Looks like there is a page up for it already. I love my other 2 venoms. The Toxin was the ball that got me to switch to mostly throwing Motiv now.
only thing i don't understand is if you have the "toxin" you only get a tad more hook out of the shock...52-50...back end and length are both the same
That's usually how it works with any ball in the same family. You want a bigger reaction then you go with something else. The Venom Strike and Venom Toxin are similar, but not exact. I have mine drilled exactly the same but they offer me enough difference that I can switch up when necessary. The Strike handles the oil a tad better but the Toxin is stronger off the dry. Neither is really stronger than the other.
With this release, it will give even more pop than the previous two, but will not be a huge jump. This is great for fine tuning, and especially useful on sport shots. If you only bowl at one house on the same house shot every week, then perhaps there is no point in having this if you have the Toxin and/or Strike. But if you bowl multiple houses on multiple conditions, it makes total sense. It's the same reason why people buy multiple versions of the same ball but drill and/or use a different surface on each.