted like that after winning the gimmick show, I don't have a problem. Because he won something.

(On a side not I should be able to type azz with 2 s)
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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #58 on: May 16, 2008, 07:16:42 PM »
I’m sure you’ve all also seen Sean cry on television.

This disturbs me.  Here I thought Sean was a man, only to find out his man card should have been revoked a long time ago!  I just lost a little respect for this "guy".

Only Women and Children Cry over games.


It's a Sheep thing... You wouldn't understand!

And Tiger
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