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Author Topic: Colossus Supreme  (Read 14790 times)


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Colossus Supreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2002, 01:26:09 PM »
How can a ball that hooks so much get down the lane this easy? That's the question you'll ask after rolling the Supreme down the lane. The Supreme hooks a ton and gets down the lane with an easy to read, smooth and continuous ball motion.

I've drilled 2 of these balls, one with a 4 1/2" pin to PAP distance with the RC placed in the arc position and another the other with a 6" pin to PAP distance and the RC placed in a strong position. Both balls were used on HPL synthetics with a house pattern about 32 feet in length, heavier units 10 to 10 in the heads tapering downlane and about 25 units at the foul line tapering to 4 units at the end of the pattern on boards 1 thru 10. The 4 1/2" ball read the midlane well and gave me a smooth continuous arc while giving no indication of quitting. The 6" ball gave me greater length with a sharper but not violent turn towards the pocket. Both balls were used with the box finish.

The core/cover combination of the Supreme is superb. I've played around with different surfaces and found that the initial ball motion remained while allowing the balls to read the lanes either earlier or later depending on the surface used.


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2002, 11:39:50 AM »
this ball is great...thats all there is to it. i have the black colussus with heavy polish on it and just purchased the supreme...this ball definitely outhooks the black one, but it is really controllable...rolls awesome just like all the morich stuff and impressive is that for a dull ball, it never rolls out. i haven't decided if i will put a little shine on or not, usually the lanes i play on have lots of oil, which is rare these days, so'ill try it out for awhile..and as far as hitting power, nothing hits as hard as a morich ball...the only way to leave a ten pin is if the messenger flies over the top of the ten pin..i have two buzzsaws and the morich stuff hits harder than the diamond core stuff anyday and on any condition
mo and rich, keep making good stuff and hopefully go back to being registered w/ the pba!

Glen Hershberger

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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2002, 05:09:46 PM »
This is in reply to odddood.
Not every ball is for everyone. This must be the case with this ball for you.
This is my BIG HOOKER.I have only had it for a couple of weeks and have had only one series under 700 in the seven outings that i have used this ball.
All i use is MoRich stuff right now and have had great success with them.

3 3/8 Pin
2 3/4 RC
Over 5 7/16  Up 7/16

Glen Hershberger

E-Mail (Elkhart, In.) (The Best Balls out there)


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2002, 02:59:51 PM »
i don't get how one can't get this ball to hook??? i think its drilled unbelievably incorrect if it doesn't hook that much. i have mine really polished and it hooks a ton, more than the black one. and these balls outhit anything on the market....they roll fantastic, especially if you can put some hand in it, they don't over under like a lot of other balls


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2002, 12:52:15 AM »
I've tried almost every so called top performance ball out for the last 3 years and yes this ball will hook but it will also roll straight with your wrist bent back.Ive been ave. around 166 to 185 and when I purchased this ball and on the sixth game I roled my first 300.This ball is very controlable and can be wicked.Relax your arm,thumb at 2:00 pos,slight lift and watch it hit the pocket and clear the deck.

bowler guy

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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2002, 06:17:46 PM »
I just got my Colossus Supreme and couldn't wait to try it out. I have the original Collossus but wanted a little more overall hook for fresher lanes. And hook it does!

The Supreme is at least 15 boards stronger than the original for me. I could play right up the puddle in the middle and the Supreme would go easily down the lane and then make nice turn left. It is a very hard turn, but not one I would classify as a skid/flip reaction. Its move left is very smooth and predictable even though I have the ball drilled stacked. The Supreme also showed no signs of roll out for me (nice considering how deep I was playing)

I found the extreme entry angle and hard roll caused tremendous pin action that carried off hits really well. It also seemed to trip out the corners really well. I was also pleased that I could alter my release a little and I could still get the ball long enough to cover the ten pin (dont plan on leaving many though!)

In my short time with the Supreme so far I have found it to be every thing Mo says it is and more! Heed the warning about the ball hooking to much, I think this ball would be way too much on drier shots. If you are rev challenged bowler who is struggling on the wetter shots, this is your ball!!!

15lbs drilled stacked leverage 3 3/8 with balance hole 1" past VAL on ML, Box finish

PAP 5.25 over .25 up, 18mph, approx 350 revs

Wood, 40 units tapering to ?, 37 feet buff to 41, fresh oil


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2003, 01:05:49 AM »
My brother in law just got this ball and as our hands are almost the same size I decided to give it a test drive...

On Oil, this ball handles it easily and makes a strong move towards the pocket.  On Medium lanes this ball gave a predicatable and continuous hook with no sign of roll out.  How this is possible I don't know.

For my brother in law this ball has been great, and he shot his first 600 series the week after buying it, in fact he shot two.  Great ball.  


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2003, 02:09:20 PM »
Got this ball on the recommendation of the pro shop owner at the lanes where I bowl----the warning is correct---THIS BALL HOOKS!!!!!!
 Left the ball in box condition as far as the surface goes. Set up to hook hard as I am a little"rev challenged" plus I have a little higher ball speed than most. If I read the sheet right it's a 3 3/8th set up with a balance hole. Don't know the specs other than 16lbs . Pin is to the right and above my ring finger---am a righty.  CG is 2" to the right of grip centerline and a little towards the thumb. HOOK IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!
 Standing 35 and playing 15 out to 7 it screams back hard but not uncontrollably---a good hard-hooking but readable oil ball. When they're throwing up rooster tails with other balls this is the one to pull out of your bag. Carry is very good with only one 10 pin left all night. Light hits clear the deck and flush hits result in utter absolute destruction of those defenseless pins---lol. Don't think I've ever thrown a ball that hits this hard but is still readable. I would recommend this ball to anyone who needs a ball for flooded conditions.


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2003, 06:26:20 PM »
Had this ball for a while and I have hust got around to posting a review.  Haven't had a lot of breakthrough series with it on wood lanes, but I have no problem holding my average.  Ball is drilled 3 3/8 x 2 3/8 with the pin slightly above the ring finger.  This ball has a huge backend with more length than I had expected.  Just bowled on synthetics with it last week in a tournament and never bowled a game less than 30 pins over average.  Beautiful reaction and I only left two ten pins all day.  This is a major accomplishment for myself.  Left one 8 - 10 on a shot that I thought just crushed the pocket.  Love this ball and I am thinking of getting a few more MoRich balls to play with in the future.  I give this ball a 9 out of 10 because I feel that the cover requires a lot of maintenance since I gets really shiny and I find myself hitting it with a green scotch brite to keep it active.


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2003, 09:36:14 AM »
Bought this ball about two months ago because of a new house I am bowling at.
LAnes are never the same twice and there is no room for error.  You go outside and forget it your'e lucky to keep it on the lane.  I struggled figuring out this ball and the cover.  I bought a ball that was supposed to hook and at first I was disappointed but now that I figured it out it works great.  In the past nine league nights at different houses I have not shot below 660.  Ball works great on both synthetic as well as wood.  I take a marron scotch brite to the ball after every six games.  The ball glazes over real fast and looses energy.  If I keep up with the cover the ball works great.  The other thing with Morich Balls is you can very easily over throw the balls.  I own the pearlized as well and this is a great 1 - 2 combination for any bag.  Any other suggestions with regards to the supreme would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck and Good Bowling


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2003, 11:13:10 AM »
Help,  I am using this ball and still have not found the best cover for the ball whether it is polished or scuffed.  The condition I am having most trouble with is wooden lanes with a very inconsistant shot. Seems to be a spot on the lane right at the break point where the ball just slides out.  I know I have to adjust but my question would be should I leave the ball scuffed so it still has drive when it hits that spot?  HELP


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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2003, 11:31:21 AM »
I bought a used Supreme so I am not real sure of the condition of the ball. First thing I did was to resurface it with trizact (green then blue). Maybe this is not advised? Anyway, I am VERY impressed with this ball! It is drilled about 3 X 3 with a balance hole (1" X 3 inch deep) way out 7 inches from center line. The RC is nearly directly below the thumb. The ball on a fairly heavy oil pattern gets LOTS of length and, a tremendous backend reaction. It IS possible to throw past the breakpoint with to much speed. I think this ball hits harder than any other ball I have ever thrown. Trips corners out very well! Only problem is like mentioned above by someone it glazes over pretty fast. Maybe this is due to the trizact I used. I am wondering if there would be a stronger drill? Maybe moving the RC right more?



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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2003, 04:25:51 AM »
I'm a stroker with medium revs and low speed (21 km/h)

I needed a ball that outhooked my Columbia Surge (pitty, this ball doesn't excist on the site ). The Surge didn't come enough on patterns with over 42 foot of oil. So I bought this Supreme cause of the nice sticking plaster
This ball NEEDS oil. I played on a tournament with 43(!!) foot of oil, and this was the only ball that hooked. I think this is the ultimate ball for very wet patterns. I think you shouldn't buy this ball to play on medium patterns; it tolls too soon and is about dead in the pins ( u can polish it though)

About the carry? I have only seen 2 balls with more carry in my life (with my style of bowling ofcourse), those are RotoGrip SD-73 & AZO Little Boy. Maybe the apex agression has about the same carry as the colossus...

Conclusion: Most agressive ball I've ever seen, early roll, nice backend.

Reporting from The Netherlands,

*Life begins at 180*

Reporting from The netherlands

Plane Facts

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Re: Colossus Supreme
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2003, 04:47:16 PM »
The Colossus Supreme is most certainly without a doubt one of the most powerful balls ever manufactured.

I set mine up 3x3/8 x 3x3/8 and ended up with 3/8 positive side weight, 2 oz top weight, and a touch of finger weight.  Gross weight after drilling is 14 LBS.

This layout has proven suitable on a range of lane conditions varying from most typical league patterns, to longer heavier patterns used in more progressive associations and tournaments.

As long as there is enough oil to allow this ball to rev up it will deliver a hit that is out of this world, just crushes the deck.  Playing up the boards with a good amount of speed, moving inside and swinging, not a problem on either line.

When the heads dry up this ball will let you know it’s time for the bag, but use it on the environment it was designed for and prepare to be impressed.

Over all this is just a really sweet ball. I was upset at the fact Morich lost it’s PBA certification, I bowled in the first stop of the senior’s tour last weekend in Chillicothe,OH pro AM event and placed 30th out of 102 total, I believe if I would have used the Colossus supreme I would have finished in the top five or perhaps even better.

Mike Anoles AKA Plane Facts